When you combine literary studies with paranoiac conspirationism

>When you combine literary studies with paranoiac conspirationism

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men, me, niggers and women

basooned and rougepilled

>not writing about women
what are you, gay?

>Who writes the stories?
>Who benefits from the stories?
>Who is missing from the stories?
Not people.

Is this what they're teaching at 'Universities" these days?

Why is this sjw critical theory shit only applied to Western literature? Why does no one complain about the lack of non-binary Haitian heroin addicts in Meiji literature? Or the lack of undocumented inter-sectional feminist labor activists in the Bhagavad Gita?

Mmm.. yep: based

>Why is this sjw critical theory shit only applied to Western literature?

Cui bono?

Does it actually benefit anyone though? It seems like it only exists to denigrate Western culture, and by extension white people.

>obsessed with sjw's
>calls them the paranoid ones

t. hasn't been to university

just undergrad things
I honestly think it's spread so quickly because it's super easy. Literally anyone could do it. I'm a brainlet, I could do it.

Well, yeah it's easy. You just write about what's not in a story. You don't actually have to do any analysis of the story itself.

yeah. no prob. As long as it's acceptable criticism there's going to be a lot because the stuff writes itself.

>his debut novel isn't about 3 lesbian couples at different stages of their relationships
pretty gay desu

>Does it actually benefit anyone though?

Low status individuals can sometime rise in rank when social orders are upended. Those who facilitate this upending might also benefit by entrenching themselves as arbiters or dispensers.

This implies that the sjw view of our social order is accurate though, which it isn't. The low status individuals of Western society are low status through their own failures and defects, yet they still maintain a relatively comfortable existence and enjoy the sympathy of the majority. What will upending our social order actually gain them?

>What will upending our social order actually gain them?

Prestige from peers?

I suppose so, but those gaining prestige through this kind of social criticism in academia were never low status to begin with. It just seems wholly destructive to me if not outright regressive since value is being placed on arbitrary identities rather than merit.

based Marxist Protestantism

a bullet in the back of the head, probably from their own former friends as the red terror sets in

I blame the jews

It is kind of funny how revolutions always consume the people who start them. It's even happening right now with all this "woke" nonsense on the American left.

>Wars, grim wars I see, and the Tiber foaming with streams of blood.

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