Does anyone know if Alex Jones took his idea about the CIA looking for people with high psychic ability...

Does anyone know if Alex Jones took his idea about the CIA looking for people with high psychic ability, a will to interact with higher beings and a high IQ then using those people to interact with those beings by turning their heart off and pumping oxygen and dmt into them from a book?

Sounds cool and I want to read it if so, the idea of the government holding university students in a room under their campus and watching them talk to demons is horrifying

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Other urls found in this thread:

will also settle for psychic kids being taken by the cia

Holy shit what a first sentence, user. You should write a fucking book full of those kind of sentences. Please, it'd be amazing.

I did and everyone who read it called me gay

Mods, PLEASE do not delete this. I am absolutely convinced that Alex Jones is the greatest artist of our time, perfectly breaching the standard of pseudo-outsider-art that Modernism so violently forced upon us.

Where can I find the best compilation of his work without getting shuffled immediately into a CIA bunker?

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Alex is woke as fuck

He said it himself that None Dare Call it a Conspiracy was the book which set him on this path. I don't think it covers that shit though. You have to dive down the conspiracy rabbit hole for specifics. I don't know a book about that specific idea, but all this conspiracy shit is connected. MK Ultra is probably the best starting point. There was also some shit in the Vault 7 leak which referred to the CIA doing remote viewing and astral travelling experiments. So much of the shit out there is either bullshit or red herrings by design so you need a lot of fortitude and good judgement if you really want to dive into this shit.

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By “higher beings,” do you mean inter dimensional aliens with saurian avatars that tie your neurons in a knot in a hecatomb devised by the fourth-to-last Pope who read the Nag Hammadi on a toilet when he was pushing out a compact turd?

If so, then yes to whatever you said.

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When will he be counted alongside Levinas for establishing a contemporary Ethics-as-Metaphysics debate?

While I was looking for an image to post this with, I made the unfortunate discovery that MK Ultra erotica exists. Here are some other keywords that may prov helpful: Project monarch, project mockingbird and project blue beam. Again, we have no way of knowing how much of this shit is true and how much of it is deep cover, never forget this.

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yeah but extra mean

Plot idea for you, if you take it you have to dedicate your novel to user:
"Dead zone" style setup where some guy has a psychic connection to aliens who are constantly trying to tempt him to sin so they can consume his free will, but for some reason he has a strong moral compass and refuses them, doubts his mental health but hasn't found a cure and hasn't been able to shut the voices down either. Maybe he was raised old school roman catholic or something, he's got some kind of awesome moral base that keeps him from succumbing to the alien voices in his head.
One day he's doing something and he sees somebody follow the directions that the voices in his head were telling him to do. He stealthily follows this person and discovers the conspiracy.
To overcome the conspiracy he's going to have to dive deeper into his dark psychology and sift through until he can find the good angels who reach into his mind and help him shut down the millennia long plot. Maybe he dies or something.

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you watched the alex jones and joe rogan podcast as well?

This interview curbstomped my amygdala.
This interview lit cigarettes and put them out on my tongue.
This interview derailed my train of thought and no one can look away.
This interview might have induced a classic mid20s male schizophrenia.
Maybe one of the most post-postmodern performances yet. Purely earnest. Jesus fuck. Wow. Glad I watched this.

yeah, it was so fun.

which one is it?

the joe rogan and alex jones thing that just went up. Drunk listening to it is the closest experience to a simulated schizophrenic break. Highly recommend.
Just incredibly scattered and the personalities work together pretty well. Worth the time.

I have minor clairvoyant ability, even though most people here won't believe that. It's real, guys. This stuff is not imaginary. Well, some of it surely is. But auras are 100% real and I can tell you that firsthand. I also believe in precognitive dreams, astral travel and several other phenomena that have many reports of them online, but these I haven't experienced myself yet so I won't speak on them. But auras/visual energies are 100% real, and can be seen by the inner eye within your physical body being "open". You know ghosts? Those are real too, representing the etheric layer of the subtle body. The eye which ghosts see from is one of the ones which see auras and subtler energies that surpass ordinary physical matter. Perception is vibration - and auras represent a higher vibration of perception.

You don't have to believe me, that's understandable. Most people on Yea Forums are larpers, as it were. I probably sound like /x/ one. But look into auras if you have interest, it's really cool actually. That every person has an energy signature which hovers around their body as a set of colors. And if you can read them, you can learn about people even before you become acquainted with them. I'm still a beginner, and can't see them too well. But I'm trying to get better and eventually see them really clearly.

There is definitely stuff going on in government that the public is kept in the dark on. CIA, MK Ultra, Illuminati and related, it's all connected. Don't know what they're up to, though.

the crunchtime channel on youtube is pretty good.

I think accels are breeding these threads and should be filtered

Alex Jones is a world government agent hired to discredit legitimate concerns with thorough sprinkling of lunatic rambling interspersed with facts

This was a fun podcast. I am missing the fuck out by not having friends to shoot the shit with like this. Oh man.


Id say more than sprinkled

Wait there’s a new one? Did rogan actually grow a pair and get alex back on?

Alex jones is an expert in conspiracy theories.

Conspiracy theories, whether you believe them are not, are the greatest form of collaborative fiction ever made.

There are countless documents you can find online of secret CIA programs that have to do with psychics and remote viewing.


alex jones himself is the greastest Saturday night live character SNL never made, and could never make, especially in this sjw era.

He is the greatest wrestling manager.

Actual conspiracy theorists think he is controlled opposition. Normalfags think he is a conspiracy theorist.
In all likelihood, he is just a con man who can talk a lot and wants to make money

did noticing the podcast today make anyone else extremely happy

See you fags in five hours

go watch it now

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enjoy. I think I lost IQ points but it felt so good

>open up clip of latest show
>"NASA is the actual government joe"

Thats like some pynchone shit hahaha

interesting thread on dmt/aliens/demons.

I like Alex Jones as a joke, and I like the Joe Rogan podcast in general but I think Rogan forgets sometimes just how much influence his podcast has over a certain demographic. I mean, just look at this thread. Alex Jones scares kids that don't know better, and it's good in a way but it's bad in another way because it can really set young people down on a path of alienation and a sort of skepticism that makes you see things that aren't actually there. the hardest part of conspiracy theories are that they're plausible most of the time. just because something is plausible, doesn't mean it's the truth.

anyone with a fucking brain can watch alex jones and use reason and referencing knowledge they already have to decide whats fluff and what interesting fringe gold nuggets he relays.
and also get the fuck off Yea Forums you nerd

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Yeah anything with a brain. Too bad kids are brainless dipshits that are easy to manipulate and influence.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think Rogan shouldn't have had Jones on the podcast again. I think he's fucking hilarious and the Alex Jones podcasts are easily his best ones. It's just ridiculous watching people on a literature board on Yea Forums of all places believe in shit like auras and higher beings, or at the least even think it might be plausible thanks to motherfucking Alex Jones of all people. Not that OP specifically thinks it's possible or plausible, he didn't explicitly imply that himself.

too bad. I think your platonic cave is a bit naive

I smoked DMT with a few friends experimenting with "natural" highs.

I had a horrifying experience that put me back on the course with god.
There are inter-dimensional demons and they want to destroy humans

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i love jones because he riles up normal fag retards like you. like everytime he comes up i can just feel the pulsating and seething rage of the neocon and neoliberal through the computer

Dude Yea Forums has been occultist/mommy blog for a while. It started when people got unironic about the far right type stuff.
Something about fascism and superstition draw the same crowd. See also their weird bastardized version of christianity they mostly derived from LARPers.

havent you read kant?

You cant really be sure of anything you know

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When i was a kid i died. I went to the deep side of a swimming pool and drowned. And i died. Like actually died. When i was dead i had an out of body experience. They had drug my body out of the pool and i was standing across from them. Everything was glowing and it was warm. like the loving warmth you would expect form heaven.
Then the life guard gave me mouth to mouth, i got sucked back into my body, and then i went home.

I dont really like the christ tard larpers on here. I was raised catholic and like all good Catholics, i became an atheist.

After my edgy atheist phase i dabbled in occultism and paganism. Now, occultism was my bag. I was a fucking natural. I just fucking got it.

Im not as hardcore into it as i used to be though.

I have left paganism after a mishap with the greek god of dreams.

I dont very much like the god of Abraham and its religions.
I guess im a bit of a Gnostic now.

But i also read all the great philosophers, and about aesthetics, and science and math, etc

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you're cool. i hope you have good dreams tonight

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Kinda weird that this guy and Jones come to the same conclusion at the end.


the idea that aliens are actually demons from hell and not creatures from space is actually pretty deep conspiracy lore.

Another theory is that aliens are from other dimensions and not space and have been appearing to humans for centuries in different forms (fairys, angels, witches, etc)

Alister crowley claimed to have summoned a demon and he made a drawing of it. pic related. Now mind you, this was before the alien age

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I doubt that. Here’s a video of him doing the same shtuck in 1997, but for free.

Interesting, do you know of any literature on the subject or are you simply relatying odds and ends you've come across?

The thing is, there will be no way to determine that aliens are not demons, unless they preach the gospels.

The conspiracy lore of all this does go deep. It’s nothing new either. Jones has been somewhat on to it for years but never went the whole way until recently. Michael Tsarion, David Icke, and now Jones have all opined. End of Evangelion is unironically an iteration of it (indigo children, fallen angels, transhumanism). As others have mentioned Crowley, John Dee, Vrim, the ancient ‘baskets’ of the gods, stargates, Atlantis, all have a viewpoint. Marduk as an extraterrestrial Satan. As far as literature goes: Book of Enoch Childhood’s End, the gnostic stuff of PK Dick, as far as movies The Visitor. Really it all comes from Enoch and this concept of annunaki or angel/human hybrids.

I haven’t actually read these but the Illumintus Trilogy may have something to offer also. Even Harold Bloom has his disavowed fictional book The Flight of Lucifer.

I meant Vril

>we have no way of knowing how much of this shit is true and how much of it is deep cove
This. This. This. It's like the CIA docs on remote viewing. Is it more likely it's possible, or that the CIA want's other intelligence agencies to waste time/money on ESP? Or maybe that's the double psy-op.

I'm an atheist. My life isn't great, but it isn't terrible, like most of the average depressed posters on this board.
You people are telling me that if I believe, and truly believe and not just for the sake of itself, and start searching for truth in spiritual sources, my life will probably improve assuming I'm intelligent enough to study the right things?

What are your personal beliefs guys? These subjects don't get discussed much on Yea Forums. I'm curious to know your worldviews. Do you believe in Flat Earth like me, and that "outer space" is a fabrication? What about the artificiality of our Moon? What about the Illuminati as running our world and bombarding us with Satanic symbolism? Orchestrating the chaos of our societies? What about Antarctica being a Hub/HQ for non-human entities? A worldwide pedophilia cult? The Vatican as a center for Satanism, through which the Illuminati operate? The staging of shootings, like Vegas? I could go on. And no, I don't care if I sound like an idiot to you. I think for myself and I'm okay with looking like a fool if that's the case. If you only believe what your mainstream authorities have told to you, you are literally no different the Plato's prisoners and you shouldn't feel proud of yourself for not exercising independent thought, or being part of the mainstream. These are not achievements, no, quite the opposite. And my beliefs are not rigid, merely views I presently entertain.

I can tell you, as the auraposter from earlier, that spiritual realities do not present themselves to those not open to them. Rather, the openness to them is like the aperture on one's ability to experience them. It doesn't mean that you being closed-minded to them closes them off to you, but it certainly has an effect to that end. Our minds really do create our realities to some degree, and what you allow yourself to believe in dictates what you allow yourself to perceive of. What I'd advise to you is to look, with a rational yet open-mind, into the following realms:
-chakras, auras
-psychic abilities (precognitive dreams, clairvoyance, etc)

I had a few, non-fluff resources on them but I can't remember the specific titles. Just try and find ones that are scientific-minded and not more airy-fairy, and judge it all for yourself. I don't know about your life improving - this stuff has no relation to one's mental well-being, but if you want to know of higher realities than this ordinary and commonplace one, you can definitely benefit by going down this road. I haven't always been able to see auras, it awakened in me some point during a spiritual journey. The very same thing could happen to you. These things are called Siddhi's in the Eastern traditions, meaning, attainments from meditative practises. Many or maybe any can attain them, if they follow these practises.

Good for you user.

Thank you. :)

My girlfriend is a "witch" and practices tarot and reads stars and all that shit. She says the same thing about openness.
Her readings are always terribly accurate, and she's never been wrong about a judgment in character in my experience, but I always chalk her readings up to broad coincidences that just happen to strike the same notes in lots of people, and people take these coincidences to mean the universe is working according to some system. It's just really hard for me to get on board because I've never had the experiences personally, and in order to believe in this shit you HAVE to experience yourself or else there's no other proof.

What are your personal views? I found that interesting, things like EoE referencing this stuff. Are these creators "in the know", and covertly spilling hidden secrets to the public? Or merely exercising artistic freedom, and dabbling into such themes? But yeah, what are your views on such matters? I'm interested in and researching everything you spoke of there. Those ancient "handbags/baskets" really get to me. What the heck were those beings? They had wings...fallen angels? Are these what the Bible referenced? Is Yahweh the same as Anu?

>tfw no witch gf
That's understandable, as I said, remain rational at all times. The biggest misnomer people take is that spirituality is contrary to reality, and that people into this stuff are "violating science" or some other nonsense like that. Reality is reality. If there are ghosts in reality, then there are ghosts in reality. If there are auras, there are auras. If precog-dreams are real, then they're real. If fortune-telling is real, then so it is. I can't comment on your girlfriend and the authenticity of her abilities. But evaluate it with an open-mind, asking yourself all the questions you'd ask in any realm. Replicibility, success rate, inability to "cheat", etc. Reducing the possibility of coincidences and phenomena like the "Foror effect". In your case it's nice you have someone so close to you, who you're in a relationship with. If it were a stranger you'd paid a reading for, it'd be different. Spiritualism has so many frauds within it, it's really sad, that one can't really trust many people working in the field. Hence why I understand so many not believing in this stuff, thinking it's a load of junk. But in your case it's your loved one, so you have a much more intimate and also safe window into this world. Use it wisely. And try and pursue your own "abilities" if you desire to, since it's the direct, firsthand experience that convinces you best. Like you said. See if you can astral travel (should've added that to my list above), or precognitive-dream, or remote view, or do what your girlfriend does, or so on.

religion give morality, purpose, and community.
Personally i dont believe in the god of Abraham. I dislike Christianity, Judaism, and islam.
The books of religions were written by man.

All of this being said, who is to say that the universe wasnt created by something. I dont know what that thing is, and the christ tards, kike tards, and jihadi tards dont know either

The majority of people in this world can only conceive of god as yaweh.
Even the atheists are trapped in his cage

>MK Ultra is probably the best starting point. There was also some shit in the Vault 7 leak which referred to the CIA doing remote viewing and astral travelling experiments.
The Stargate Project was already fully declassified in 1995, not in any "Vault 7 leaks". The worse thing about government secrecy is it breeds this sort of massive waste of resources... same thing with MKUltra, it was a total failure besides being unethical. It's funny that conspiracytards keep citing these without actually realizing it disproves their own interpretation of reality.

>Again, we have no way of knowing how much of this shit is true and how much of it is deep cover, never forget this.
That's not how it works. Seriously mentally ill people really do believe they're being "gangstalked" or were sex slaves to Henry Kissinger. Same thing with cases of alien abductions, people really do believe such things. You just have psychotics confronting a modern narrative that can explain everything for them and feels right.

Intelligence agencies are filled with individuals just as gullible as in the general public who will fall victim to grifters offering their "services" for remote viewing or other pseudoscientific skills for a price. Same with how dimwits in law enforcement became Very Concerned about the issue of Satanic Cults and human sacrifice in the 1980s.


You should stop smoking weed, it puts you at a high risk of developing schizophrenia later in life.

>Flat Earth
>I think for myself
This is a pretty nice shitpost.

You have to think for yourself to believe in something so zany as FE. Whether you agree with it or not, FE is not something you come to by being a sheep.

Sorry but I know a few nutcases, and they became convinced of Flat Earth simply because of retarded infographics like pic related.

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What afuckind chad

sounds like not enough oxygen reaching your brain.

>besides being unethical
As if the fucking government cares whether they're being ethical or not.

NASA is an unbelievably shady organization and that alone gives people reason to distrust them. I'm not a FE follower, but I have my own views on NASA and also recent stunts like Tesla's "starman" or Virgin's "Galactic" launch. It's not difficult to fall into believing in such levels of conspiracy and distrust for authorities, especially when you have witnessed things like Pedogate. That completely changed my world, and made me question my societies so much more heavily. I also RP'd myself on occultic symbolism, which has further driven me to distrust for mainstream authorities.