Favorite cover of books

Let's post some good looking covers of our favorites books....

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I have this copy of Lolita in spanish, it's kinda gay but aesthetically pleasing

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I like simple stuff

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this looks tacky as fuck

I like it!

Am I the only one that absolutely despises the Penguin Classics covers?

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Saw someone reading Dracula with penguin classics cover today. God that is a terrible cover.

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Anything by John Howe.

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I know it's somewhat of a sin but I bought this because of the cover. I like stuff like this. Not too simplistic, or too gaudy, but very cool 60s-70s SF book cover style (the book was published in 2000s, I think)

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comfy read, too

My personal favourite

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I like this one.

Don't like the book much, but damn that cover is nice

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Yes, my dust jacket has a small rip, I bought it used. Still a great cover though

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I'm a sucker for old sci-fi covers

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The art wraps around to the back with some more sick city/heart aesthetics.

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What are some publishers with good hard covers aside from the Folio Society and Everyman's Library? I have looked into Easton Press but their books sometimes feel a bit garish.

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Wasn't the spine of this edition made out of a match striker?

Do you have high level production of books ?
Picture related, based Pléiade.

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almost good
those poor books on the right are being damaged