Any books, from left-wing or right-wing authors...

Any books, from left-wing or right-wing authors, that will help me understand why Western Europeans implemented policies leading to their ethnic replacement? As someone from south-east Asia, it's a bizarre thing to witness (something I've done in person when visiting England, France, and Germany). Have western Europeans lost the will to live? What is going on exactly?
Not posting on /pol/ as they're retarded and won't give me any decent reading.

Attached: index.jpg (300x168, 22K)

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Spengler and Nietzsche, probably.

Here's what happened: Post WWII, You Know Who wormed their way into media and higher education, and made a concerted effort to hollow out the confident, Christian tradition of the west and replace it with one of guilt. Once this was one, mass immigration was put forth as a tacit way for the west to atone for centuries of colonialism, slavery, and exploitation. You Know Who wants this, as they fit in better in nations comprised of a patchwork of ethnic groups, rather than ones with white Christians as the powerful majority. International capitalists are on board, as mass migration = cheap labor and a workforce comprised of disparate groups who will have a much harder time banding together and demanding rights and higher wages. There, I saved you hours of reading.

I read a great book on the subject (doesn't really talk about "ethnic replacement" cause that is unlikely) but it was with the main focus on Norway and I doubt it is translated.

i as european canĀ“t even understand whats going on in the minds of my brothers and sisters

Douglas Murray's Strange Death of Europe is a pretty good book on the subject, but as he is a former Neocon he carefully elides the JQ, so you'll have to fill in the blanks as you read.

Alain de Benoist, for example

Don't need a book to explain that, it's really simple.
>due to accessible, quality education, the exploitable mass in a country decreases and the educated workers start demanding higher living standards. So the capital imports impoverished populations en masse to break said living standards and create economic blackmail.

>Leading to their ethnic replacement
This whole concept is so flawed and completely divorced from reality. Don't fucking reply to me with image macros or your stupid shitty social studies journals.

But user, the christian organizations were never really hostile to immigration, and first world guilt is the bastard child og third-worldsim, which has always been hostile to Israel.

0 - 5 year olds in America are only 40% European.

How is fewer natives in a certain area not ethnic replacement?

Basically this. This is Marxist theory applied correctly.

Yeah, the sad truth is that the more realistic outcome (if the current trendsetter continue) is more like what happend to Yugoslavia at the end of the cold war, except it will be worse for the minorities.

whoa wait so generally wealthy demos have children less frequently? wtf? and it's more like 51% ya dingus
also, a lot of those are hispanics. Your grandchildren will probably think of mexican descendants as white.
also, the waves of immigration from the south have slowed down significantly as US economic growth undergoes federal chokeholding, they are both a source of and result of healthy econ and those are ending lmao
Ethnicity doesn't work like that you'd be one of these guys if you were alive in the olden times probably:
>If current trendsetter continue
yeah trends almost always continue to infinity, if there's one thing I learned from history it's that whatever is happening right now will probably continue to happen forever

so you're wrong about the fact that it is happening because you're taking molehill current demographic shifts and extrapolating them out into mountains, and also those molehills are not permanent, etc etc I could go through this all day but none of yall will listen

As much as I like Marxist theory, this is only half the truth. It may explain some of the immigration, and the accept for it, but immigrants, or even non-western immigrants, are not a homogenous group. And some of the groups are very unfit for the labour market they enter, and end up unenployed. You also have to keep in mind that the first muslim immigrants were not invitet by the capitalist class, although it may have been a pleseant surprise.

>whoa wait so generally wealthy demos have children less frequently? wtf? and it's more like 51% ya dingus
No, not for 0 - 5 year olds. Don't have the stats on hand, but it's already way below 50% white.

I'll assume you're baiting. Nobody can be this retarded.
>durr race doesn't exist anyway, what's "white" what's "black" anyway

Attached: demographics of Los Angeles.png (490x141, 6K)

>yeah trends almost always continue to infinity, if there's one thing I learned from history it's that whatever is happening right now will probably continue to happen forever
Thise trends don't need to continue to infinity, you passive aggresive incel. They only need to last for a few more decades for massive problems to occur.

the US caused the entire crisis. now gtfo back to pol

Lack of argument noted
the USA = Los Angeles, you woke af big brain guy
hahahaha ok bud

boys blease chill, your spazzing out about this is simultaneously impotent, incorrect, and reveals you're spiritually ugly

>hahahaha ok bud
>boys blease chill, your spazzing out about this is simultaneously impotent, incorrect, and reveals you're spiritually ugly
It's obvious that you're a butthurt non-european, probably black or some other amerimutt. Kys incel.

Literally a 6'4" california-hot white devil, I just don't maintain microdick energy via ethnic anxieties because I'm not illiterate to data and geopolitics. one pubmed link does not proof make, ya feel?
Fear/disgust are always suspect, my advice is to ignore them. humans tend to overestimate threats when these emotions are included in the cocktail.
Also I haven't purposefully self brainwashed through hours of biasfluffer content aggregators
basically I'm a cool guy

you type like a mentally ill tranny

Nobody is buying your shit. Go back to r*ddit, faggot.

>I'm a cool guy
>posts on 4channel
Yeah no.

no you do. easy on the estrogen jazz.

Woke, none of us are cool

you literally came to 4ch via t_d and pol, shit for brains

According to these figures, LA 'died' at some point in the 80's. But LA still exists, so what gives?

Not sure what you mean. Seems like you're arguing against some strawman.

Many people would prefer if LA was white, though. You can call them racists if it makes you feel better, but it is what it is.

Because it's propped up by rich people, who live in gated communities away from the diversity.

I don't know what I'm arguing against. Ethnic change is apparently bad and means people have lost the will to live, but it happened in LA and nothing really changed

Border control and political power is antithetical to liberal capitalism. The spice must flow.

Political discourse trying to cover up institutional failure in Europe is also an indirect cause ("W-we actually need refugees because our people aren't having enough children!!)

Attached: download.jpg (182x277, 4K)

>nothing really changed
Only if you treat people (nations, ethnic groups) as perfectly interchangeable entities.
By this logic, you could replace, say, the entire population of Japan with Nigerians and nothing would really change.
But here's the thing: most people don't see it that way. They see race/ethnicity as relevant. Crazy, right?

accepting refugees are a moral question
personally I say we (the (USA) take 100% of the women and

You need to unpack that a little. So, in the 70's, some people lived in LA. Forty years later, some other people live in LA as well. This upsets you. What is the problem?