An ottoman poem dedicated to a Serbian boy:

An ottoman poem dedicated to a Serbian boy:
"I saw a Serbian boy in the local hamam for the first time in my life yesterday, unfortunately, I could not approach him... He was with a Habeshi (Ethiopian/Sudanese) tellak which means he was owned by someone. Such beauties are very rare in Anatolia. "

"But I thought..."

"I thought how exciting it would be to talk to him, uncovering what made him as beautiful as he is. I thought about how nice it would be to learn about his life, and learn about the world I never saw."

"I pictured talking to him, eyes darting like those of a harem lady, looking anywhere else but in his eyes."

"I pictured myself carrying him like a sultan with ease, to a döşek (bed). I pictured myself, unclothing myself, and rubbing his silky-smooth pale skin with my rough, dark hands, and him, squirming sultana-like."

"I pictured him unclothing himself in a slow manner, drawing himself out, so I can have a good look at his body. "

"I imagined him slipping his hands under tuman (underwear), and jostling my manhood, rubbing his almost lady-like, pale fingers on the tip of my dark manhood."

"I imagined..."

"Unfortunately, my day-dream was interrupted by the tellak who poured the hot water on my head, may Allah curse him, for ruining the image of the beaut."

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Pretty hot to be honest.
>but liking traps is gay
Whatever fagboy. Start with the Greeks.

i second it

Greeks didn't let gay people hold high positions of power tho, and any Greek state that wasn't Athens would out right kill you if you where gay, if your gonna start with the Greeks, maybe start work their history.

You're my bad :)

serbs are cockroaches

Yeah, sure - that's why one of the most formidable armies of Hellenic era consisted of gay lovers.

true but they love ottoman YARAK

Why do men seemingly love sensitive and shy boys more than any other kind of man, while women have almost no interest in them at all? Men, be it gay or the sexuality that was found on Ancient Greeks, Arabs and Modern Pakistanis (which is not gay but not straight either), love young beautiful boys. But women seem to show no cares for them, wanting only masculine and rugged men. Men like boys, girls, and women, while girls and women seem to only like men.

Can someone explain this for me? Why don't women appreciate softboys, but men go crazy for them?

I hate men and how libidinous they are. The hyperactivity of their libidos ruin everything, and they show no guilt for it either.

I've heard of this story. It was to make them fight better, right? And Plato was an aristocrat and clearly more gay than straight.


what poem is that?

Tr and think about it for even a second.

>women seem to show no cares for them
Have you ever seen a boy band and their fans?

Based Ottomanposter.

>You are delicately disposed, pained by your sandal, as I infer. For new leather is terrible at biting tender flesh. For this reason Asclepius readily heals wounds from war, wild beasts, and all such misfortunes, but he disregards these wounds because they are self-inflicted, occurring more from folly than a spirit's curse. Why don't you go barefoot? Why begrudge the ground? Little slippers, sandals, boots, and shoes are things worn by the old or infirm. At any rate they depict Philoctetes in such protective gear, since he was lame and infirm, but they show barefoot the philosoper of Sinope, Theban Crates, Ajax, and Achilles, and Jason half-barefoot. For it is said that his boot was held by the stream when he was crossing the river Anaurus and the mud laid claim to it. And so one of Jason's feet was set free by Fortune and he was taught what was fitting: not choosing it intentionally, he went away well robbed. Let nothing come between the earth and your foot. Don't be afraid: the dust will receive your step as it would grass, and we shall all kiss your footprint. O beautifully formed beloved feet! O exotic flowers, sprung from the earth! O kiss cast upon the ground!

Philostratus, Love Letter 18

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boy bands are dead, virile and hypermasculine gangster rappers have replaced them

>Greeks didn't let gay people hold high positions of power tho
Source? You'd think Aristophanes would have mentioned such a thing when he called politicians fags in the Symposium. Or any of the Socratic dialogues involving future statesmen like Critias or Charmides involved in homoerotic situations.
>any Greek state that wasn't Athens would out right kill you if you where gay
Such as? In the Symposium they talk about states where pederasty is more than in Athens.

tfw no dom twink bf

Koreans revived the boy band thing though

>Alexander was straight
He way gayer than Julius Caesar

Was he really? Julius too? That's interesting. Do you think liking men will ever become acceptable again for ordinary men, or will we always be bound to the modern gay-straight binary?

It's not really a story, it's confirmed history.

BTS are all feminine twinks and they have legions of obsessive young female fans in practically every country in the world.

Also never date a girl who likes k-pop.

They're out there, user. Just have to keep searching for them.

First we need to ditch Abrahamic religions, they are way too backwards on the whole sex thing.

will be very hard to change societal outlooks though. modern men perceive men who like men as weak, and women have no desire towards men who like men, similarly seeing them as unmasculine. not sure how this would ever be changed, especially the women part

lil xan, lil peep, lil pump even xxxtentacion are more on the pretty boy side and are all super popular

Damn, Ottomans looked like THAT?

The eternal footfag.

great point. i want to be a prettyboy so badly.

It's not just confirmed history but the Theban 'Sacred Band' ended Sparta's Hellenic hegemony forever. There's a lost Plutarch life of Epaminondas, its leader, but the history of the defeat of Sparta by Thebes is of course well known

where i'm from the most popular musicians look more like this.

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tfw we got a movie about 300 spartan jobbers who got btfo having achieved nothing, but not a movie about 300 homos of Thebes who actually did something and destroyed the spartans.

>gay-straight binary
Bisexuals exist

yeah but most people just group them in with gays, gay-straight binary is what people see sexuality as being

But user, sexuality is completely inate and gays are born that way, it isn't a cultural thing. It just so happened that the whole Ottoman aristocracy was born that way

Well you Germans are generally a very crude people so it is unsurprising. But speaking of America at least, pretty boy types are still very popular, they are not just clean cut.

pro-tip, those are insults and slanders, they don't have to be true

ykw? that movie has to be made. if (you) haven't yet, read Plutarch's Life of Pelopidas- good place to start. Also, Montaigne thought Epaminondas among the three greatest men of all time.
>I fucking hate the Spartans; their innocent airs and easy corruptibility

Thank you, sacred user of Yea Forums

no, that would be turks and other muslims. also, croroaches are real thing.

Do you not remember the part where socrates makes fun of homosexuals for exaggerating claims in symposium?

man Lenbach sucked asss look at the nose and the lips, the kid looks likea legit nigger face wise.

lmao, based turkroach knows whats up

Disgusting. Literally sickening.

What you seem to be trying to say is that women prefer masculine traits and men prefer feminine traits.

tfw no daddy to hold me

i can hold your head under water until it's over if you like

It's beautiful

Brockhampton is also extremely popular among teenagers and all of it’s current members trend closer to the pretty boy image

I know it seems obvious when you put it that way, and I sound foolish, but it still makes me sad how disproportionate the affection is. Men go crazy for little boys, women don't even notice them.

the absolute state of western europe

sensitive boys*, not a pedo sorry

really terrible, i can't even watch it. at least america has the authentic and interesting version of that caricature seen there

I love how so many German rappers just co-op american trends and almost always do it worse. I was trying to find some good ones to improve my comprehension and it was really hard to find ones I actually enjoyed (pic rel). Also, my friend who is actually German has said that half of German are giant faggot pussies. I hope there is a bigger middle ground between the weenies and the ones who try to copy the American "gangster" attitude and style.

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