Why is stoicism never seriously discussed here? It seems like a perfect philosophy for basement dwellers and Seneca is an enjoyable writer.
Why is stoicism never seriously discussed here...
stoicism is for pseuds and is reddit tier.
In this house we practice philosophical pessimism boy
Actually, I don't remember pessimism being seriously discussed either. When I think of it, Yea Forums doesn't talk about philosphy of life that much.
you must be a fucking newfag retard if you dont think philosphy is discussed on here
It gets brought up fairly regularly.
I said philosophy of life specifically, not the typical analytical/continental stuff.
If you don't think those things apply to life then you are a massive brainlet.
I'm not saying they don't. It's just that stoics or pessimists adress a lot of specific, practical stuff. Obviously dasein is connected to philosphy of life, just in a different manner.
Every time stoicism is brought up you get swarmed with retards screeching that it's a cuck's philosophy
The only thing that is cucked is worrying about being cucked, letting the actions of a woman have that much control over your well-being.
because pic related btfo of stoicism
because retards think its about accepting what's happening instead of taking a proactive action against what's going to happen. Stoicism is practical and indifferent since its pretty much just a mindset on how you tackle life. Either through reactions or through calm reason. The Dichotomy of control suggests you to work hard on what you have control over, and not worry about the shit you can't control like the weather, and expect trouble, always.
>not knowing that nihilism is the failure version of stoicism
Go read the archives. Literally no one here understands what Stoicism is.
He was retarded and BTFO in his own life and now
>le epic mustache man
I’m convinced that this guy is the reason why the discourse on stoicism is so garbage on here. No one actually reads the Stoics, they just read that one paragraph where he misunderstands the stoic concept of nature and then delude themselves into thinking that they actually know something about the philosophy. Reeks of uninformed pseudo intellectual posturing.
It's discussed quite a lot. But it is brought up so often that hipster contrarianism makes people shit on it.
There is also the problem that Stoicism isn't all that "deep". The metaphysics of classical Stoicism are horseshit and not taken seriously by anyone at this point. The good parts are practical. About how to orient yourself in life, stay mentally healthy and live in line with reality. The good parts of Stoicism are good and true for pragmatic reasons, rather than deep philosophical insight. That is why much of it was adapted by Christianity, though there of course it got warped to work with the framework of every reasoning being based on there being a personal creator God, top-down morality and the sin/virtue paradigm among other things.
No they aren’t. Go get the Long and Sedley and actually read up on the Stoic Metaphysics. Their theory of causes holds up. They have the best solution to Zeno’s paradox and their doctrine of incorporeals and mixtures (they were the most correct of all the ancient schools in explaining how wine dilutes in water) is interesting at least, if not highly applicable. How they treat time is a decent example, with the present being a mixture of past and future yet the only one able to physically impact things is the present; in that way the present gives both the past and the future being yet is the only one that actually exists.
I went in expecting baby’s first Metaphysics and came out impressed.
>thinks nietzsche advocates nihilism.
Rust wasn't a stoic he was a nihilist/pessimist much closer to N and Schopenhauer than any of the stoics.
then you have not been here very long at all newfriend
Maybe it was state of the art in antiquity. It has some good conceptualizations of natural phenomena, but that's where the relevancy to modern times end.
Stuff like Pneuma and the cyclical universe are Aristotle tier outdated.
I can't bring myself to care much about things like metaphysics. I need something practical to help me deal with life. Stoicism provides that with it's ethics, and it's grounded in something that (to the extent that I care about it) seems sensible enough, so that's enough for me.
Can a Stoic explain to me why the logos determined that anime should be created?
Stoicism is basically the ancient form of telling a depressed person "just don't be depressed"
Do you mean chinese cartoons or anima?
Chinese cartoons
Maybe it's part of Ekpyrosis
It's kind of an obnoxious subject since there's so many common misperceptions. This board is filled with people in their early 20's and they have no probm acting like an authority on things they think they know.
epic fail :)
It’s fucking reddit dude. We read Nietzsche, Heidegger and Hegel here kiddo, not fucking pussies like Marcuck Aurelius in order to become emotionless wagecuck npc-slaves
t. emotionless nihilist NEET who never leaves his dimly lit room
t. Brainlet reddicuck
Whatever it is you're trying to become, it doesn't seem to be working.
Because some version of it got popular and this is a "hipster" board.
Stoicism is not a philosophy that basement dwellers would find very comfortable, since it is a philosophy of "action". I think that Epicureanism is a kind of philosophy that would be more comfortable for them.
There is that too. And even if his comment was 100% correct, it still wouldn't make Stoic ethics any less effective for it aims to do.
This is more of a Greek than Roman forum, we're not interested in practical philosophy but metaphysics
Hard to be practical when you don't leave your basement.
Your retorts are pure cringe.
It's not as cringe as your misunderstanding that Greek philosophy is uninterested in the practical, as if that isn't the entire point.