Tfw been avoiding Rand and the beats all the way up to Uni because Yea Forums meme

>tfw been avoiding Rand and the beats all the way up to Uni because Yea Forums meme
>tfw i get into argument with professor over late tier Rand
>bring up the usual arguments "schizo,druggy crackhead,scribblings"
>pulls out Atlas Shrugged and another late tier Rand schizo scribble
>proceeds to show me prose equivalent to my favorite writer (Joyce;he knows this)
>mfw I fell for a lit meme and got btfo'ed in front of everyone sounding like an ignorant basedboy

Attached: aynorando.jpg (632x474, 49K)

>Rand was born Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum (Russian: Aлиca Зинoвьeвнa Poзeнбayм) on February 2, 1905, to a Russian-Jewish bourgeois family living in Saint Petersburg

which prose?

>Jewish Bourgeoisie

Attached: nazbol-gang-meme-1-300x200.png (300x200, 99K)

Eww, she was fugly

So I'm about 2/3 through atlas shrugged, just met john galt

...did ayn rand like rough sex?


you attend a shit university

imagine actually trying to btfo your professor during a lecture, why don't you just shut the fuck up and take notes like the rest of us, I hate faggots like you, you got what you deserved

Read The Fountainhead. She was massive degenerate, sex-wise, and had lots of rape and domination fantasies.

>user argues about something he has no personal experience with nor knowledge of
>gets destroyed
>is shocked

you're the worst kind of freshman

>implying this meme works with a writer no uni professor would ever discuss
(They) don't allow Rand discussions at college, I wonder why...

yeah user, everyone on this planet is an Anglo attending a totalitarian second rate university.

> everyone on this planet is an Anglo
what a horrifying though, the streets of every city and village on this planet being walked exclusively by beady eyed sociopaths

imagine actually having sex with that goblin.

>Her father was upwardly mobile and a pharmacist and her mother was socially ambitious and religiously observant
The wikipedia article is pretty misguiding here, her dad was essentially a shop-owner for medicine. This the strangest bias I have ever read, what kind of dog-whistle is "upwardly mobile" supposed be?

god user your pasta game is strong this week


You and your libtard professor need to slit your wrists.

>An eagle named "Small Government" flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the chalk.
>The pledge of allegiance was read several times, and God himself showed up and enacted a flat tax rate across the country.

The only great prose is in Chapter 2.

I don't have any qualms with objectivism, but Rand is not a great writer.