I was thinking about the Catholic or Orthodox ones.
Best Bible translation?
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what's the deal with the huge number of bible threads on Yea Forums these days?
I was also thinking about reading literary translations...
the OT by Robert Alter, and the NT by Lattimore
Vulgata, of course.
Is there a (good) university offering a theology course near you? Might wanna think about just asking someone from the university what they recommend.
It's "them" trying to slip you the blue pill, i.e. the opiate of the masses. So just smile, eat their shit, and be content, because it'll all be fine after you die.
Not really, it's more like a black pill.
I stand corrected.
Helpful hint: Skip the OT, it's not the same God as the NT.
Best for what? Readability? Closest translation? Compromise between the two?
Oh look its this thread again
Yea Forums has been overrun by Christians with little to no interest in secular works of literature.
holy fuck the cringe
World English Bible
KJV Study Bibles are good. Full picture of God's word and the study aspect inside will allow you to see the links between the Old Testament and New Testament. The NT is rich with references nods to stories and prophets of the Old Testament so it's worth reading even though it's difficult.
Go for substance over style. Pick what will help YOU grow closer to Christ. Don't just pick some massively elaborate leather bound bible with iconography on the front just because it looks nice.
Best wishes on your walk with Christ.
I'm reading the RSV Catholic Edition and it's very readable, especially since the annotations assume that you are not supposed to take the stories literally.
For a while now I've been noticing a lot of posts that are akin to boomer facebook comments, and I guess this is why. Boomers just can't not shit something up and ruin it for younger people.
I prefer the Finnish translation of 1938. The language is more dignified than in the latest one.
The only correct answer.
Orthodox here. There is no Orthodox translation. Just read KJV. Get a paragraph edition so there are no verse numbers and just look up words you don't know. The Catholic Bibles are all ugly and have terrible prose.