>tfw been avoiding John Green and YouTube history podcasters all the way up to Uni because Yea Forums meme
>tfw i get into argument with professor over late tier Green
>bring up the usual arguments "cheap, puerile boring YA fiction"
>pulls out Turtles All The Way Down and another late tier Green cheap YA
>proceeds to show me prose equivalent to my favorite writer (Proust;he knows this)
>mfw I fell for a lit meme and got btfo'ed in front of everyone sounding like an ignorant basedboy
Tfw been avoiding John Green and YouTube history podcasters all the way up to Uni because Yea Forums meme
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm going to beat the shit out of him if I ever see him.
Grug cogitate that he will beat out of Green John if in physical proximity of viewing range.
Pick one and only one. Your professor should be burned at the stake
The issue is not that you fell for the meme or that your prof. is a fag.
The issue is that you outed yourself as a turbo-pseud by arguing a matter you knew nothing about.
You deserved it, bucko.
Is there anything worse than men who wear t-shirts underneath collared shirts ? It's a male bra and it's pathetic. This is a surefire sign of a manchild or mentally unstable man on neuroleptic trying to hide the resulting iatrogenic putrid secretions from the his gynecomastic nipples. It's been my experience in life in dealing with such people that they are vastly incompetent and not to be trusted with any responsibility. The quickest way to gauge someone is to look for a t-shirt crease underneath their shirt. If they are, you know they're low IQ and a manchild at best, or severely mentally ill at worst.
wow thats some genuine teenager dialogue right there
I do that an I'm certified 130 IQ.
But I'm unfit to do any job and crippingly depressed so you're probably right.
On the plus side I work in academia so none of that will matter.
walk it off user, you would not believe how many times I tried to be smart and ended up looking like a dipshit in front of my mentors.
All part of being a student. It's actually expected of you. As long as you take a lesson from this and keep being bright eyed, bushy tailed, fun to be around, do not worry about it.
No teenagers talk like this. John green is big gay
>>pulls out Turtles All The Way Down and another late tier Green cheap YA
>>proceeds to show me prose equivalent to my favorite writer (Proust;he knows this)
What world do you live in where such a thing would happen? What the fuck does equivalent prose even mean?
>Gives credit to Yea Forums opinions
You fell for all the memes
>I do that an I'm certified 130 IQ.
In other words, you're midwit supreme. When I say low IQ—and yes I should have specified this—I just mean people dumber than myself.
In reality, I hate people in the 100 to 130 range the most. This is the pseud range. Low IQ people will at least realize that I'm more intelligent than them and will momentarily concede defeat in an argument. The midwit? Never. And I never had my means to survival stolen from me from low IQ individuals. Only midwits have competed against me when I was in the workforce, or for admissions and they blocked me at every path. If I ever secure power, you people will suffer the worst. You're going to be sent to reeducation camps and work in the country side.
I had to keep from laughing the whole time I was reading this.
Should've listed DFW for the fav writer to bait Dave fans
It's pasta derived from a Bukowski thread. I think it has potential.
I can't wait for this shitty meme to die
>>mfw I fell for a lit meme and got btfo'ed in front of everyone sounding like an ignorant basedboy
so... you were actually smiling in that very moment?
>defeated by midwits
You are an absolute retard lmao. You don't know what you're talking about nor how IQ works. Kill yourself.
That's a nice pasta but I'm also Jewish so I'm already headed for the death camp anyway.
Actually it was a Burroughs thread shortly before. God knows how many times it has reincarnated.
I'm suprised at the short memory here, both the Bukowski and the Burroughs thread are still alive.
Wondering the same thing. This must be bait.
lol, that's even worse. Still think there's hope for a various iterations.
seething midwit on the plebbest of all CNS stimulants.
the Foucault one is pretty good tbqh
go to the 19:20
cease fire. he is /ourguy/
LIT this is GOLD
I know it’s old news at this point, but I’m still in disbelief that john green has all but stopped using his tumblr because of that “c*ck is one of my favorite tastes” copypasta being added onto his post. like there was definitely a time where he used to engage w people, and now it’s jst promoting his other projects & is definitely run by an intern or something. that’s so funny
>tfw been avoiding Yea Forums all the way up to Uni because Yea Forums meme
>tfw get into argument with professor over old Yea Forums
>bring up the usual arguments "old Yea Forums is a myth for newfags, traps are gay" etc.
>pulls out a rekt thread, a tribute thread, and a dickrate thread
>proceeds to show me degenerate pedo shit equivalent to my favourite writer (Burroughs; he knows this)
>mfw I fell for the lit meme and got btfo'ed in front of everyone sounding like a plebeian midwit boomer
You sound weak minded and bitter. You fail in life because your abilities are mediocre, not because of "midwits" standing in your way.
The way you string together sentences would be unbearable to actually listen to, which leads me to believe that you don't really talk to people. Or maybe you do, but you hide your delusions of grandeur and smile along, because you're afraid of conflicts.
It's good to wear an undershirt that's easily cleanable but especially a v-neck. That way your shirt doesn't carry your odor after multiple washes. That might be your thing, generally that's frowned at in jobs.
See The Burroughs one was almost believable in all fairness.
Care to post ?
>That way your shirt doesn't carry your odor after multiple washes.
Have you not heard of anti-odor spray?
Sounds less clunky than your sentences.
not everyone here is black
based schizophrenic user
t. american who can't wash his shirts.
nobody wears t-shirts under their shirts in europe except maybe bongland.
unless you're morbidly obese, don't wear deodorant, your argument makes no sense.
You should have stuck to attacking the Crash Course lectures and say how they are just as vacuous and insipid as Wikipedia and Spark Notes. If pressed further, then bring up Nietzsche's argument against Universal Education.
>never ever believing Yea Forums posters on anything
>Care to post ?
t. low-test odorless boys
It makes for great bait.
Odor powerful enough to taint a shirt is going to seep through your little man bra.
Strong body odour is disgusting.
Its just because i have sensitive nipples.
Your failure doesn't imply that Green is good. It just means that your outspoken opinion was ill formed. Go, read Green. If you enjoy him, either he's better than you thought or you are worse.
Chill the fuck out.
>Midwits beat you in life
I have bad news, user...
Please tell me your the only person who thinks like this? WTF! I always dress like that.
>tfw been avoiding pooping :))
>ahaha it's actually constipation D:
please no, corn father
I agree with him. Never understood why one would have a t-shirt under a shirt.
>Is there anything worse than men who wear t-shirts underneath collared shirts
Yes, I can think of dozens of things off the top of my head. Weak willed soiboys who worry about what other people wear is something that is worse.
Based autist schizo poster
please no, corn father
Glad I'm not the only one with this pet peeve
I hate his smile.
wow, dat's deep....
please no, corn father
Looking for Alaska is a good book
>he doesn't nervously sweat 24/7 from his underarms so that wearing an undershirt is a necessity
hahahahahaha HAHAHA
this is phenomenal
based schizo poster
>actually reading Green
wow, listen up you fucking dipshit. you have genuinely wasted your time on reading pop trash for kids and you have no shame, no shame at all. it's disgusting. Yea Forums is for the discussion of literary fiction, you understand? now go and read Pynchon.
I don't think so, buddy.
nah his right anybody with fashion sense knows it looks like shit
this got a good chuckle out of me, thanks user
>i always wear a man bra
>t.basedboy man bra wearer
Don't cut yourself with that edge
>Don't cut yourself with that edge
When I read this it seemed totally legit. Though I forgot the context of the thread, and I imagined the Roman general Augustus homosexually confessing to a noble senator.
I know you're trolling but I wish you weren't
You are an ignorant soiboy. Go back to reading Green you useless shitstain.
Imagine someone actually saying this to you, unironically, in real life. Maybe the most pretentious thing I have ever heard and completely deattached from how humans really act.
Are you shitting me?
John Green is the Camus of a generation.
>Are you shitting me?
teenage girls can't really figure out that it's unrealistic, hence they demand men treat them like this in real life.
This is nice actually.
Imagine being this much of a brainlet that you let anonymous posters in a chinese cartoon website control what you read.
Your professor should humiliate you on a daily basis.
t. Pol Pot 2.0
That would make for a far more interesting storyline.
t. seething John Green
I think I'm going to have to non-consensually turn John Green into a human book.
Yes, in fact right this moment I have resolved to turn this man into pulp. All of my faculties and resources are now going to be put into achieving this end. The way this man channels sounds through his vocal cords channels a deep, harmonic resonance within my ears that say "ah, this, this sounds like good material to make a book with!"
If you think about it, how is John Green different from a book? They are equally timber. Equally dense. Equally acquiescent. Equally of no value until in its final form. Equally interested by a combination of words or ideas that do not conform to the status-quo. And no doubt Mr. Green has read a book too--maybe just an acidic paperback young adult novel (for now), but nevertheless he has tried it; has been struck with the same sort of 'oh-i'm-so-bookish' inclination that into a book in its external reality, and just like such tree has seizes all books at some point in their past life as a tree and with the frenzied tom-tom of fibrous limbs blaring in against their trunks which is only ever and put to an end and only ever predestined to any purpose when the the tree realizes its time to be felled and pressed ly taken hold of the dense classical book that he secretly keeps in his top drawer (why disguise it further? why, wouldn't he be happy if someone were to discover an actual book? oh think of how oh so very pseudish that would be!) and after lifting the full 7.5lb heft of the Tolstoy novel up he is filled with such a thrill such that no expression of his "bookish personality" has ever come close to attaining.
Hmm, indeed, the lines between Book and Man continue to blur, and my dopamine neurons continues to fire. Dehydrating, pulping and assembling the pages and finally binding him could be ethically and epistemologically justified, both through Utilitarian ethics and Platonic Teleology, but I will not go into that here. Suffice to say that turning John into a book would be a net benefit for the world as such, as material entity and conceptual ideal. It would be a book that would satisfy so many hearts, so many minds, and most importantly my own erudition.
I am decided: John Green will be a book within the month. I will devote myself to finding out his residency, his routines, and I will plot and plan my moment of violation meticulously. This is a very real goal I have set, and I shall know neither rest nor mortal satisfaction until it has been attained.
I've just realised I'm a psued and I'm never going to get her back
>favorite writer (Proust
al dente
>;he knows this)
I also instantly disregard anything a man who dresses like this has to say.
What's acceptable to wear underneath shirts? Tank tops?
bare skin
Oh... My... GOD!
If you wear anything underneath, you're a manchild wearing the equivalent of a bra.
Long johns
>What's acceptable to wear underneath shirts?
Actual undershirts that don't show like are acceptable. The extra layer is nice where it gets cold and it hides cold nips.
Pro-tip, all undershirts show. The crease is visible. If you can't even hid nipples underneath, how do you expect to hide a shirt, or tank-top? The white folds and creases are going to be there. There also is the problem if it needing to be tucked in, and a t-shirt is going to want to creep up too and when it does, your underbra looks very bad.
>The extra layer is nice where it gets cold and it hides cold nips.
It makes more sense to put a jacket on as you can remove it as needed. Unless you work as a deckhand in the oilfields of Deadhorse, Alaska, this long-john style setup is only going to create more problems.
High threaded cotton should hide the nipples regardless and if they don't? Who the fuck cares. All men have them, they aren't overtly sexual and only a demented homosexual would view it as such.
Real men do not wear shirtbras.
>Yea Forums - Literature
>long-john style setup
long johns are based and thermalpilled
There's literally no creases with a sleeveless low collar undershirt. They're soft and comfy whereas dress shirts really are not. It's weird to wear a jacket indoors and your AC induced pointy nips are unseemly.
>There's literally no creases with a sleeveless low collar undershirt. They're soft and comfy whereas dress shirts really are not
To be honest it depends on the material they're made of. Ask /fa/.
There are creases no matter what. You're also wrong about the comfortability of "dress shirts". Unless you're wearing cheapo chinkland dress shirts made of plastic, "non iron", fabrics, they are just as comfortable as most t shirts and certainly more comfortable than the combination of a t shirt and a dress shirt.
>Unless you're wearing cheapo chinkland dress shirts made of plastic, "non iron", fabrics, they are just as comfortable as most t shirts and certainly more comfortable than the combination of a t shirt and a dress shirt.
God damn though, non-iron clothing is so handy
why do Americans do this I've always wondered
Undershirts would surely just make you sweat more? I always thought it was a way of staying warm.
Here in Australia no one will ever wear one, no matter how hot it is.
gonna try this in real life verbatim brb
wearing anything under your shirt is extremely working class and frowned upon in white collar circles
Is Augustus aspie?
No, it isn't. I hate non iron fabric. It's actually worse than a properly ironed shirt.
>low iq
high iqs tend not to care about fashion and often aren't even able to understand basic style guidelines due to autism and general social retardedness.
imagine being too lazy to spend five minutes ironing a shirt
read the part in looking for alaska when he has one character show another character how to give a blowjob using a tube of tooth paste because they couldn't figure it out on their own
High IQ people don't do retarded things like wear a shirt under a shirt.
slave and fleshpilled
at first I felt shocked and embarrassed because you’re absolutely right, it’s my bra — I use it to hide my gyno and sweat
but then I realized you’re the only one autistic enough to make that connection so fuck you I’ll do what I want
massive cope
the whole world outside of America knows exactly what it's for
yeah they do. most scientists, intellectuals, even artists (excluding actors and musicians who probably rarely if ever have high iqs) dress like shit. a high iq doesn't imply competence in every area. typically, people with high iqs are social retards. they're literally handicapped when it comes to fashion, which requires knowledge of normie shit like trends (no, style isn't eternal). if a high iq person dresses well, it is in spite of themselves and likely required conscious effort and the advice of others, many of whom likely had lower iqs.
I'm that river.
*sucks in air*
They might dress like shit but they're not stupid enough to wear a shirt under a shirt. That's unnecessary, retarded and inherently is a style move because they're afraid of nipples showing. Stop coping this hard.
I unironically dress as with an emphasis on trash as compared to class. Every other day I wear incomprehensible garbage and wife beaters. Not only this, but I shit-talk other people's taste in fashion ironically. Half the time they agree that I have the superior wardrobe. If anything it has a positive effect on my social life, but who knows because I doubt I'll ever give enough of a shit about fashion to not look homeless.
>due to autism and general social retardedness.
>typically, people with high iqs are social retards. they're literally handicapped when it comes to fashion
t-trust me guise, idiot savants are the the real geniuses!
please no, corn father
i kinda like it desu. its something of our own
Imagine it is fall or spring. It is somewhere between -1C and +5C outside. It is too hot to wear a sweater, and it is too cold to wear just a shirt. So you put a non-descript t-shirt under your shirt. Suddenly you have two layers and are the perfect temperature.
Does there really exist people who wear clothes for form instead of function and comfort? Vomit inducing all of you.
>too hot to wear a sweater
kek what? I wear jeans and a jacket the moment it's under 20 C
Something called a jacket. There are also these things called sweaters you can take on and off. If it's too hot for a sweater, then it's too hot to have a shirt on underneath which you can't even discard if you do get uncomfortable. What you suggested is like saying wear two pears of underwear.
>if I use Celsius people will think I'm not american!
>proceeds to fuck up the temperature range for "moderate weather"
only burgers wear "undershirts"
What do You wear underneath Your shirt, user?
They like to pretend they do.
nothing like a normal human being
Here's a real shocker for you, my skin.
I never wear jacket in the winter even if it is -20C, at worst I will add a thin sweater under a thicker sweater for the coldest days.
Why not wear two thin pieces of clothing for perfect temperature?
If I do like you suggest and wear a jacket I will simply sweat soggy, when I get to work and take it off the shirt will be smelly and wet, and then I'll get cold from my soaked shirt. Brainlet.
If you can wear sweaters at +5C and not overheat something is wrong with you.
If you can wear "undershirts" (manbras) indoors and not overheat, there is something wrong with you.
>why yes, I'm a janitor, how could you tell?
This is a meme helax
Heres a you, (you) earned it, nice dubs too.
is that loli supposed to be Tove Jansson or a random finnish girl?
> - 1 C
>too hot to wear a sweater
Are you actually retarded?
Only legitimate excuse would be cold weather paired with a discreet undershirt, otherwise correct.
Finnish girl from Girls und Panzer
I remember the greentext about user showing this anime to his grandpa who was a WWII veteran
that's exactly what happened!!!!
Why didn't you laugh?
devastating critique
it's all over but the swelling, bra-bois
My grandfather fought in the Italian campaign. 2 generations later his deadbeat grandson is binge drinking while watching the Anzio OVA
It's all over but the swelling
And nobody's sweating but me,
It's over but the smelling
Poor little sweat keeps trying to come through
I can actually feel the onions form around my brain as I read this.
t. King of midwits
please no, corn father
>the Roman general Augustus
>wear a shirt under a shirt
Agreed, which is why the tee shirt is autistic. But wearing a proper UNDERshirt makes sense.
how do you put those in a filename?
>But wearing a proper MANBRA makes sense.
No, it doesn't.
Copy + paste
this is not the (you) that you desperately longed for in your heart of hearts, but it will do for now
pls no cornfather
Here's how I know you're not a writer: true writers are either alcoholics, drug addicts, or sexual deviants; often more than one, but never none of those things. Well, alcoholism, withdrawal from hard drugs, and extreme unsatisfiable arousal all cause pervasive sweating in the underarms. The best way to ruin a well-made collared shirt? Sweat in it. Sweat contains urea, which colours white fabrics an unsightly yellowish-brown...permanently. If you were a writer or your life was in shambles for other, less-justified reasons, you would understand. John Green understands. You clearly don't.
yet he writes better than you or johan greeny. ironic.
Sperg-tastic post
I imagine JG bleating something like this even while the crane's winch is turning and lifting the coil of cable ominously behind John, whose now darting his eyes away from the grinning deplorable precariots who dragged him from the West Elm ratan futon and Nintendo devices in his tiny house and exfiltrated him to these uproarious festivities, where he was aghast and forelorn into a pallid terror to then witness the rapid succession of hoisting until deceased and eerily quiet but for darkening pants and guttural rattles the necks of several television talk show hosts, internet celebrities, professional athletesb and bespectacled intellectuals adamant there's been a mistake and they were on the crowd's side, which always drew spirited howls of derision and morbid chanting to get on with things. Worse yet, right before John, a sad, crumpled and filthy group of a dozen journalists were suddenly sprung aloft from beneath an ascending steel beam, briefly reanimated from their concussed and battered dazes into clutching at the ropes encircling their blood and dirt streaked necks, furiously kicking their shoes off as they ascended gracefully from the ground into the late morning's sunlit wind. The large steel beam upon which their ropes were tied was the original quarry of the heavy crane so parked and bolted with large stabilizers to the ornate patterned pavers of the town square whenever it was not delivering turncoats to justice. But it had been busy since Midnight, John overheard from two men discussing the paucity of rope while admiring the fidgeting, expiring journalists above them.
Any moment now, John would think. He would join the fate of those shoeless broadcast journalists, already perches for birds grown wise to the human affairs having been conducted down below for a great many days. "Halt!" he discerned from the crowd's macabre din and buzz of diesel motors. The crowd parted for a tall man who stood a head above most of them, dressed in immaculate white robes. Whomever he spoke to was obscured by the crowd, but he pointed to John and moments later two wirey men set upon the hapless, faint Greene and snipped the neck of the cord wrapped around his neck, then another snip on the noose, and like that he was delivered, bewildered, speechless, stunned, amazed, terrified, feeling just now the dampness in his crotch, feeling odd and heavy still on his knees. The wirey hands hoisted Greene to his feet. The one tucking an arm beneath John's right arm gravelled his voice with dramatic sarcasm, "Congratulations, Johnny Boy," he beamed, "You got saved from our rope festivities to be part of a Sheikh's celebrity harem. He's gonna tour the world with you on his yacht and as entertainment for his friends in globe's many underworlds. They're endlessly fascinated by the sexual wonders and freaks of America. You've joined a rare group, Johnny Boy!"
did you just write all of this yourself?
There was an almost identical post to this about a different author on the front page of leddit a couple days ago.
Fucking fake and gay. Write original posts OP
>even pebbit is contaminated
This meme really has gotten out of hand.
cringe but deathorgypilled
what author was it?
Yes, I think it's the best way of channeling the complex emotions evoked by Greene.
Don't hurt John Green.
Yea Forums is the front page of Reddit.
It's for the stains, retard.
God, I'm getting too old for all these zoomer words
nice dubs
undershirts are an amerishit invention
The wops brought them here, we call them dago shirts for a reason
a cute bra :3
Jaoh Green is pretty based.
American offices and stores are often over air-conditioned. It's fucking cold there. So people were shirts like that.
But the Italians don't wear them
everyone gets sweat patches, no one thinks anything of it. they will not want to be around you if you're in a stinking shirt
>he doesn't wear a deep v-neck undershirt in order to hide the fact that he's wearing an undershirt at all
I sit here, with my deep v undershirt, and laugh at you.
V like Vagina amirite
I wish this was bait
son, now we have become Reddit.
major autism
please no, corn father
please no, corn father
You can still see the crease and you are still wearing a man bra, reddit.
this post is so fucking funny
I laughed so hard at this fucking pic.
unironically agree
Jesus Christ this is physically difficult to read. I get to the "oblivion is inevitable part" and I actually start getting a little sick to my stomach.
based user triggering an entire board with one post
please no, corn father
Man up. Teenagers read up to 350 pages of such prose in 2-3 days. How do you want to get through 800 pages of Joyce if you can't plow through five lines of John "Manbra" Greene?
>user criticizes a writer he never read and gets btfo by a professor
Well hes abstaining from social media these days, that's the big factor
It's okay OP. In the book Otherworld intelligence (wit) was described as an unsharpened stick, and only through repeated grinding and pummeling by other sticks it can develop a sharp edge. So stick to it.
"It occurred to me why they call it eye contact."
Oh boy better break the paragraph for this one
Fuck you after a long fucking winter - 1C is warm as fuck.
Where the fuck are all you people from where you fuckers think it's not okay to wear something under your shirt. A coat or a jacket is to much, just a shirt or a sweater is to little.
>oblivion is inevitable
is it better if I wear an actual bra
I do because I'm a very hairy person who sweats a lot. I am like a furnace.
It would be hard for me not to punch someone who says the words 'void' and 'oblivion' irl.
I know that feel. Whenever people tell me that they just read some short stories by DFW I feel like smacking them in the face.
please no, corn father
That's makes me laugh so hard.lmao
No one outside of America does this
This actually reminds me of a Catullus poem. Of course Catullus was way better at expressing the idea.