>tfw been avoiding Linkola and the deep ecologists all the way up to Uni because Yea Forums meme
>tfw i get into argument with professor over late tier Linkola
>bring up the usual arguments "nihilistic, fascist, insane"
>pulls out Can Life Prevail? and another late tier diabetic ramblings
>proceeds to show me genuine attempts at convincing humans that our ultimate goal within existence should be to create a beautiful world where nature isn't burdened with pollution equivalent to my favorite philosopher (Al Gore;he knows this)
>mfw I fell for a lit meme and got btfo'ed in front of everyone sounding like an ignorant basedboy
Tfw been avoiding Linkola and the deep ecologists all the way up to Uni because Yea Forums meme
Other urls found in this thread:
>my favorite philosopher
>al gore
I grew to appreciate the fact that Linkola's main motivation for his environmentalism seems to be almost completely "I like birds and trees".
Do you really need a deeper imperative than that? I'd take birds over humans any day.
Dinosaurs truly do deserve a great life.
>i'd take bird over humans any day
>overpopulation is fine. who cares about nature? two random people are always equal - to say otherwise is fascism
I wasn't being sarcastic. I honestly appreciate that he barely tries to use rational argumentation.
What's not rational about wanting to protect the environment?
There are rational arguments to be made for protecting the environment, but Linkola focuses on emotional reasons and basically his own taste. I think that's kind of cool.
Man, I love nature. John Muir is my God. But birds are quite often fucked up.
Polite sage
Why do you feel you need a trip, exactly?
It's fun. I mostly just post on Yea Forums though. I often insinuate that emo music is nationalist and I have written two rap songs for the person who posts "I grew up to be Yui. Does any music exist for this feel?" every few days. Sometimes I post a semi-coherent diatribe with a picture of a teenage emo girl. I want it to be known that I am the only person who does these things.
Tripfags die
go fuck yourself
The guy does like trees and birdies though. His foundation here in Finland just buys primeval forest areas where thinning out or even cutting trees with axes is not allowed.
Then again, as a Finn, I have always found him quite the hypocrite considering he has children of his own (despite talking how humans should not even breed at the current state of the planet), has used/uses antidepressants, diabetic medication etc.
What I don't understand how his ideas have gained any international following/recogniziation
good post.
"Luonnonperintösäätiö" is such a crazy looking word to me. I thought about donating to it, but apparently all the land he's buying is already legally protected and he just wants to "double protect" it by buying it. I don't have money to throw away on kinda dumb shit like that. Maybe I don't understand the law though.
I think the main reason he's gained so much attention is that many fascist, fascist-sympathetic, right wing, etc. people worldwide are interested in environmentalism but do not want to read the typical leftist perspective that you get enough of involuntarily shoved in your face. For example, when I was in elementary school, the teachers made us watch 2000 democratic presidential candidate Al Gore's global warming (back when they called it that) documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth". There was a superhero show called Captain Planet where a multiracial, international cast, including a semi-retarded South American boy and a girl from the Soviet Union, fought against pale-faced beast men polluting the environment. The episodes they did on AIDS and gang violence aged hilariously though. I don't know why they would portray black thugs as fearless, muscular warriors ducking behind cars in action movie shootouts if they were trying to discourage it. The fact that one of the gansters shot a man name King (as in Martin Luther King, the civil rights leader) is such a weirdly ballsy move for a politically correct cartoon like that though. That could never happen today.
Aside from his different philosophical outlook from other environmentalists, I find his writing style to be comfortable. It's like a grumpy old man telling you stories of his youth and what he's pissed off about. There's a familiar character to his voice, and he argues in a more emotional and less logical way than most people.
Linkola appreciates beauty really much, I think that he explicitly states at least once that it's the most important thing in the world. Nature is just the thing that he finds beautiful.
His saddest text is the one which tells about how he bicycled around Europe in the 60s with his wife and saw all these advertisements, storefronts and such with screaming, bright colours which he finds very ugly and unappealing. He is also relieved because at least in Finland they had some sense of style and didn't use this sort of marketing. How things would change...
Overall I like reading Linkola, even if his arguments are often weak and his "solutions" to problems are usually often straight up impossible to execute. He's not a philosopher or even an academic. He has done his most valuable work at very practical grassroots work in ornithology and various environmental organizations. But he writes Finnish very well, he's just a pleasure to read.
>Hävittämällä metsänsä Suomi on saanut sen vaurauden pohjan, jonka ansiosta meillä on - muun muassa - kaksi miljoonaa autoa, miljoonia mustanharmaankiiltäviä sähköviihdelaatikoita tuhatta eri lajia ja päättömästi tarpeettomia rakennuksia vihreää maata peittämässä. Vauraus, ylimääräinen raha on myös tehnyt mahdolliseksi kasinotalouden lähes käsittämättömän vehkeilyn, lähes käsittämättömän sosiaalisen epäoikeudenmukaisuuden, jossa golfkenttien, huippuhotellien, lomapalatsien, nurkanvaltausten ja Sveitsin pankkitilien ruletti on tullut ’tavallisten ihmisten’ maksettavaksi. Mutta ennen kaikkea tämän vaurauden ansiosta ihmiset ovat turhautuneempia, työttömämpiä, onnettomampia, itsemurhaisempia, liikuntakyvyttömämpiä, elinkelvottomampia, elämäntarkoituksenhukanneempia kuin koskaan historian aikana. Vihonviimeisen surkea vaihtokauppa.
what is this abomination of a language
I agree, although I read him in English. All of those things came through. I hope more of his work will get translated.
In English, doc.
Which of his works are available in English?
"Can Life Prevail?" is the only one.
Pretty language, shame it's all mune roons to me
>Hävittämällä metsänsä Suomi on saanut sen vaurauden pohjan, jonka ansiosta meillä on - muun muassa - kaksi miljoonaa autoa, miljoonia mustanharmaankiiltäviä sähköviihdelaatikoita tuhatta eri lajia ja päättömästi tarpeettomia rakennuksia vihreää maata peittämässä. Vauraus, ylimääräinen raha on myös tehnyt mahdolliseksi kasinotalouden lähes käsittämättömän vehkeilyn, lähes käsittämättömän sosiaalisen epäoikeudenmukaisuuden, jossa golfkenttien, huippuhotellien, lomapalatsien, nurkanvaltausten ja Sveitsin pankkitilien ruletti on tullut ’tavallisten ihmisten’ maksettavaksi. Mutta ennen kaikkea tämän vaurauden ansiosta ihmiset ovat turhautuneempia, työttömämpiä, onnettomampia, itsemurhaisempia, liikuntakyvyttömämpiä, elinkelvottomampia, elämäntarkoituksenhukanneempia kuin koskaan historian aikana. Vihonviimeisen surkea vaihtokauppa.
yall mfs really be on this hurgen blurgen shit twenty four hours of the day fr??