Good interviews of smart/lit people...

good interviews of smart/lit people? Looking for interviews for when I'm too stoned to read but able to watch smart people talk. I have so far:

Bertrand Russell - Mankind's Future & Philosophy
Interview with Georg Lukacs (Lukács György) // subtitle //

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Other urls found in this thread:


Charlie Rose? The problem with Charlie Rose is that you have to really dig through hundreds of turd interviews with celebrities and American policy-makers to find a single worthwhile one.

>too stoned
Weed is not Yea Forums. It is the least Yea Forums of any drug. It is the nigger of the drug world. Lazy. Useless. Deadens the mind. The fact that you list Russell as some sort of philosophical mastermind is proof that you are some pothead pseud who thinks he is "smart".

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I don't know anything about that guy. Just picked him randomly as he seemed interesting. I'm making this list in order to check out some basic stuff. Plus I never talked about philosophical masterminds you autist but about smart people.
The masterminds are welcome too though.

I will search for some good stuff and post it here, thank you.


This. Yea Forums drinks profusely and pops xanax

>the smart drug
Are you fucking kidding me?

I have to ask, when you post things like this do you expect it to do anything but go into one ear and out the other? Do you really think user is going to go, "Wow, user on Yea Forums said weed isn't Yea Forums, and Lord knows the only thing I live for is to be as Yea Forums as possible! I'm going to quit weed now."? Or do you do it because you're insecure and judging others for their habits makes you feel better about your own? I wonder. I'm sure you'll just respond to this by saying "it's for teh lulz, I love makin pot head degenerates like u extra epic mad", but we both know nobody's really upset by your post. So either try harder to make people mad, or know that it's okay to like whatever you like and nobody thinks less of you for being you :)


Exactly. I'm also not a pothead. Have not smoked in two years but as of tomorrow I will have a job where 3 days of the week I'm free. Two of those I plan on studying and the other one on relaxing, going out and watching some cool interviews of smart people while being stoned.

thank you, this looks interesting. I will check out if this series has other good stuff.


You're projecting now too. I'm sorry that somebody hurt you user. Who was it? Your parents? Childhood friends? Society? The universe? Whatever it was, it's okay now.

>nobody's upset by your post
>and yet this rant
Take another hit brah

I didn't make this for you to go full autist again. Why can people never behave.
Also, please no jewish thinkers.

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Rant? This is a discussion board, the whole point is to discuss is it not? I think you might be projecting some insecurities, honestly, and it makes you feel better about yourself if you picture anyone who disagrees with you as an angry hot head.

Weed is a kids drug.


>getting this offended over someone not liking weed

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refer to

>Bertrand Russell

>le who hurt you meme
Reddit is that way

>don't post smart people who will teach me things if they are jewish
your loss

You'll be okay sport, I promise

Does it hurt that much? Let it go. It's just weed.

Honey, it's time to stop

Tobacco is the most Yea Forums.



No drug is Yea Forums, don't let undisciplined and stupid opioid-addicted Americans on Yea Forums tell you otherwise.


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Bryan Magee has some kino interviews with famous philosophers on youtube.

Almost all of them being jewish

HG Wells's interview of J.V. Stalin

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Morning Glory Seeds are the most Yea Forums drug
A physical test, followed by a mental one

>George Steiner was born in 1929 in Paris, to Viennese Jewish parents Frederick George Steiner and Else Steiner (née Franzos)