What are the essential texts i should read to understand Gnosticism and Gnostic ideas and themes?
What are the essential texts i should read to understand Gnosticism and Gnostic ideas and themes?
The refutation by Hippopotamus and the Nagi Hammadi library.
gnosis by kurt rudolph
the nag hammadi scriptures
So gnostics think that God is evil and that the serpent was Jesus?
Call him Yahweh, but yeah, YHWH is evil and Christ (don't take usages of words like "serpent" literally) is tasked with saving our dumbasses
What is the best edition of the Nag Hammadi Library? I've heard that this one is pretty bad
I read poimandres and the key, from c.h. and asclepius from the logos teleios. Felt like a cheaper bhagavad gita or platonic dialogue
Read it yourself and see if it's bad you dimwit
This shit is toxic and life-denying if you take it to its conclusion, but it's also completely fascinating. You might want to start with the Neoplatonists if you haven't already.
lmao is that a frikkin tide pod
Did you intentionally post an image representing a philosophy that stands in complete contradiction to the one you were actually asking about?
Yeah, he did, but what else do you expect from Yea Forums, see below for another example
>start with the Neoplatanists
It only uses gender neutral words, replacing things like "Son of Man" with "Child of Humanity"
And this is a problem
Try to get the pure James M. Robinson pic related version.
Your pic is a nu-academic corruption of the original shat out by publishing companies for no other purpose than $$$.
Pro tip: when it comes to gnosticism, avoid everything that has "Marvin Meyer" and "Elaine Pagels" attached to it. I can't even describe how monumentally retarded they are.