>tfw been avoiding burroughs and the beats all the way up to Uni because Yea Forums meme
>tfw i get into argument with professor over late tier burroughs
>bring up the usual arguments "schizo,druggy crackhead,scribblings"
>pulls out Naked Lunch and another late tier burroughs schizo scribble
>proceeds to show me prose equivalent to my favorite writer (Joyce;he knows this)
>mfw I fell for a lit meme and got btfo'ed in front of everyone sounding like an ignorant basedboy
Tfw been avoiding burroughs and the beats all the way up to Uni because Yea Forums meme
Other urls found in this thread:
>things that totally happened
>arguing brashly about something you know nothing of, with someone who is an expert
ahh, never change lit
It's the right thing to do
To be fair I thought I had a proper argument to the whole ordeal. I never resigned my position so it still stands but I have been going to the library secretly to check on his whole fuss so that one day I'll be able to dispatch of his whole argument properly.
How the fuck do you get into Joyce without getting into the Beats? The Joycean style is nowhere more apparent than in the Beats.
Your argument was literally just “drugs and poor mental health are bad mmkay”, you should absolutely reconsider what a weak-twisted argument that is when it comes to examining the merits of literature. Leave your retarded prejudices at the door because no tutor will respect you if you think that’s valid critique
>that pic
is he at a Coil show? They were friends...
How about saying "I never wanted to read him, because he seems like a druggy crackhead" instead of lying, you dick.
>kills his wife and does a shit ton of drugs, almost always armed
>thinking he could be anything other than /areguy/
burroughs is the only beat writer with any literary merit.
I always tell my students to read junky then read the new york sections of naked lunch and prepare to be blown away.
what the fuck does any of that mean
most based burger that ever lived.
You should’ve realized by now that when “Yea Forums“ vehemently attacks a writer it is because they are one of the greats.
Another thing to look out for is when people post recently written books making fun of them. This is a signal to the elite of Yea Forums that this is a great book and canon worthy.
>Forming strong opinions on works you haven't read
On the Road revolutionized writing at the time. The rest of Kerouac's works are above average. Ginsberg is a pretty good poet hes amazing at being able to present images with the most bizarre words.Just read howl.
It's just the sweet swidden n sodomized rectum of a Moroccan youth, another narcotic in the arsenal of Old Bull Lee
>tfw Burroughs was waging Lemurian time war all this time
it's dialectics bro
we've had so many pro-Burroughs threads lately I have to assume this is just another ploy for one. well played op
>The rest of Kerouac's works are above average
"On the Road" is obviously the most important of his works, but in terms of objective quality and subjective opinion, I always thought that his other books were better overall. "Dharma Bums" in particular, but "The Sea is My Brother" and "Big Sur" are also really, really great. I think "Dharma Bums" affected me most of all of the Beats stuff I read.
and so then you respond, "right, exactly, he was a hack who plagiarized and regurgitated half-digested works of superior writers, Joyce, Celine, Kipling, he should never have had any success at all, he should have been drawn and quartered as an example of privileged mediocrity going unchecked. The fact we're still talking about him demonstrates the irreparable damage he has done to the collective artistic psyche. You've got generations of brainwashed dimwits thinking art is meaningless, that the more incomprehensible you are the more articulate your message, living in a state of perpetual cognitive dissonance, 'It's chaotic, disordered and ugly, which makes it harmonious, balanced and beautiful.' These poor suckers, cutting and pasting clipart and concentric circles, filled with contempt for anyone and anything which portents to anything meaningful or spiritual, if it's not a mystical blood rite it has no value, cannibals, savages, sadistic bourgeoisie, those are the children of William S. Burroughs." See how he responds to that.
>that P7
I could care less for his writing, but the man had patrician taste in firearms.
>could care less
You dumb piece of shit
Naive pride is good because it teaches you a lot, as long as you are open to the prospect of losing and changing your mind.
Not that I'm defending Burroughs' talent but how is this any different to the "druggies can't write" critique? you're saying a bunch of stuff that feels already predisposed to condemn the kind of behaviour and culture that surrounds his works, while saying a total of zero things about the content itself. Listing apparent influences and then making a baseless accusation of plagiarism (without actually referring to anything specific about the plagiarised/plagiarising texts in question) is just bad critique, plain and simple.
See what you've done, asshat?
i lol'd
it's just supposed to flow well and sound funny when said out loud.
Visited the catalog lately?
Old soldier smartypants, "Sooladat smarty pines," came parading, farting down. "My line of least regard last Prapopooty," last Friday. Soldier smartypants, egotistical smartypants came parading himself down my line of least regard, my line of fire, my line of indifference last Friday. And what do you think time made out of him?
It's meant to be read as talk. It's mostly nonsense, so it doesn't matter what it says so much as what it sounds like and how it feels. The auditory is a huge influence on pretty much all of Kerouac.
Starts around 3:00.
>mfw I was the one who saw this thread and thought it would be funny to turn it into a copypasta with the Bukowski thread
don't fuck with my boy
op here
>tfw I haven't been on Yea Forums because most of the threads were boring me(including mine)
>logged on to this and 3 other threads blowing up()
>guys my thread was suppose to die like yesterday
Anyways i'm 3/4 done with naked lunch and to say i'm impressed is an under statement. Just look at pic, what a crazy fuck
your fruits are weak.
pathetic meme and just another embarassment to Yea Forums
Glad to hear you weren't memeing at least. First time I read Naked Lunch I was floored.
I similarly thought that Hunter S. Thompson would be a bad writer because of the drugs. I was wrong. Luckily, I didn't embarrass myself like you did.
Naked Lunch is pretty funny and well written, im kind of in awe. Also I lived in a shitty suburbs neighborhood when I was younger so all the opiate talk is relatable, to a degree;obviously. What really shocked me was how they let this fuck have so many guns when he believed in a bunch of occult shit and was on heroin or morphine most of the time
Glad you've been converted to based Burroughs
I highly recommend his early work, Junky, Queer and the Yage Letters
The first, and so far only, Burroughs work I've read so far is "The Ticket that Exploded". I felt completely out of my mind reading it, and definitely out of my depth. Not that it wasn't interesting - I just had no fucking idea what he was doing.
the cut-up method filled in for Bill's limited talent (he knew this)
the rewrite of the same scene again and over and over was a comment on memory, but I wonder if that is what Bill was after
Burroughs is pretty based and redpilled
it's the second book of a trilogy; not that the Soft Machine is much easier.
Well shit, that's good to know now.
By the end I understood the memory/memory tape effect, but the actual context of many of the parts still went over my head.
I read the whole trilogy and it's closer to Gertrude Stein who wrote like the Les Fauves painted. ignoring that words meant something and weren't just things. Writing is a hundred years behind painting as the saying goes. Wouldn't look to Burroughs for meaning as much as for the experience of reading him. And yes, he can be a pill.
Burroughs can be more fun listening to him read. He was a carnie at heart.
If you're a dummy.
It works for Harold Bloom.
you're just jealous you can't form your own opinion, the story Kim by Rudyard Kipling features a protagonist, named Kim, who lives in 19th century India, has a mystic guide, becomes a secret agent, Celine's books...always blurred the lines...what was true, what was fiction...semi-autobiographical sketches of furious debauchery...hallucinatory...le danse macabre...violent...hilarious...filled with ellipses...Joyce, blatherin hoodiddley to where do we venturin start, with an eye anan err'n'a segue fro pint ta pint, cus there, neath an undred ales'n'stouts sits me bleedin heart beloved, a growl sneaks out 'is gob, a well-fine mess you made'ta yourself thes evenin, and I snap open me eyes, roll out the bed either side, coming round it'weren't nowt but a memory, not even a dream, and here upon my stream of consciousness i'm paddling me oars, awash in them whures, got a few hours before the milk sours. Basically what Burroughs did is cut and paste his favorite parts of books together, he didn't even really go much further in his sensationalism, anybody who reads Death on the Installment Plan knows what a debt he owes to Celine for his descriptions of juvenile homosexuality, it's just that Celine only spent a couple of pages out of one novel on those descriptions, not every page of every book in a 30-year career, see, when it comes to Freud you need to be very careful in your dissections, pointing out that a gun is a surrogate phallus is harmless, when you start seeing everything that way then maybe it's time to reevaluate yourself, "The airplane is a cock, filled with little sperm passengers, taking them to impregnate the egg of some foreign land with their guncocks, their knifecocks, their pencilcocks, their tonguecocks, build skyscrapingcocks, traincocks that rail through bloated mountain sphincters, wind along a gastrointestinal track of coal-covered workmen, shit-shoveling cowboys, all with their toolcocks, shifting the labia of the earth to better distribute their ideajism all over and inside her engorged vulva, pulsating with anxious desire," it's not that difficult, and maybe the author is the one with the problem, seeing everything as a cock or a hole waiting to get filled with cock
>>tfw i get into argument with professor over late tier burroughs
>>bring up the usual arguments "schizo,druggy crackhead,scribblings"
so you were dissing burroughs without having read him? nice.
>reading books you hate so you can argue against them more effectively
you done got rused there, son.
Naive pride makes chads
>you’re just jealous you can’t form your own opinion
If that mess of a post is an ‘opinion’ then I don’t think I want free thought.
stupid poltard
> what is a collage?
you must spend more time there than i do, because i can't see what made you reply with that. perhaps it's the gestapo mentality poltards get into when they suspect a poster of being a jew, or, worse, a redditor.
what are you talking about pol is 90% redd*t
>this many people falling for pasta
/pol/ crossposters get asshurt over Burroughs because he was the realization of their lolbertarian wet dreams
good comeback