Any books where the protagonist is a rapist?

Any books where the protagonist is a rapist?

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Therapist did it

Some therapists are also analysts, and they are called analrapists


The Catcher in the Rye

My Diary desu

Book Of The New Sun


You didn't dissapoint

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The Art of the Deal

Clockwork Orange, I suppose

Myra Breckenridge, but it isn't very good

Worlds end - tc boyle
One of the many main characters is a rapist

That one where he rapes his little sister Phoebe

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Only it’s not a novel it’s autobiography

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Any books where the protagonist is a rapist trying to redeem himself?
I don't know why but I consider murder to be a far less heinous crime than rape, stories about murderers being redeemed can be found all over the place, hell some murderers you actually might side with when they try and justify their act.
But rape is a different thing, the intent behind rape is always pleasure and dominance, while murder can have multiple reasons behind it.

Native Son


>Rape can happen between spouses

gor series, literally everyone is a rapist

It can. In a failing marriage, you guys are done and she doesn't want a thing to do with you anymore.

Hell, you can be estranged and still married. You don't live together anymore or anything, you show up at her place and force yourself on her. Rape

Post Office, though it's arguable
>biting bait

It's trash IIRC, but the protagonist is an ex-leper who rapes a young woman.

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120 days of Sodom
You have 4 rapists actually.

>comparable to Tolkien at his best
O I am laffin

male on female rape is a myth
male on female rape is impossible
male on female rape doesn't exist
kys, fucking whiteknight soiboi cuck


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But wasnt the passage everyone posts that he "rapes" her their honeymoon

Based and truthpilled

Zombie by JCO
Piercing by Murakami (i think?)

-The Collector - Fowles

You could do that too. Maybe she doesn’t want to have sex on their honeymoon. You have to be sensitive to a girls feelings!

>The Collector - Fowles

He doesn't rape her, though.

Man, this was on my reading list. Is it really that bad?

I really question what other stuff you have on your reading list now

What is this meme?

Perdido Street Station

Pretty much most of the books that are posted here.

To be quite H with you, goodman, I can't remember. My dad read it to me when I was 6 and I only remember broad strokes. I think it was a weird contrast of fantasy tropes and their subversion by some edgy fedora-tipping. I could be misremembering, and maybe the story evolved throughout the books, even if I recalled rightly.

The meme is lurk moar

Please, everyone — Edith was raped by her father, which is why she's sex-avoidant with Stoner. Read the book.

Guy in prison for raping and killing a little girl reads letters from a girl who intends to rape a little boy. It's quite endearing.

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If you’re talking about the present protagonist he just fucks his wife while she’s eloping with that gay hippie, I guess technically it’s rape but she was being a bitch.

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Now this is epic

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Women love to be raped by a hot guy, it's just a fact. Feels good being a hot guy.

It's not rape if they're dead.

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Dostoevsky's biography

Frühlings Erwachen

Diary of a Rapist by Evan S. Connell

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Confession by Tolstoy.