Do you guys have any books coming in the mail?

do you guys have any books coming in the mail?

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I tend to pre-order a ton of shit.
> Confirmation Bias: Inside Washington’s War Over the Supreme Court, from Scalia’s Death to Justice Kavanaugh by Carl Hulse
> The Death of Democracy: Hitler's Rise to Power and the Downfall of the Weimar Republic by Benjamin Carter Hett
>Exhalation by Ted Chiang
>Exposed by Jean-Philippe Blondel
>Lie with Me by Philippe Besson
>Like this Afternoon Forever by Jaime Manrique

>Like this Afternoon Forever by Jaime Manrique
this looks based af

It's free

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lol they'll just send you books for free?



They guy who's apparently getting his books for free aside, remember to don't give Amazon your money, anons.

why not?

Amazon is an evil company and I unironically want Bezos to die in game but those prices are undeniable

OP is likely cumming in a male.

south american third worlder, ordered the recognitions in january 10th of 2019, which had to be imported by the store, estimated delivery was for 13th of february, still nothing. Asked them, they now said it is expected to arrive at least in 10th of march.
Fucking shit. Glad the tunnel and m&d already arrived.

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So Amazon is amazing?

damn I'm in the US and have literally ordered hundreds of books from various retailers and they've always arrived on time. hope you like the tunnel

did you respond to the right think tardanon?

yeah, I have ordered from amazon, bookdepository and even from this same store, thought it also takes a long time (around 1 month) for imported books, it always arrived on time, but this time it is taking a ridiculously long time. Currently reading it and it is great so far, page ~130, it is somewhat close to what I was expecting and I love the format of the book, its crudeness..
I'd guess after the tunnel, the only next step would be bottom's dream?

there's JR still

I'm trying not to use Amazon lately and instead ordering books through my local bookshop instead.

based and true

>paying for books
when will you retards learn

>having a collection of thousands of epubs which you will never read
when will you redditors learn

How are you going to build a fort out of all of your books to use as a place to read if you don't own physical copies?

I've bought like 30 books over the past 6 months.
For about 500 $

Ordered some cheap penguin editions which will arrive tomorrow
>White nights
>The death of Ivan Ilyich
>Seven hanged

No. I've decided I need to read more books than I buy
So I'm not buying a new book until I finish at least 85% of the books I haven't read yet

Ooh, I didn't know Ted Chiang had a new book on the way. Thanks for the heads up.

You're in for a good time, solid selection

>not having a good looking, well preserved copy of a book you bought when you were 20 to give your grandchildren

>he fell for the reproduction meme

This is the worst fucking feel. I know it too well.


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>now we can have stack threads before our stacks even arrive

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Bookdepository has free shipping so they can basically do all manner of evils and I'll still buy from them.If there was an alternative I'd use it but I'm not paying half the cost of a book in shipping if I can avoid it. Pic related make me want to an hero


Pretty sure Blackwells has free shipping.

I'm betting you both are lefty/liberal fucksticks who shitpost about the evils of capitalism yet irl are unrepentant consumers who cheer whenever a corporation pays lip service to your supposed causes or deplatforms your political opponents. Fucking hypocrites.

imagine unironically being in favour of Bezos haha.

Imagine being against Bezos but being so soft willed that you prop up his monopolies anyway.

Imagine propping up shitty strawmen to distract from your own moral and political hypocrisy.

Amazon for books was unironically an amazing thing. It’s one of the few industries which requires an unlimited stock room so we don’t have to rely on bookstore owners bias. I seriously doubt I’d have ever been able to find the majority of my obscure reads if it weren’t for Amazon. Also it gives writers another distribution path other than a publisher and selling books out of their car (which people used to do).

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>Imagine propping up shitty strawmen to distract from your own moral and political hypocrisy.
Imagine being so presumptuous as to guess at my political thoughts. Hating Amazon is a bipartisan issue, mate.

i'll give my money to anyone who wants to take the least amount of it. fuck you moralfags.

Well as an Australian every other book store has completely fucked up prices plus shipping

Book Depository is generally cheaper than Amazon for Australia (though book depository is owned by amazon).

Yeah, I order from Book Depository.

The only thing that annoys me about Book Depository is that they will ship multiple items separately on different days instead of putting them all in the same box.

I've always just assumed they have different warehouses. But, yes, it can be quite frustrating.

I have used copies of Pan by Knut Hamsun and The sailor who fell from grace by Mishima coming in the mail.

I really want to order Metaphysics of War, The metaphysics of sex by Evola and Decline of the west by Spengler. Each one of those books are $20 though

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Hardcover or paperback? What is better?


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How do I get Amazon to give me books for free?

I very rarely buy books, becasue most of them you can a free pdf of online, in fact if you really take the time to look probably anything is online
The only thing worth buying is something you think you could read with your kid one day (I know immplying) , something you want easy access to and will need to keep having, if you're a collector first editions

I hope the mailman likes the feeling of sliding books into my mailbox.

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That's a good price for the Prison Notebooks.

I don't know, you have to tell me the address

Imagine being rich enough to just be able to go online and order books. You don't know how good you have it.

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Yes, introductions to Nietzsche.

They're banning books about white nationalism/white racial consciousness. You can get all kinds of actual terrorist manifestos and extreme ideological treatises, but goodness me we can't have whites learning about the war of double-standards waged upon them.


>tfw live in a third world shithole where postal service does not exist or work

Get out.

Feels good to live in burgerland.

Was thinking about ordering Mark E. Smith's book, anyone here read that?

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Hardcover copy of Ezra Pound's 'The Cantos' arrived today. Still waiting for a companion guide for the Cantos. Also waiting for a book of primary school teaching activities based on Carl Orff's pedagogy (studying to be prim. school teacher).

Yesterday was looking at an interesting looking short existentialist novel called 'Spider in the Sun' which will be available to buy March 7.

>mfw bought porn on when i lived there
>Amazon now knows all my embarrassing fetishes
>They'll sell it to advertisers or blackmail me if i Make a gif
Feels bad

I've got a couple things sitting in my shopping cart right now that I'm still mulling over purchasing:

Dying Inside by Robert Silverberg
The Man on the Balcony by Sjowall & Wahloo
We Have Always Live in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
Logics of Disintegration by Peter Dews
The Transparency of Evil by Baudrillard

I'll probably pull the plug at some point today, but I'd like to finish reading the last #stack I bought before I commit to anything else.

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It's a relevant fact. So you don't mind modern book-burning as long as it's the books you don't agree with? Of course you don't, you don't even want controversial (to you) viewpoints being espoused in this temporary thread.