>footnotes are all grouped together at the end instead of at the actual foot of the page
Footnotes are all grouped together at the end instead of at the actual foot of the page
>Author expects you to memorize a map of the world.
>just got done describing the environment, specifically the cabinets
>one line of dialogue before he continues describing the cabinets
>translators note
>authors introduction
>authors note
>authors bibliography
>authors timeline
>blank page
>a page with just „To My Mother”
>3 more blank pages
I actually prefer this. Footnotes on the page are ugly
Those are called endnotes dude
(This page intentionally left blank)
>author expects you to learn a language with a vocabulary of tens of thousands of words
>doesn't know that footnotes and endnotes are different things
>The footnotes don't translate a quoted passage by seneca but instead explain how hungarian town names changed after the first and second world war...
>Tfw you learned Latin for 5 years at school and remember next to nothing
endnotes > footnotes desu
Nice get but you're wrong
very nice
stop footnoting my post faggots
It's decided then.
I guess that closes this topic.
Absolutely correct. If you say otherwise you're saying House of Leaves is a superior work to Pale Fire and Infinite Jest
>if you prefer technique x over technique n, you must prefer a specific work that uses technique x over a specific work that uses technique n
If I like impressionist art more than realist art, that doesn't mean I have to like a shitty impressionist painting more than a realist masterpiece.
> Reading the Amulet of Samarkand
> Reach the end of the book
> Snarky remarks of the demon about the situation at hand all in 3 pages
Uuuuh No
>author writes out entire sentences and passages in Latin
>author expects the reader to understand the intricacies of fine cuisine in pre-twentieth-century belarus, with specific regard to the effect the economy of the 14th century polish-lithuanian commonwealth had on working class food habits even following the third partition of poland, and doesn't bother elaborating on the changes brought to this economy by the russian empire's acquisition of belarusian territories, despite spending two chapters completely dismissing the popular historical claim that the cultural polonisation of belarus affected not only the language and religion of the region but also the culinary traditions across all class divisions
every fucking time.
>Author, who is a "philosopher of culture" begins his book on racial relations with the words "Firstly, before I dig into this so very delicate and complex subject matter, I probably should point out that indeed, a great deal of my terminology is derived directly from the works of Jacques Lacan, the great and renowned french psychoanalyst, who has always had a huge influence on my own work"
>Satan likes endnotes
Not surprised
infinite jest doesn't belong in the same breath as pale fire
Pale Fire is dogshit.
impressive. very nice
>All the photos are printed in 10 pages in the middle of the book, even though some of them correspond to passages on the first page and some of them spoil the ending.
Goddammit I love this board.
>Infinite Jest
The copy of Infinite Jest I once borrowed used endnotes not footnotes. Which endlessly frustrated me when he would constantly make me go all the way to the back of that monstrous book, just to find out he used an obscure term for a type of drug... Again!
Fuck off, double satan!
Apparently in hell all footnotes are made into endnotes. Sounds about right
>he reads fiction set in other worlds
No you.
Introduction, by Harlan Ellison
Preface by Harlan Ellison
Author's note by Harlan Ellison
Second preface by Harlan Ellison
Story.. by Harlan Ellison
Afterward by Harlan Ellison
Additional afterward listing several famous people he claims to be good friends with, by Harlan Ellison
Introduction, by Harlan Ellison...
I will ruin your religious dispute by being a lowly empiricist who informs you that long footnotes are almost always unmanageable by software automation, and have to be dealt with by hand after every significant edit or design change.
Therefore, it's the invisible hand of the market that decides what to use, not Satan.
>calling endnotes footnotes
Very, very nice.
Makes me sick. I have an edition of war and peace that has all the footnotes and French translations at the back. It’s nearly impossible to read