>tfw unlike most of the board you actually read
>tfw you will still never read all of the books you want to read
>tfw even if you had no responsibilities or other hobbies you still probably couldn't
Why even try
Tfw unlike most of the board you actually read
Other urls found in this thread:
>literature board has been taken over by people who don’t read
the worst feeling in the world
>taken over
It's always been like this
Kubrick had a solution, involving reading randomly
I’ll find the quote if you want
When I finished Barry Lyndon I spent most of my time reading. Months went by and I hadn't found anything very exciting. It's intimidating, especially at a time like this, to think of how many books you should read and never will. Because of this, I try to avoid any systematic approach to reading, pursuing instead a random method, one which depends as much on luck and accident as on design. I find this is also the only way to deal with the newspapers and magazines which proliferate in great piles around the house -- some of the most interesting articles turn up on the reverse side of pages I've torn out for something else.
how does it feel that non reading halfwits from Yea Forums still know more about the books you have actually read than you?
Has anyone actually tried to apply this approach? How has it worked out for you?
Does this mean picking up random books and reading them straight through or just reading many books at once? I'm assuming the former.
Ambition's folly.
judging by the awful movies he made, kubrick was a retard.
I would read, it's just that I don't have access to books. My social anxiety prevents me from going into a library and I don't want to be judged by my choice of books. I'd order them over the internet, but I don't have an account.
The Shining—saw this on Friday night, and by the end of the opening credits I knew I’d never again have a movie like this
Yes the former
Read books you have no preconceptions about
But Kubrick only read subjects he was interested in
I read about suicide, how to listen skillfully to audiobooks, and about killing old ladies
I dunno, I have an uncanny ability to talk about what I don't read.
I hate reading off a screen. I already spend too much time on the computer, I'd rather use books as a means of redirecting my attention.
>killing old ladies
What kind of book is that? Any recommendations?
My fantasy is to freeze time so I can read all of the books in my university library and hone my writing talent without growing old
Pretty gay I know
Crime and Punishment by fyodor dostoevsky
>tfw you spent many years during the golden age of ebook pircay building an immense collection
>tfw you have more books than some small libraries
>tfw you enough time to read tons of them
>tfw most of them are unreadable absolute fucking trash
>tfw this shit actually gets published
>tfw you paid $0.00 for it all
How about making an account?
Just go into the store say "Do you have book x?", pay and fuck off with it. Most staff working at the library dont give a shit a about it and want everyone to go away as soon as possible. I dont know how you are going to sustain yourself if you cant even go into a store to buy food. Go to the library, get 3-5 books and be done with it.
I exclusively use self checkout. I hate interacting with cashiers, why hasn't their job been made obsolete yet? Just automize everything already.
Costumers still prefer the more "humane" aperance, and its much easier to have someone do the shit for you.
None of the book stores in my country have self checkout yet desu.
I honestly dont know how can someone have so much anxiety and insecurity doing something as simple as that. Im a 5'2ft ubermanlet, 23 years old, cant grow beard, super skinny (48kg), big ass forehead, jew nose, bad posture. A being that looks inferior compared to every other human and still manage to get past that anxiety and insecurity shit and get (most) of the things done.
this video is better than any kubrick movie
I want to read but books are just so boring senpai
maybe if you find what really interests you at this moment, then you’ll read
is there anything more newfag than hating on Kubrick?
I've actually read all the books I want to read. I just hang around here to discuss them.
you gotta let the kids play out the contrarian act. they'll get tired of it eventually.
Okay list them
I'll try
Don Quixote
King Lear
The Tempest
Paradise Lost
Moby Dick
Brothers Karamazov
The Idiot
Notes From The Underground
Crime and Punishment
War and Peace
Anna Karenina
Kreutzer Sonata
Madame Bovary
In Search of Lost Time (personally that's how I felt after finishing it OOOOOOOH!)
All of Kafka
All of Borges
Journey to the End of the Night
Death on the Installment Plan
The Stranger (it sucked)
Nausea (sucked even more)
All of Calvino
Most of Woolf
The Sound and the Fury
100 Years of Solitude
Most of Mishima (think I've got it by now)
Gravity's Rainbow (what a meme)
The Recognitions
Vast Majority of The Bible (but its just a meme)
I'm definitely forgetting something but you get the picture, I've read most of the canon. I have an interest in highly metaphysical abstract writing like Borges but there doesn't seem to be much of that out there.
Oh right, I forgot all the philosophy. Welp.
What's your favourite book by Mishima?
Temple of the Golden Pavilion
What about Homer, Virgil, Ovid, Dante, Chaucer, Boccaccio, Montaigne, Moliere, Balzac, Flaubert, Stendhal, Chekhov, Beckett...?
>Anna Karenina
>Brothers Karamazov
Which one did you like the most? I only have money and time for one of those and i really dont know which one to pick. Give me a little push please.
Boohoo. Just another pathetic excuse.
Brothers Karamazov but I am biased towards Dostoevsky.
No interest, except I mentioned I read Madame Bovary. You'll notice there is little poetry on my reading list. I don't like poetry.
>Brothers Karamazov
Many thanks friend.
You only have read a small part of the canon but that'sokay, there are many more things to engage with.
There is something like 1000 hours of worthwhile baroque musique to listen to on youtube alone, so maybe try that as a follow-up to your reading.
I have quite a good amount of the musical canon under my belt. I forced myself to read most of those books with the intention of being "well read" but listening to classical was always something I loved to do.
>Didn't even bother with the Greeks
How's plebhood?
I've read more books than you :^)
this tbqh
They read the Bible.
How many times have you listened to the complete roster of Bach's sacred cantata ?
Go listen to them RIGHT NOW.
This board will really be much better when Bible threads are removed. What an overrated piece of shit of a book.
I only use cashiers. I like them to scan everything for me while I pack with one hand and browse Yea Forums on my phone in the other. I'm too lazy to use self checkouts.
Wtf. My girlfriend weighs more than this
e-ink =/= screen, ya moron. order a kobo and get started