/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General

>Post the worst examples

Monthly Reading for February: The Fifth Head of Cerberus by Gene Wolfe (Discussion by 28th feb)


Science Fiction:

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:


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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=knowyourmeme apu
audiobookbay.nl/?s=wheel of time

fucking faggot i wont make any threads after this
i stayed up late for this

I wish fantasy was nearly as good as this picture looks like.

im still going to post mine, fuck you
And Slave said, Let there be /sffg/: and here was the thread.

>what have you read this month
>what is your reading list for next month

Monthly Reading for February: The Fifth Head of Cerberus by Gene Wolfe (Discussion by 28th feb)


Science Fiction:

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:

reminder do NOT reply to any leftist bait poster

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posting to send birdboi energy


This series may even be better than Throne of Glass.

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Who is this "bird boy"? I haven't been in active in these threads for months.


How do I write like Peter Watts?

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Any books that are like Charles Dickens in a sci-fi world? Specifically thinking of Oliver Twist, Great Expectations, or David Copperfield but in some sort of Cyberpunk or futuristic setting.

You missed the last thread under Previously. I like the enthusiasm slave but you need to step it up, this just won't cut it.

he's /ourboi/ and the only one who's going to make it

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was in the middle of editing when the little shit posted early

This will always be The series for me.

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A very dedicated autist.

looks good, but must be very frustrating to navigate around there

What science fiction books are most evocative of / similar to Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri?

Key points:
>Heavy social / political themes or commentary with contemporary ideologies colliding with future technology, space exploration, and/or ecological disaster
>Dystopic or semi-Dystopic, with really gnarly consequences for the denizens of the future
>Flavorful and fun writing and bizarre Sci-Fi terminology, like 'energy credits' 'talents / drones', etc

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Currently reading this. Not really fantasy, but I like these historical fictions that take place in "fantastical" times or use those kinds of characters (like Cornwell's Warlord Chronicles).

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I wrote a quick scene for my degenerate litrpg where the protagonist becomes a literal motherfucker. I kind of want to share it with you anons for feedback and bantz. Maybe later.

>tfw in 100+ years there'll be movies looking like this coming out en masse and books will be obsolete
>tfw you won't be there to experience it

What stats does the title mothrfucker give xd

Have faith user, you'll probably live long enough that they'll figure out how to make you live longer and so on. You'll look better at 120 than you do at 60.

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>read Dune
>Wish Jessica was my mom

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I wish Jessica was my wife desu desu

50+ bonus to degeneracy.

Already maxed out, the fuck am I going to do with those?

>tfw you reread a bunch of old works and realize it'd be better with incest

Is there some kind of blog with explanations for BOTNS that I can read after each chapter or something? I don't really know what most happenings are about tbqh. I think I heard there was a podcast but I forgot what it was called.

you think jessica does anal?

Dump it dude, you've been brainwashed by the dino fags around here into thinking that piece of dated garbage is a seminal work of writing. It isn't, cut your losses.

Should I read this ? I started reading spiral wars and in the middle of the second book it gets quite boring, shall I drop it for this ?

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hey guys, its flavoranon. at the 7k wordmark and ive figured some stuff out. im going to need to backtrack eventually, but in the interest of progress im going to keep going and only rewrite the beginning once Im done with the draft

over all, im not super confident, but im pushing forward slowly

thanks for the encouragement.

Keep reading spiral wars faglord

horrabin spooky

any other good shit like anubis gates?

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So I gather birdboi is a writer, can someone give me the 2 sentence summary of what he’s writing. Also what the fuck is his actual name so I can just go buy his shit.

birds and whales are having ww1 over control of a resource rich continent. The birds represent fit women and whales represent obese women, the resource rich continent represents birdboi on a night out.

I'll try but the story really looks like it's going nowhere

>bait poster
Can you stop doing this? You incite the altists to post when you do this shit.

Wrong, the war is about who is allowed to sell humans drugs.

>checking out author's goodreads page
>genres they write in includes YA
>close author page

So neither of those are quite right. The war is triggered because of a religious ban on a drug that wealthy Vulkur (bird) nations sell to the Osinic religious nations. This triggers an economic crisis in Vulku Vu as they are no longer to use the cash injection of the narcotic trade to support their ongoing wars. This leads to a large scale war that the Vulkur thought would be far easier and turns into a continent spanning conflict.

Pelkori (whales) aren't part of the major conflict of the book and instead play a role in one of the main character's stories, also one of the main characters is a Pelkori.

For reference, I am birdboi.

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A lot of adult books get labelled as YA these days (includes Dune), it says more about his/her publisher than anything else.

Should I read The Traitor Baru Cormorant?

I'm feeling like reading some cyberpunk, anybody got some decent cyberpunk you won't find on the OP recommendations?

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I am birdboi. I can answer questions. I apologize if I post this too much but answering questions helps me organize my thoughts as well. If I am being annoying with my posting I will cease.

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The Grand Tour series by Ben Bova, the writing in them is fairly average but a lot of the plots (in the books I've read anyways) deal with similar themes.

YA is the modern pulp genre, a bunch of simply written crap about handsome people going on adventures.

Trying to find a series to start that I can't remember the name of the author or the series name for the life of me. It's a fantasy series and I think there's upwards of ten books, some are prequels, and the subjects seem to be a lot about armies and such fighting and political plots. I think it's a modern series maybe written in the 90s or early 00s starting. I know this is really vague and reaching but if you can toss out suggestions that could really help. I'm banging my head on my desk trying to figure this out!

Based and mommypiled

I wish jessica was my momwife
According to the porn game,yes she does

The Eclipse Trilogy by John Shirley

What's with the influx of mommyfags?

Is there any point in continuing to read sci-fi after Blindsight? Surely it's all downhill from here.

Why do you think?

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So.. boring?

unironically name of the wind even tho i hate rothfuss on a personell level

Nothing wrong with mommyfags,it's the most patrician fetish

why does birdboy get showered with praise and attention? the guy hasn't written shit!

for fucks sake, at least that 'to kill a god' fucker from a few months ago actually wrote something, even if it was cringey horseshit

well, there were people who read lord of the rings and arent around to see the movie adaptations, or any of our sffg adaptations. we're getting a villanueve dune movie soon as well.

Are books better immersion for fantasy and sci-fi settings than games like World of Warcraft?

fuck that guy. birdboi doesnt change the op images and shill his dumb book to the point of spam. lets not forget how annoying the one guy with the rabbit furry fantasy book guy was. juho or something?
are you still around juho?

Thanks for the support fellow mommybros. I'm going to write my mommy LitRPG.

So I'm a couple of chapters into this and it got me curious; where do you draw the line when it comes to female warriors in fantasy?

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What else are we doing in this thread? Honestly he’s a nice autistic diversion. The lad just wants to talk about borbs.

I don't,i like women who can kick my ass

no, he doesn't! he spams and shills, and takes over threads like the others did, but he's spamming something he didn't even make the effort to write!

look, im going to be honest with you - if /sffg/ is going to become a hugbox for sff writers, i dont have a problem with that. Im glad birdboy is getting support and encouragement. but if this is going to be a writers support group, then make it a writers support group for everyone instead of one random bird fetishist

So I think mainly the reason people like birdboi is his brand of autism. Unlike most of the spammers his brand of autism is fairly endearing and hasn’t caused the normal knee jerk negative reaction. Also his weird races are easily meme’d.

you know what's not endearing? taking over an entire general for two straight weeks to bask in admiration over something he didn't do while the people who are actually contributing to sff get ignored, insulted or smeared

I mean birdboi has said if people thinks he is posting to much he’ll stop. I think it’s pretty clear some think that way. I can understand wanting to post when people are positive towards you.

I agree with this. I mean no ill will towards him, but he needs to tone down his autism and actually put out something. I'm honestly getting tired of his constant posting without any substance.

my problem isn't with birdboy, he's reacting how anyone would. my problem is with how people treat him in comparison to every other aspiring author. if you're going to be a friendly, welcoming community then be my guest, but be a friendly welcoming community to everyone! one fucking guy should not be above the abuse that the rest of us have been putting up with for years

Why is birdboi so much more welcomed than others?

we respect constructive autism.

God Damn i hate this series. I hate the women in this book, and i hate the men in this book. I hope the shadow wins and everyone gets continually ass raped until the end of time, holy shit.

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Just drop it because the ending isn't satisfying either.

Fucking Russian whitoid gtfo back to /gulag/

Why would you read a 15 book series if you hate it? Are you a masochist?

>'to kill a god'
>from a few months ago
You mean years ago user...

>that the rest of us have been putting up with for years
Which one are you?
Flavors user?
Rat King user?

Do you think he's the only constructive autist here? He's not! He's just the only goddamn one you pieces of shit have decided to treat like a human being – and the only reason I can think of is because he feeds into your fucking sadistic sex fantasy for sticking your dick in big bird's cloaca while he picks your cotton

I’m not trying to sound like a douche but maybe people like birdboi because he comes off as likeable.

The problem with that assumption is the fact that birdboi is very obviously not trying to appeal to weird fetishists. He talks a lot more about anatomy and speculative biology than how you can fuck the birds.

Reading Night Angel Trilogy, Codex Alera, and have the first 3 books of Malazan (And finishing Watch and Death storylines of Discworld and trying to get my grubby hands on a lot more of Rincewind and Witches). Already read Wheel of Time, Kingkiller, and all of Sanderson's related Cosmere and Reckoners. What else should I read? Not too picky between Sci-fi and Fantasy as long as it's DOPE.

We've got too many newcomers who don't immediately btfo writefags.
Now gtfo my thread you salty penpusher.

>Codex Alera
Good times. I really liked this series. Feel like it's never appreciated enough.

Is this the shit that sells these days?
It looks like something Chuck Tingle would publish.

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>What else should I read?
Probably something that's actually good.

>Is this the shit that sells these days?
you have no idea. those novels have been selling gangbusters for over 2 decades now.

nice cover. very fucking convincing.

then either show them how you're supposed to do it, or join the fuck in


Look at this aspiring fag trying to break back in after we got rid of him years ago.

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It's just all so tiresome after 6 years.
I've been, perhaps unfairly, relying on memanon to do the dirty work.

kek,fuck of bunnyfag,i know it's you

I cant stop now! im on the seventh book and i'll fucking see this shit through

Maybe try Voyage to Alpha Centauri, by O'Brien. He's a Catholic writer, dealing with various political, social, and moral issues through the lens of an SF expedition. Not sure if it's totally what you're looking for but it's a long, but pretty interesting read. The technological stuff is fun too, but the key point is exploring ideas through that lens.

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>nice cover. very fucking convincing.
Literally every time people asks if you can fuck the birds he shuts them down.

can someone answer this

lol, just 8 more to go. Mat makes it easier at least. You can't not like him.

It kinda goes off the rails towards the end with the Gronk (which definitely has that PKDish vibe about it).

Some people say that Ballard is similar to PKD though personally I don't really see it.

listen memelord, if you're not going to do your fucking job then I'll do it for you

Whether or not he's doing it intentionally doesn't change the logic for the rest of you. You're just egging him on in hopes that he'll unintentionally give you fap bait

Yes. Females right now is most of the book market, and the romance genre is absolutely depraved. Most could be taken straight out of a hentai comic. And those that aren't reverse harem or worse (gangbang novels etc), if changed to a male perspective, would be taken as a complete male fantasy. But it's fine because a woman wrote it.

I mean, check this out!
Had a male written this, he'd be absolutely ostracized and his book would probably be taken out of amazon right away. It kinda makes me want to write a novel with the most degenerate plot I can, slap a female point of view at the start and sometimes in-between the main male character, put a gender neutral name like L.M. Authoress, and see how much I could get away with.

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I made two bird memes.
Some user said that he was in discord and afraid people would think about hilter bird.
I made a hitler flamingo.
He disappeared for a few threads then came back...

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>still roiding

>writefags getting salty as fuck that we actually like one of them

>listen memelord, if you're not going to do your fucking job then I'll do it for you
I made at least 5 memes about aspiring authors, it's your job to use them. You can't expect me to meme 24/7. I drove away the last bunch, we as a community have to fight them together.

This user used to do his job.

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I like birdboi because he's like a writer apu, not because I want bird erotica.

Alaska Pacific University?

no u sily

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It's hard to say. Depending on the writer or developer any game or any book can be either immersive, but the consumer and their state of mind make all the difference.

Personally, I haven't played anything in years, but I don't think world of warcraft is all that good an example. Multiplayer games tend to make it more obvious that what you're experiencing is a level of abstraction.

pls don't pull me into this

I remember robopocclypse being decent. Like WWZ but with drones instead of zombies.

I guess that's not really traditional scifi though. Also, I just remembered that WWZ was made by Mel Brooks's son and that kind of makes me chuckle

I was raised by wolves. I never imagined I would be forced to marry one.

All my life i've been an outsider. A human raised by a pack of wolf shifters. And now that that I have returned to the pack for the alpha contest, the unimaginable has happened. I am to be the next alpha's omega. I am to give birth to werewolves.

What scares me most is who will be the next alpha. Will it be Axe, my protector, my greatest friend since childhood? Or will it be Hawk, who only wants to control and dominate me? Which wolf will win the alpha contest and claim me for life?

18+ Only.

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>replies to me and doesn't give me the correct answer while at it
Fuck off faggot.

>pls don't pull me into this
I just wanted to make sure flavoursanon. All the years you were here you never came off as such an entitled cunt.

You're either a complete retard or a troll.
lmgtfy.com/?q=knowyourmeme apu
Two seconds, that's the time it would have taken you.

When I googled it the fucking university showed up your stunted cunt. Learn to explain yourself with words instead of pepe images. Fucking dolt.

Know any books with elf bitch x orc horde fucking and her getting raped until she gets stockholm syndrome?


How is he a writing apu?

>pepe images
Yep, trolling.

It's like it was made for you.

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>no you sily pepe.jpg
>what pepe images, you are trolling


The grils all get orc dicked before she gets her hands on them.

Damn if only I had a harem of orc leftovers rofl

>till the end of time
time is a wheel friendo

> hate it
> on seventh book
you love it really. you'll be sad once you finish the whole thing.

I don't think I'm really any less entitled, but I'm trying to move to a healthier place and make an effort instead of waiting for happiness to come to me

female warriors were more common historically than we tend to think they were, but I draw the line at stuff that breaks my sense of immersion.

Having a pikewoman in disguise or a sword-wielding pirate queen is one thing, but I'm going to have trouble believing a woman rose through the ranks to lead a phalanx of spartan hoplites.

>cugel tells derwe coreme that he has a clever plan to outsmart the busiaco
>he just gives her to them to be raped in exchange for passage across a river
holy kek thats cold as hell. cugel is a fucking bastard

forgot pic

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Picked these up at a garage sale. The spines aren’t even bent so I doubt they have been read.

Starting them tonight! What am I in for?

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Based as fuck.

Hyperion is a classic

one great book

At what point during Toll the Hounds does it get immersive and interesting?

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Innocence and earnestness.

"now" is underselling things. There's always been a healthy market of horny readers who want to read about some lady in the wild west getting her stage coach raided by hunk bandits who then "raid her stage coach" and so on. By the 1930s and 50s it was a widespread part of the pulp industry, and things really took off in the 60s once all the sexual liberation stuff started. And written porn provides a figleaf of respectability, it's seen as being fancy porn where there's story and emotion and so on before it gets to the part where the schoolgirls corner the headmistress in her office and force her to give into her forbidden desires.

Article/interview about the pulp industry and the novel "Women's Barracks":

Article by Andrew J. Offutt's son about his father's career writing a few SF/F books... and a shitton of porn:
>Dad typed swiftly and with great passion. In this fashion, he eventually wrote and published more than 400 books. Two were science fiction and 24 were fantasy, written under his own name; the rest were pornography, using 17 pseudonyms.

Even going back to the pre-printing press period there's plenty of titillating stuff like Satyricon, The Decameron, the Tale of Genji and Jin Ping Mei and so on. And god only knows what kind of bawdy stories bards would peddle around verbally ala Loki getting fucked by a horse.

>Had a male written this, he'd be absolutely ostracized and his book would probably be taken out of amazon right away.

You can quit clutching your pearls since plenty of male-written erotica indicates otherwise. Though I suspect a lot of the authors are just pseudonyms for women.

i enjoyed GOD rand

>Jin Ping Mei

>In the seclusion of the nuptial chamber the pillow and mat are cool;
>The man of talent and woman of beauty approach the climax of their game.
>No sooner have they embarked on "dipping the red candle upside down";
>Than they suddenly switch to "punting the boat by night."
>Rifling its fragrance, "the butterfly nibbles at the calyx of the flower";
>Sporting with the water, "the dragonfly darts, now high, now low."
>When pleasure reaches its height passions are intense, and feelings know no bounds;
>As the mouth of the "divine turtle" disgorges its "silvery stream."

IIRC contemporary Chinese critics considered it to be a classic second only to Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh.

Guys, what’s the name of the book with the wolf head on the cover and I think sort has the font of pic related. I think it’s about a girl and maybe cyber related

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/sffg/, I'm sorry to bother you guys, but I'm trying to understand how to write thematics better, and I had a question

I want to build a story around about a post-apocalypse around the theme of "life goes on". Do you think it's better to focus on humans rebuilding, or just show them surviving while the animals rebuild in our place?

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im about halfway through and it has yet to get interesting. there have been some cool parts but then they immediately go back to the banality. I heard its the last quarter of the book that it picks up.

Even if it isn't as amazing as BotNS fags want you to think it's still entertaining and interesting to view from different angles.
I don't think you'll find the explanations you seek if you're looking for something objective.
There is a podcast but I highly recommend you finish the books before listening to it. I think if you follow along with it it'll skew your interpretation of characters and events. Give yourself time to reflect on what you've read before listening to a couple of guys give their own opinion on what each chapter was about. It's better to compare your thoughts with someone else's rather than being told what to think or how to view certain things.
The podcast is Alzabo Soup I believe. Again, finish the books first. Even if it confuses you.

Where do you guys download audiobooks for free from? I'm looking to get into the wheel of time series, but every audiobook is like 35 USD, and if I read all the books it will take my autistic ass at least a year to read all of them. that means reading nothing else for that entire span as well

audiobooks appear on overdrive (will usually come with your library)/audible uploaded to mobilism or MAM or audiobookbay or redacted.ch

there's a big list of overdrive libraries you can also get from /g/ private tracker wiki page from bib, and also power users+ class on bibliotik can request overdrive library cards once a month

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just keep reading and look up archaic words when necessary. you'll be rewarded tenfold once you reread it with the podcast

I thought overdrive was just a way to help locate which local libraries have a specific audiobook. Can you download from there too?

Yes? Where else do you think people upload audiobooks from? They aren't buying them!

Even if it says 0 seeders on audiobookbay it will usually have seeders.

>You can quit clutching your pearls since plenty of male-written erotica indicates otherwise
I am not talking about erotica. I am talking about the double standards applied to male and female authors. And I don't personally fault amazon, but they cave to demand from social media. I know a couple of authors who were kicked out because their books contained too much sex.

ok I'm retarded. Each book i've looked up on overdrive only has 2 options on it.
>find in your library
>find libraries nearby
Normally I would assume that means someone hasn't uploaded it, but somehow I doubt that no one has uploaded game of thrones or any wheel of time books

>Though I suspect a lot of the authors are just pseudonyms for women.
Maybe once. Nowadays, women are a much larger consumer base than males and I don't see the benefit of pretending to be a male author.

Hyperion is great. Simmons is a proper nutcase though.

You have to own a library card with overdrive access in order to get a card but unless you spend a very long time applying to each of the libraries and hopefully getting approved you still won't get access to that many audiobooks

WHICH IS WHY MOBILISM, MAM AND AUDIOBOOK BAY HAVE MORE AUDIOBOOKS WHICH ARE EASIER TO OBTAIN. Every uploader on these sites have access to different overdrives and have bought stuff off audible etc.

Go to: audiobookbay.nl/
Search wheel of time audiobookbay.nl/?s=wheel of time
You'll find audiobookbay.nl/audio-books/complete-chapterized-unabridged-wheel-of-time-series-robert-jordan-brandon-sanderson-2/

obviously if it wasn't there I would check mobilism and then MAM and finally if I can't find it anywhere I would use overdrive to check if one of my big libraries have it or if someone can upload it for me.

Obviously it's usually way easier to find an epub for a book in the first place.

Are you actually saying someone reading at audiobook speed, will be faster than you reading it?

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>Are you actually saying someone reading at audiobook speed, will be faster than you reading it?
Maybe he'll listen to it while working which is what I do. Better than waiting 8+ hours before getting started every day.
I'm ashamed to say I read slower than audiobooks. I reread every sentence like three times.

I don`t understand what job you are doing where you get paid to listen to audiobooks, but that`s pretty cool.

An unfulfilling job where I sit at a desk, work with my hands, and don't have to interact with anybody while making $11 an hour.

not at 1X speed. If it's on audible, youtube, or archive.org I can read along to 1.5 or 2X speed.

ok, that makes more sense. thanks for the info

ooohhh fair enough. enjoy doing that for like 30 hours x 14 books.

I`d rather sit there and comfortably read personally, but to each their own.

Reading's faster for me to be honest.

dunno whether this constitutes fantasy but what are some good vampire books?

Fevre Dream
the Coldfire Trilogy

>dunno whether this constitutes fantasy
It is. Urban fantasy is filled with them. I particularly dislike them, I prefer them set in a pre-modern era, but those are few. Absolutely avoid Nightlord.

I don't remember a good book that focus on vampires, but The Sorcerer's Path has some in book 4, I think? There's also Demon Accords, but I didn't like it. Master of Blood and Shadow is focused on vampires but it is a harem book.

>I am not talking about erotica.
>I know a couple of authors who were kicked out because their books contained too much sex.

uh-huh, i'm sure.

There's absolutely a marketing effect to using a "gendered" name vs a generic one. It's stupid bur readers still go "women write books like this but men write books like /this/." Generally for both SF and F, the pigeonholes seem to be that women write stuff that's more "soft" in theme: romantic fantasy stuff, social scifi, etc. Men write more action and "hard" oriented stuff like hard SF and "dark fantasy" and so on.

So a author will obviously want to play to different markets depending on the story type, a princess waiting to be rescued and ravished by the handsome prince/space captain should be targeted at female audiences, while a story about a succubus corrupting a paladin or a space mercenary getting hired to stop the sexomorphs will probably work better with a male author name.

C.S. Friedman's Coldfire trilogy is really good.


Which do I read first:
The Dragonbone Chair
Book of the Moon
Or jump to Pride and Prejudice

skip the dragonbone chair

Im surprised you say that, I heard it was really good

it's really average and both the MC and love interest are insufferable cunts

Movies? No it will all be VR

That scene is what really sold me on Vance, ngl.

There was an homage analogy called Songs of the Dying Earth published after Vance died, and I think three of the authors had Derwe somehow getting back at Cugel over it. It's legitimately one of the most outlandishly amoral things I've ever read.

I can't tell if it's a great or a terrible novel.

On one hand, it was pretty entertaining to read, and he does do interesting things with it structurally.

On the other hand, Patrick Rothfuss is a massive neckbeard who writes awful dialogue and has the most cringeworthy ideas of what is romantic and charming. Also, has absolutely shit opinions on writing in general, like that flawed characters are inherently boring and not worth writing about.

I mean, even on a meta level, the whole buildup with Derwe's character and backstory was ultimately just there to make Cugel look like that much more of a sociopath when he leaves her to get gang raped by forest hillbillies.

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its even funnier because he like, sits and thinks about it and justifies his decision to himself for a few paragraphs and he's on his merry way.
i thought he was going to begrudgingly go back and save her but no, he's got other plans lol.

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You know a series is based when the translator literally puts up a disclaimer in the middle saying they do not endorse any of the beliefs of the protagonist.

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did you just describe Mein Kampf?

nah the poster siad "in the middle" and mein kampf is about as readable as Time Cube.

The fact that writefags are assmad about people being nice to birdboi just makes me want to be nicer to him.

Epub (that I have not tried myself): www37.zippyshare.com/v/t2MYTzfk/file.html

2 days left! The threads are suddenly moving fast as fuck and I'm quite busy at the moment so don't worry if my posts are not within the first 50, I've not forgotten you.

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I read Gates of Fire. One of my favorite works of fiction thus far. It's like 300 the movie but better. He really fleshes out the Spartans involved. Felt like my Testosterone levels were increased by at least 25% permanently after that read. I always think of their last stand, when faced with a tantamount challenge.

I waited till the last second to write my short story. Right now I have a 7,300 word story, the max length is 7,000 words. I have only one critique group between today and the deadline, and they'll critique max 3000 words. So I've got to cut it down to intro+hook + key action sequence+ climax, have short summaries for all the stuff in between, get that version critiqued and then somehow apply it to the rest of the story, revise everything in 36 hours so I can submit it by the deadline.

Good news is, I asked for volunteers on facebook and now I have exactly one beta reader.

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Plus I also have to implement the beta reader's feedback. I've never had a beta reader before. What the heck does one even do, anyway? Is it some weird sagacious mental connotation game? There's no way to change half the stuff that late, anyway.

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Betas are supposed to ID plotholes and identify bad grammar/spelling mistakes. You are supposed to leave enough time to implement relevant feedback.

>The Dragonbone Chair
>it's really average and both the MC and love interest are insufferable cunts
So spoilers tell me the love interest gives her virginity to some asshole and the MC gets upset about it but marries her anyway in the end? Why is western fantasy so full of cucks, pussy-whipped betas, sluts or love interests being killed off?

The Dragonbone Chair should be avoided at all cost desu

I'll put any writing by this cuck author on the to-avoid list.


He cute

>that one guy seething because we didnt give him the attention he wanted

Knights of Dark Renown

Yeah, finding plotholes will be very helpful.

For spelling/grammar, usually my sentences tend to be textbook-grammatically correct yet not flow, which takes a good critiquer to notice that.

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>implement relevant feedback.

Though I'm not sure I believe in plotholes, per se. The part of the brain that finds plotholes only turns on when the reader isn't invested in the characters or story. When I'm really into a story I tend to invent my own justifications for the plotholes and overlook ridiculous stuff.

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Nature. And people become more like them.(animals)

tfw I just spend all day pirating books and never read them

What's the best site to pirate books from? Piratebay lacks a lot of stuff.


and #bookz on irc.undernet.org

You will probably enjoy Abrecrombies First law trilogy and his stand alone books. Try also the other Weeks series, but just so you know it is yet to be finished.


Can I fap to any of these?

I have no doubt that you will get off to this one

is the POV a little girl? I can only fap to pubescent girls

I was referring to the image, actually.

you do understand that a picture usually has a POV?

Oh, sure, but the image is obviously gay porn while the text describes an actual novel with a female protagonist, no clue as to her age but I have yet to see one of these novels that actually risks being categorized as lolicon.

Will Wight and William D Arand are releasing on Friday.
Who else?

Dry prose but good overall. Redpill on Communism.

she can control her anal sphincter to the milimeter to produce the maximum pleasure without wasting a drop of precious cum

Do you need to be on spice to navigate her orifices or does some ginger in her butt suffice?

Can you recommend me some books about people / organizations playing 4D chess?
could be non sci-fi too (history, politics, etc.)

>inb4 4d suborbital backgammon is a meme

yeah some is needed to fold her spaces

the Culture has an entire department dedicated to 4D chess.

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Throne of Glass.

in 100 years movies will be known as "marvels"

Do all Bene Gesserit can do that or only Jessica?

Arand releases Friday too? Oh boy. Gonna be a good week.

>I would rather have an army of deer commanded by a lion than an army of lions commanded by a deer!

Which dipshit said that

Alexander the Great

No wonder they killed him

Agreeing with the Culture guy, Player of Games is

All BG can do it to a degree but Jessica is a specialist

If you're liking Malazan then check out the Prince of Nothing series by R. Scott Bakker. However if you're unable to appreciate expert worldbuilding then it may be a slog. The characterization is excellent, and the writing has plenty of poetic gems, but it took me a long time to really get into it because of how little effort the author makes to hook you in early on.

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jesus christ, i just re-read my tantrum from yesterday.


>Tell me, what do you see?

>jesus christ, i just re-read my tantrum from yesterday.
were you the guy who was mad that we didnt hate birdboi?

Based Jessica

Why are those two bearded gentlemen shooting yellow laser semen into that black womb?

yeah, sorry about that.

Blindsight consist of only 4D chess

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Ok who the fuck is birdboi and why is everyone so assmad about him?

Simmer down
they're just forcing another meme

read the past few threads.
no one is assmad.

Dear god Yea Forums please help.

I have been trying to remember the name of a book or series of books that I read back in elementary school. The beginning of the first book starts with someone’s brother who was/is in the military coming home. I think the plot revolves around finding magic objects (there may have been time travel involved?)

I thought it was a popular series but googling “The seeker” and “the holder” (I thought the book/series was called something along those lines) turned up nothing. I went as far as to peruse the Wikipedia list of books about time travel.

Also i’m pretty sure that a movie was made about the book... not sure though.

I like books that lower my T levels.

So as to prevent black semen from entering yellow wombs

A few people in this thread are assmad because no one is being mean to birdboi.


I didn't read that in my version of dune... I know the baron was fucking his nephew.. other than that...

It's okay. As a failed author we understand that you get salty at other's advancement.

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Artemis Fowl?

i was the one who threw that fit and I was assmad, but not because people were being nice to birdboi. I was mad because people were being so consistently nice and helpful to him for two weeks straight when every single time I've tried to talk about writing Ive been insulted and told to fuck off.

anyway, sorry about that. it was deeply immature of me to demand to demand to be treated with the same amount of respect like im entitled to it. I was just being a jealous asshole

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Does anyone know if the three Halo books by Greg Bear are any good? It's a trilogy prequel set aside from the main narrative, which would possibly give him some room to write freely, so I am cautiously optimistic.

The Forerunner Saga? Heard it was alright.

>spiral wars

pure garbage everything else is better, so yeah.

on second thought I rescind my apology. you people are chodes

See the thing is what won me over about birdboi is what he posted when asked why he writes and who he expects to read his work. He is honestly endearing in that he seems like a genuinely good person who is just trying his best. A lot of prospective authors are really stuck up about their writing. He isn’t and openly admits his main focus is on getting better. So I guess part of it is being genuinely humble.

this. you can clearly tell birdboi is passionate about what he wants to do. weather he succeeds or fails is another thing altogether. but he is passionate about his endeavor.

Fuck you guys you told me God Emperor would be good. I had to struggle a bit through Messiah but Children was literal dog shit on paper. It wasn’t worth it! Reee

You again faggot? You deleted your post because you spelt best wrong?

I told you to stop at Dune. But you wanted to be contrary. Fuck off.

Contrary? It’s this general’s consensus

thanks anons, gonna check those

I'm a different faggot.

Ignore Glass, it's a troll.

Another important thing is that he is tackling a sort of fantasy that is very uncommon. At least in the era he is targeting and the sort of conflict he is focused on.

>one faggot who spams the dune charts is the entire general

How many faggots do we have in here that deletes an entire post because they spelt one fucking word wrong?

Stop fellating the writefag you mongs. It just encourages the rest of em.

By choosing one writefag to like we run others off. See the tantrums it's caused already.

Books like 2001 A Space Odyssey?

Literally every book by Arthur C. Clarke

Those sexy as fuck lumberjacks... HNGGGGGGG

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I'll get some then, thanks.

Reading werewolf smut now to see what that's all about (and fap to hot sexy wolf men knotting bitches)

Reading Island Jumper right now... harem castaway survival. It's pulpy and I love it, has a Tamer feel.

Is it completed?

>"Oh Canada!"

Not sure I'm on book 1. I found 2 books on mobilism. Until I finish them I can't tell.

The Vampire: The Masquerade novels

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It’s on tonight!!!

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Does anyone knows any book about orcs or half-orcs?

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Orcs by Stan Nicholls. It is a slow read but very good series.

Love the book hate the cover.

hate the book hate the cover. trash grim derp,

The Half-Orcs Series by David Dalglish,haven't read them so i don't know if they're shit

I wouldn’t go out of my way to suggest the book but I found it to be a decent read.

Do canadian girls really do this?

Every night

Fuck it,i'm going to canada

Over half way through this now and even though there's a moment or two that made me go, "ehhhh I dunno about that...," for the most part it comes across as believable the Amazons could be so formidable in combat against men. It also helps that there's nothing political about this, the story is entertaining, and all the characters are likable. I get the feeling Robert E. Howard would have been a fan of this because of the Barbarism vs. Civilization theme.

Pretty sure it's not grimderp. Edgy as hell, but the most important aspect of grimderp is nihilism (as in EVERYTHING is shitty) and a story can be very edgy without actually being grimderp. That being said I couldn't get past the first page of Grey Bastards. It was TOO edgy. Felt like I was reading something written by a 15 year old.

the ending is SUCH an unnecessary cliffhanger. I enjoyed reading the book, but I was left with a bad taste in my mouth

read lots of nature articles and think how you can apply them to aliens and shieet

Yeah I didn’t really like the lack of closure you get at the end.

Is there book where aliums are not humans but tentacles and girl falls in love with them?

Steampunk but you might like it. Don't bother with his next book though.

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>read synopsis
>check author
>rate on goodreads
easy 100 book challenge

any other litrpg degenerates here? I need some recs. I'm reading awaken online and although the combat is kind of fun the actual writing is so embarrassingly bad that it bothers even me. I read chink shit for fuck sake but this is just another level of cringe. At least with chinkshit I can chalk some of it up to the translation, but this dude obviously is a native english speaker. I think I unironically write better in many ways when i was 12.

Anyway what are some comfy litrpgs? Preferably with edgy main characters or at least lots of violence. Also I'd prefer more focus on doing game shit and less on interacting with characters because I dont think litrpg writers are capable of writing about relationships or interesting ideas so they should just stick to game cringe wish fulfillment.

Just rec me edgy/violent litrpgs

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Another stupid trilogy

I dont understand why someone would read ANY litrpg.

If you want stats and shit, play a real videogame. If you want cool worldbuilding or characters read a real fantasy novel.

>hating mad lad Rand.

You obviously have no standards just pick random sff books

Awaken online is a litrpg about the human condition. The author just keeps adding more fluff and real life problems. I think he was trying to make it a serious commentary on the human condition through a litrpg filter.

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what if you want both?

Why does arand like to have his book initials be the same letters?
SS - super sales
FF - fostering Faust
DD - dungeon deposed
WW - wild wastes
SS - swing swift
CC - cultivating chaos

honestly i always thought the author wanted to make a human feeling badguy but never really committed to it fully and it ruined the entire thing.

For the same reason I read chinkshit, autistic power fantasy. Most fantasy isnt as good for that because the main characters have morals that I think are cringy/boring.
>that scene where the main character kills someone for the first time and is super conflicted and throws up or some shit

fuck that lmao. Do you have any non litrpg recs that fit my tastes? Ive read pretty much all the mainstream fantasy I can find that looks interesting.

Oddly enough I don't read a lot with stuff like that, but most books that feature alliums don't make them humanoid, and I've got a few pics of them with tentacles. Given that they're a staple ingredient in pretty much every world cuisine, I think it's safe to say that women love them (as well as men, if you're into that)

Sorry I couldn't be of more help

You didn't hear this from me, but give homestuck a chance. One of the main protagonists set off a cycle of revenge that culminated in her using a mind-control mechanic to blind a former friend, walk a deserter off a cliff and force a dude kill his own girlfriend

I don't personally read litrpg, but I remember as a kid the idea of the genre always appealed to me. Granted, I was way more into video games then.

I think when people feel more at home in a video game than they do in real life, a setting with game mechanics is easier to connect to

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the author cant even make a human feeling main character. I thought it was a meme that you have to understand people to write people but after reading AO i think its true. The writer has the emotional maturity and depth of a child and it shows. If he stuck to generic good characters vs bad characters it would be slightly less obvious though.

are there any novels where human hunts down aliens for cuisine

theres the opposite in movie form.

The goodreads page for this has me conflicted, on hand Mark Lawrence is shilling it but on the other the first bad review is complaining there's too much rape. How much rape is there really, not reading books about orcs if it's just mentioned in passing.

Well there's no hunting, but Beyond Lies the Wub is a lovely story gutenberg.org/files/28554/28554-h/28554-h.htm

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/sffg/ I apologize in advance for asking about writing here, but do any of you know any techniques to deal with writer's block?

I'm sort of stuck because I don't have a lot planned out. I was hoping just diving into it and making up the plot as I went along would get me to stop agonizing over little details, but it's just making it so I can't see the goal posts.

Write about something else, something dumb. With furries even.
Also gtfo my thread.

Have a plan you retard. Outline.

Does anyone have suggestions on programs to organize notes for writing?


There were a few mentioned a thread or two back. Go take a look.
Then kys

Is it like a magic bear that can shapeshit, or just a normal bear??

The only litrpg Ive read was Way of the Shaman

Its pretty awesome, except the book about the castle in the forrest, it takes what was supposed to be some sidequet and draws it out way linger than it needs to be, but it sets things up

Book 1 and 5/6 is really where it hits the right spot