The overwhelming majority of juvenile sex abuse victims are female, but over 80% of victims of Catholic priests are boys. Is there any literature examining the reasons for this discrepancy?
The overwhelming majority of juvenile sex abuse victims are female...
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The majority of juvenile sex abusers probably aren't priests. That's how I would account for it. You don't need to be a genius. girls and young women tend to get abused during childhood or adolescence by family members, other adult authority figures, or sex traffickers.
you are a retard, son.
Priesthood has always been retreat for homosexual Christian men ever since monasticism started. It's a way to help them contribute to society
This is untrue.
You invented these statistics.
>juvenile sex abuse victims are female
No. Males are more at risk at 5 and 15, just nobody gives a shit about them. Kind of like religion.
Priests spend more time with altar boys
>why are our intellectuals so dumb
They’re bought off.
noam chomsky would like to have a word with you.
>Noah "bomb the savages" Chomsky
Historically, the only way to stop your sweet mother from hassling you about not breeding the shit out of a wholesome trad wife was to escape into the clergy. Every man who was disgusting by the idea of marrying a virgin and building a tender family home with her fled to the Church, it was the only alternative that wasn't shameful.
This group included all kinds of degenerates, but the Church provides acces to boys and the power to cover up crimes, so it's an especially enticing choice for homosexual pedophiles.
Also, note how only the Catholic church provides this hidey hole. In Judaism, Protestantism and Islam the clergy can be married and is expected to be married as is in accordance with the Abrahamic teachings. Only the Papists saw the need to diverge from this.
Surprise, vicious opportunist predators target people less likely to expose them for what they are. Do you really think that boys in the 50s-90s were going to come forward with allegations given that their dads would probably beat them to death if they told them they had any kind of homosexual contact?
People like to point out he gets a paycheck so he’s being a hypocrite.
But he’s got integrity, so he pay hasn’t corrupted him.
The media used to be the same, but now 99% of them are corrupt mouthpieces for the oligarchy
>Noah "bomb the savages" Chomsky
Source? Seems based and redpilled.
Pol misinterpretation of what the man has said about Pol Pot. It’s been explained away, but they harp on it like every strawman
Noah "anarchism but, like, you know, one that works" Chomsky
There's one gay man in my office, that came out of the closet in his early 20s. He showed us pictures of him at 18, as he was trying to get into the orders. He said he used to openly hate homosexuals, and that he refused to become a priest because he came upon 2 other candidates having sex and left the seminary.
Noah "theory is for fags and useless, now here's some theory" Chomsky
Homosexuals seek out positions of authority where they can have access to children
Priesthood is like a molestation buffet, think about it. The priesthood doesn't allow men to marry women so it's a good cover for men's homosexuality, AND THEN they have full access to young boys.
It couldn't be any more perfect for a sodomite
Also they get to blackmail the little boys with eternal torture if they don't go along with it.
Lots of repressed gays with too much power in the priesthood.
A rotted Catholic brain’s at work, folks
What on earth would make you think that I'm Catholic by anything I just said
>but over 80% of victims of Catholic priests are boys
Outright wrong.
Funnily enough, you did not point out the fact that the prevalence of child abuse and incest is 8x higher in jewish households kek. This goes for the West. In the entire world, jews and muslims beat every other nations combined.
There is a powerful network of secular homosexual atheists and leftists in the Vatican, promoted by elites, which many corrupt/modernist/intimidated leaders refuse to address or are unable to do anything about, at least publicly. Even though countless secular institutions which passive nihilistic consumerists worship at like Hollywood, the US government, and public schools abuse children at far higher rates than Catholic clergymen, these stories are hidden and downplayed because those particular institutions are enforcers of our diseased liberal world order, not a potential threat to it. Catholicism is the greatest danger to our mystery meat temporary associate future, which is why it is the focus of such concentrated attacks based on obviously fabricated statistics
>other religions can get married, that's why they don't fuck kids
Heathen clergies can get married because they're not committed to a life of truth, discipline, or purity. Because they are reprobates who have abandoned God, they can make up the rules as they go along. Protestants can allow themselves to join S&M clubs and Muslims can allow themselves to kill infants, it's completely besides the point. They are not committed to a life of chastity because they are not committed to God. They are committed instead to worldly and sensual pleasures and lack the moral fiber to deny themselves fleeting and false happiness in order to contemplate God
>because men (sinners) exist within the one true church and the institution that built the planet, because corrupt men (sinners) have infiltrated the greatest institution in all of human history and falsely claim to adhere to the one true faith, we should dismantle it brick by brick, abandon all forms of spirituality, and allow CFR and US government-approved religions to direct our spiritual life instead
If you truly believe this then you have failed in the ongoing war for our souls and are potentially lost to Satan. I am praying for you
Deeply religious homosexuals grow up terribly conflicted. When they’re Catholic they too often decide to join the priesthood. Now here we have cloistered sexually repressed males. Some of them are low sexed enough to stand it, some find release in each other, some are left in charge of boys. And these people develop into sexual predators. Some of them are straight but have a harder time getting access to girls left with the nuns, and of course there are plenty of nuns with sexual repression issues. The whole institution seems ideal for protecting these sorts or people too. So I question the whole narrative that they all start out predators.
Wow. Wha a shit connection
>I question the whole narrative that they all start out predators
>Admit that homosexual catholics often join the priesthood
There are incentives for homosexuals (pedophiles) to join the priesthood because it gives them protection and full access to children. What person in their right mind would ever want to become a fucking PRIEST, besides a homosexual (pedophile).
You're also dismissing the large link between homosexuality and pedophilia. 74% of homosexuals were molested as children and they often grow up to be pedophiles themselves. I think something like 50% of child predators in Canada were found to also be homosexual
Homosexuality =/=pedophiles.
One is a sexuality, a brain rewiring from before birth, call I a deformity if you like. Pedophelia is a fetish one developes, and usually after puberty.
The rest of your post prove you’re pulling pol stats out of your ass. Forget you
>Anything I don't like is /pol/ stats
Twitter logic
Homosexuality and pedophilia are clearly co-related. It is no surprise that the LGBT platform of 1972 demanded the abolition of the age of consent.
his name is Noam not Noah
I think it sounds like /pol/ stats too. You're full of shit. Sounds like you bought into literal 1950s era PSA propaganda.
What's the discrepancy?
Those statistics aren't contradictory.
I know tripfagging is a fun little pastime of yours here, but you have to go back now.
because girls cannot be alter-boys
A Some people of any society are pedophiles.
B Some part of some society requires not having a family.
The overlap of A and B and the resulting rape cases is something you'd expect. It would be a more interesting result NOT to observe rape cases at a normal or above-average case, that would be interesting for a secular organisation as the church.
He knows.
Pol isn’t very bright, but you all them out on it they just claim they were trolling
>such a newfag he doesn’t know I’m from here
>There is a powerful network of secular homosexual atheists and leftists in the Vatican, promoted by elites, which many corrupt/modernist/intimidated leaders refuse to address or are unable to do anything about, at least publicly. Even though countless secular institutions which passive nihilistic consumerists worship at like Hollywood, the US government, and public schools abuse children at far higher rates than Catholic clergymen, these stories are hidden and downplayed because those particular institutions are enforcers of our diseased liberal world order, not a potential threat to it. Catholicism is the greatest danger to our mystery meat temporary associate future, which is why it is the focus of such concentrated attacks based on obviously fabricated statistics
This. The Church is the ultimate foe of Capital.
>Citing the demand on a platform are "/pol/ stats"
>"sounds" like /pol/ stats
>being this indoctrinated by globohomo propaganda
Why do women and r*dditors find this board?
Anti-homo propaganda turned out to be true 30 years later in many different studies. You've clearly never even researched any of this. There's a reason that successful civilizations executed or discriminated heavily against homos for most of human civilization.
Here's the 1972 LGBT platform, or as you call it, "/pol/ stats"
Oh I know you're from here, and it's time for you to leave.
On another note, how does it feel to know that you're getting absolutely torn apart in this thread?
I fucking hate when people on Yea Forums tell other people on Yea Forums they "have to leave." You can't make anyone do anything here and you're only calling attention to it.
Fuck off r*ddit
positively fuming
Everyone knows pol only reads their own shit disinfo-graphs, so it is you who does not fit in here.
>imagines he’s winning some argument.
But you’re the pedophile (straight male) ITT
post timestamp imposter
All I hear is ravings from a sexually depraved pseudo-intellectual
don't bother debating with sodomites, their brain is corrupted the only thing they work towards is gaining access to children