>tfw been avoiding Foucault and the postmodernists all the way up to Uni because Yea Forums meme
>tfw i get into argument with professor over late tier Foucault
>bring up the usual arguments "relativist, obscurantist, playing semantics"
>pulls out "Discipline and Punish" and another late tier Foucault power structure babble
>proceeds to show me brilliant thinking and reasoning equivalent to my favorite philosopher (Wittgenstein;he knows this)
>mfw I fell for a lit meme and got btfo'ed in front of everyone sounding like an ignorant basedboy
Tfw been avoiding Foucault and the postmodernists all the way up to Uni because Yea Forums meme
but he isn't even a postmodernist
écoute pas les anglos abruti
Foucault is literally the opposite of what every anglo retard makes him out to be lmfao.
>muh liberal faggot aids bitch
Much like Deleuze by the way
l 0 l
Foucault is the opposite of what everyone makes him out to be
He's probably the most chaotic neutral philosopher ever to have lived
I think that in the anglo world, Foucault is mostly considered a rather conservative, high-end structuralist philosopher. His obsession with discourse makes some people believe that he's a slight relativist simply because of how the word "discourse" evolved over the years and how everyone associates it with radical post-structuralism now, but these people are dilettantes.
Wittgenstein sucks ass m8
say that to my face fucker and see what happens
Fuck you deleuze is cool
You wouldn't know what I meant if I did because you'd be uncertain which "language game" I was playing
>/lit meme
Haven't people on this board told ypu several times that postmodern relativism is a meme? More like a /pol/ meme
I've watched a video by Jordan Peterson about the dangers of postmodernism and Yea Forums told me that Derrida and Foucault are basically the same.
>argues confidently about something he knows literally nothing about
you deserved it, make this a lesson
how do I get a qt Yea Forumsfu gf?
You don't bud. You're already here. It's too late for you
i associate this faggot as one of the people responsible for the sjw identity politics hell world we live in today and im glad he died of aids.
The only good french philospher was jean baudrillard
Besides him i tend more towards german philosophy
So, what kind of creature was Foucault's philosophy?
>>proceeds to show me brilliant thinking and reasoning equivalent to my favorite philosopher (Wittgenstein;he knows this)
I like Foucault, but he wasn't on the same level as Wittgenstein.
Foucault is good but gets a little repetitive. I took a class on him at uni and after 5 weeks of comparing every institution to a prison the class got boring. History of sexuality is great though.
He was basically homo Nietzsche.
you've never read a philosophy book in your life quit larping, it's embarrassing
Finally, a correct summary of Foucault.
>muh anglos
he's a queer theory icon in europe.
but he IS a post-structuralist, user.
sounds to me like you lost due to an unwillingness to study your oppontnt's position (IE ignorance) rather than any actual flaws with the thing you were arguing for
maybe you're just a stupid little baby OP
PLEASE do not listen to Jordan Peterson when it comes to postmodernism. His take is cancerous and he is not educated on the subject. He also shills the cultural marxism conspiracy hard while drawing links between it and whatever philosopher hes pretended to have read.
I've never understood this shitty attitude toward Foucault. Even if you have essential disagreements with him his ideas are important and stimulating as all hell, and his books are packed with freakish details about corporal punishment and transmuted religious neuroses and total insanity. He's not especially lucid much of the time but he's so relevant to the neoliberal hellworld we live in now that there's no excuse to avoid him other than difficulty, much of which has more to do with his style and level of erudition than the actual ideas he's trying to convey.
get good, basically
>5 weeks of comparing every institution to a prison the class got boring
You spent 5 weeks on part of one of his books? I'm not surprised it got boring tbphwy
someone post the Foucault doing standup meme
>cultural marxism is a conspiracy theory!!!
always so defensive and prickly about this particular term. worried your whole sophisticated erudition can't withstand a simple misnomer?
so what does your own defensiveness about the term "conspiracy theory" signify? what are you worried about?
>no u
ok i believe you, you're all diehard liberals over at the humanities department diligently serving the bourgeois state apparatus to ideologically legitimize unfettered capital.
Fucking this. He's anything but moralistic or ideological. Writers on Foucault today still beat their heads against the wall trying to figure out what his political views were. Even Noam Chomsky called him a completely amoral person.
>a structuralist
You would instantly disavow this opinion if you've actually ever read any of his books, so much of Discipline and Punish is a critique of the move from an enclosed (finite) disciplinary/feudal society to the (infinite) extension of the panoptic system that no longer requires a monarchy for power to operate efficiently. This latter formulation is structuralism through and through
>not recognizing pasta reposted on the same day
Absolute state of this board
maybe we're only PRETENDING not to recognize it
Nah. All of you are unaware retards that have zero sense of board culture. 100% convinced 9/10 posters started posting on here after 2016 which is sad because on the good days it leads to threads like this where people earnestly respond to pasta (even though it’s still cringey to see) and hey that’s great for discussion but on the bad days it leads to the right wing thread attracting 100+ replies that could be allocated toward something better. Idk I’m just cranky.
stfu newfag
>Yea Forums meme
more like /litpol/ meme
>it's pseud retard who has opinions about people who he has not read and worked to understand
>favorite phillsopher is Wittgenstein
as user said, "high-end structuralist" is the correct term here, because Foucault was neither a true structuralist nor a post-structuralist, even if his writings influenced post-structuralism heavily.
are you the guy that called moot a newfag?
wash your penis
>high-end structuralist
now that's just absurd and you know it.
Everytime i see this picture i love Deleuze even more
Fucking alpha
Wait a minute...
Now this is some real sleuth work! Don't trip over your oxygen tank on the way out granpappy.
That's kinda mean
yeah lol