I know I'm slave and fleshpilled for indulging in earthly pleasures but if I don't my genitals get really uncomfortable and even start to hurt. Any books on this feel and how to avoid it/control it?
I'm going to fap
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Shut up, faggot. Be a man and control yourself. Stop fucking whining. You have full control what you do with your body. No one’s pressing a gun to your temple, telling you they’ll shoot you if you don’t unzip. Jesus Christ. Quit being such a faggot. Come back when you’ve read a book.
Fap, but keep yourself on check OP, don't Fap more than once a day, it's easy to go on no fap because there is a moment where you will no longer miss masturbation, this is where the fool lies to himself, thinking that, this is controlling one self, to control the self, it's not enough to seize all desires, but you also need to keep your body maintained, by fapping, but not with desire, you are becoming the one with control of itself
>stroke pp bad
>but if I don't my genitals get really uncomfortable and even start to hurt.
Your image shows your mindset. You view and think these thoughts which in turn makes your body gear for what it anticipates will be sexual activity that will soon ensue. This is your own fault for failing to practice continence mentally. If you had, you would have prevented this process from unfolding.
>Any books on this feel and how to avoid it/control it?
Unironically Kellogg's Plain Facts for Old and Young.
>mfw I've decided to corrupt myself and dedicate my life to being a trap slut
Never felt better.
Then go have a fucking fap and come back to reading you moron.
I get really bad pains in my groin after two weeks of nofap.
Not OP but any sexual release lobotomizes me for at least 12 hours and takes all motivation to read away and I will not read a page or do any intellectually heavy work unless I force myself to.
Can I cum up your butt, user?
Same here. If I haven't fapped for a couple of days I truly become a productive machine. But it comes at the cost of being so horny that my chest hurts whenever I see a woman anywhere. Just can't win.
You are not readin something that interests enough then.
How the fuck can someone lose all "motivation" with just one nut? Go have a fap, rest and do your shit for some time and go back tor reading when you feel like it.
Embrace the horned pain.
Reject all womens.
Then, on your 40th birthday, you will have become a wizard.
>one short life
>not enjoying one the greatest pleasures you can experience
that wizard title must be really lucrative
>>not enjoying one the greatest pleasures you can experience
Eat a ton of amphetamines/mdma, put a buttplug up your ass, a rubber band around your balls and jerk off and edge for hours. You can thank me later.
>one the greatest pleasures you can experience
Lmao. Dopamine tests already prove it wrong. You can have the same amount of released dopamine with a wank that is equivelent to sex.
Autists can also have close amounts of release with their video games. Same can be applied to any other hobby that you have a deep passion for.
There are many of other "obscure" drugs that make a dopamine release that is 100x times stronger than even the most lustful and passionate sex you can imagine.
Opposite for me. My horniness decreases with abstinence, which is one reason why I even engage in it.
Imagine being this much of a souless reductionist. Is this really how you experience life? Like a chemical robot. That's depressing af.
>I know I'm slave and fleshpilled for indulging in earthly pleasures
Any material pleasure is transitory. Working out or jerking off, it's all the same thing in that it is always fleeting. If abstaining from jerking off is not serving you, then I don't see why you'd tough it out for no reason.
Fapping isn't bad by itself, as long as it's done in moderation. Using porn though fucks with your brain. If you can't get off without it, you've got a problem.
Also, if you're gonna fap, do it in the evening so that you're not a lazy slug for the rest of the day.
I never understood the masturbation makes people tired thing. I've never experienced it.
Not same guy but this is a dumb retort. Even without reducing to dopamine counting, there are a ton of things that are simply better than sex. Perceptually, viscerally, and transcendentally better. Cumming inside my girlfriend is a 7 sometimes an 8. Catching a big fish on the fly rod is a 10 (for me).
>wahh wahh just have sex and "experience life" brah why shouldnt i do that!?
>*shows that his particular hedonistic world view is full of shit and gives stronger examples*
>omg you are such a souless being, jesus man, what a complete robot.
Its laughable how the typical "hedonistic" "woke" normie so quickly jumps into spiritualities and arguements about the "soul" the moment he is presented with something that is a bit more "extreme" than their narrow world view.
Same. If anything it's energizing. A good fugg tho? I'll just pass the fuck out afterwards.
It's hilarious that you think my worldview is narrow when you're the one who's reduced all pleasure to measurable dopamine levels. SEETHING.
I think you missed the point. I'd agree with about the subjectivity of pleasure. That stands in contrast to the autist who experiences it as varying levels of dopamine recorded in studies.
>Implying it wasnt you who started bragging about "muh pleasure" in the first place.
>"all pleasure to measurable dopamine levels"
Implying it isnt lmao.
Who said anything about sex? I meant experiencing love and having another person trust you enough to share affectionate and intimate moments with you. Sex is an amplifier to all of that, but definitely not the end goal.
Masturbation only feels good if I masturbate to hentai girls. It's catharsis. It's everything I ever want.
3D women are not only subpar, they don't do it for me on emotional level and a grand majority of porn is disgusting.
based and cumpilled
>Well you see this scientist says here that my experience with video induces an approximately 3% increase in dopamine levels over the love and intimacy you experience with your devoted and caring spouse whom you have years worth of shared fond memories.
same desu
A thit moment of age it has become useless unless you are some uber ripped dude that can easily snag a girlfriend.
In the current state of tecnology and organization you no longer need a family to survive like in feudal times, and you can have the same amounts of pleasure doing much cheaper things than working out and multilating yourself to get paired with a girl that already had multiple partners and doesnt see anything that special in you to begin with.
Cute fantasy.
This level of ""normie"" rage when it is proven that their relationship ego boosting trophies are not worth the trouble in today's time.
>unironically living the incel meme
Only a girl can save you from this. Pulling yourself up will only hurt. You need help from someone to overcome yourself, though I know it is not an enjoyable idea to have to rely on something other than you.
Honestly, this would worry me
>working out to get laid
>not working out to test your limits as a man
>not being addicted to making physical progress
>Implying he is wrong
>Thinking that "incels" even agree with that
Incels openly ackowledge that sex is the ultimate goal in life dingus. Maybe the insecure incel here is you.
>He really thinks that his workout is to appeal to some "spiritual" form of being a "man" and is not doing it so he can flex and get a feeling of superiority as his mating mamal behaviour actually tells.
Quit lying to yourself user.
Check out this website, OP.
There are a multitude of ways to stem, eliminate or even sublimate arousal in order to avoid loss of seminal fluid, even in the presence of a maximally stimulating object. My guess is, however, that this is the least of your problems and that you could start by cleaning-your-fucking-room and getting-a-fucking-job.
>b-but I don't want to work at mcdonalds
Then again, if you worked there for a few weeks you'd realize you're more reprehensible and depraved than every other person who walks in. In fact, you'd be better suited to mop floors, since no one wants a reprobate like you handling their food. What's worse is that you're probably in denial of the fact that your addiction makes you no better than a drug addicted whore and the inner demons you've given free reign to in your head make you hate anyone who's honest enough to tell you.
I don't want a job though.
I can tell you have not derived pure pleasure from the pain of physical exercise in your life. Try it user, it's good for you.
>Grug no like when see things in the chemical level
>reductionism is cheating for Grug
Doesn't mean you're not contributing to society. Only for you your contribution is setting the example of how to be a male whore who fucks himself all day.
Do you have an ideal vision of yourself? A concept of self actualization? Do you strive to acheive it? Or do you only see yourself with so much loathing that you have project the excess onto the world at large?
Has Yea Forums always been a sister board to /r9k/?
NoFap as test of the will is something you should engage in, but these memes about "super powers" need to cease
For maximal power you should fap when you least feel like it, and not with porn obviously. This is not a pleasurable activity but an expelling of clouding sexual energy, you focus on the motion of your hand moving up and down the shaft, for however long it takes until ejaculation, and then put your mind to working on other things
When desire hits you, a sudden shower of freezing water does the trick nicely. As you would spray a "bad dog" for not doing as told. You must train your body to obey, a tool of the mind. Always honed, always at the ready.
You should be able to break apart instinct from the usually associated action, seperating arousal from orgasm is just one of many first steps to true self mastery
Self control >>>>> pleasures of the flesh
It's an inbred child of /pol/ and /r9k/.
I have for a couple of years, but quited after realising the whole bullshit effort of it just to gain a tiny bit of weight. Paying monthly to go into a gym early in the morning 3 or more days a week to flex your muscles, putting up with all kinds of assholes and flexers while eating a diet that you dont have the stomach for and counting calories just because some shitty dating coach on the internet or some gym enthusiast told you that it is "manly" it totally worth it eh?
Well not for me.
Ideals are wheels in the head that people drill into you, if its called "ideal" then you know its a bullshit point of reference in space. I much prefer to do whatever i want and feel like, for example, reading than trying to appeal to an ideal, or a ghost. I am not even slightly worried with those concepts of forced "self actualization" and "strive to achive it" memery if they are not in my will and self-interest.
Sexual abstinence is like a low dose CNS stimulant. Of course it give you an advantage and the superpowers are thus real.
>Working to become the best possible version of yourself is not in your self interest
This is scientology tier psedoscience. Congrats on being a cultist.
It hurts because you keep looking at erotic imagery while pretending you're resisting. In that case there's no point, just fap and continue being your slavish self. It's a matter of desexualising your mind.
>Working to become the "best" possible version of "yourself" compared to ideal other people defined for you from their slave morality driven interests is not in your self interest.
That is actually pretty true.
Retard. Sex with a woman is completely different to masturbation, muh linear levels of pleasure muh dopamine is all bullshit. There's a difference in what your brain is doing, it can tell the difference whether or not you believe it to be the same.
I get what you're saying, as for myself I think exercising for health reasons and moderate masturbation would give me the most long-term pleasure.
Now I see why you don't like it. I work out in my homemade gym in my back yard and it's quite meditative. No stupid music blasting, no retarded gym rats and no trainers telling you what to do. It's just me and some iron. Also you don't have to follow some bullshit diet, just eat more healthy shit and less unhealthy shit. I'm not huge or aesthetic, but I do enjoy me a session every other day.
I wrote erotic fanfic daily for years, so it's been hard for me, but I've come a long way towards total abstinence. I've gone from jerking off up to three times a day to up to three times a month. I feel much better in general than I used to. I can't recommend it enough.
Not previous user.
>Sex with a woman is completely different to masturbation, muh linear levels of pleasure muh dopamine is all bullshit.
Retard mongo shit. Even women have more pleasure using those fancy sex toys for masturbation than actual penetrative sex. If that shit is so hard to believe just go see any shitty pornstar interview or something.
Dismissing scientific studies just for the sake of it isnt doing anything.
You're a fool.
Philosophy is egotistical masturbation of the mind and doing it is as bad as fapping try to prove me wrong
He said nothing about other people.
You fucking retard, sex is not merely some linear grading of pleasure. You sound like the retards that obsess over suffer vs. pleasure, when these things don't actually exist, convenient labels that have no place in details, and the human is much more complex.
You don't know anything about philosophy. Being simple-minded is fine though just don't try and project that outwards
The highest philosophy is about dissolving the ego.
Actually, why isn't everyone saging and reporting and telling the OP to kill himself? This isn't /r9k/.
>Suffering and pleasure don't exist
What did he mean by this?
Real shit
>pleasure doesnt exist
>sex is some spiritual honga bonga bullshit that i tell you to believe
>He thinks ideals are not an alien form that other people drill you into believing.
because Yea Forums isn't filled with edgy teenage assholes like you
No, instead it's full of useless whiners who think the board is about making them feel better instead of being about literature and philosophy. I'd honestly rather have the edgelords.
So, the Nietzschean Overman is someone who wouldn't try to reach an ideal, but someone who would just do whatever feels good at the moment?
Exactly what i mean, two mind masturbators
This is a discussion of ethics, dumbass.
>obsess over suffer vs. pleasure, when these things don't actually exist
This must be some pseudo buddhism shit filled person talking.
Dont know why you are bringing Nietz into the topic, just because i mentioned "slave morality". But nevertheless my answer would be to do whatever the fuck i want and not follow some blind ideal that other people set for you.
Whatever anyone says to you that you disagree with, you will assume them to just be mentally masturbating. This is the sort of stubbornness that borders on schizophrenia. There really is no problem with being a simpleton.
In your view, people shouldn't even think about what would make them better people and should just blindly follow their desires?