Cut the bullshit. Just tell me which philosopher was right

Cut the bullshit. Just tell me which philosopher was right

Attached: Heidegger_1955.jpg (484x578, 40K)

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Fuck off nigger

Depends on what subject bro

Some were good at math, like Geometer, some were good at being homeless, like Diogenes

The man who doesn't engage in philosophy is right, because philosophy is a waste of time.

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Every man engages in it to some point

This lad, truly this lad.

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Berkeley and Occasionalism

Philosophy peaked with Diogenes masturbating in public and pissing on people he didn't like

l m f a o

This is so incredibly true

how did you know that I was black?



"felt cute might delete later"

Rousseau and Hobbes

Jordan Peterson

Adi Shankara

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Fela Kuti

You just engaged in philosophy

Ayn Rand.

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>tfw no rebellious philosophy student bf

>leftists when they find out the greatest philosopher of the 20th century was an unrepentant nazi

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Heidegger had some clever ideas but he is irrelevant. Post structuralists took all that is good about him and ditched the bad parts. Even contemporary Heideggerian don't completely engage with his ideas.

Unironically Stirner

Just accept it you faggots

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Only one correct answer: Hegel

Emil Cioran


it's almost unbelievable that a man as based as Diogenes could have existed. we should all strive to be a bit more like Diogenes.

This nigga has unironically been the most beneficial "philosopher" I ever read

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You’re fucking wrong. Which of his ”””””””ideas”””””” are neglected?

Aristotle and Aquinas

Kierkegaard if you want an existentialist.

Where do I start with Aristotle?

Is Kierkegaard's "Fear and trembling" book good?

>Where do I start with Aristotle?
By reading Plato

Metaphysics, psychology, and sociology? Schopenhauer
Human history? Nietzsche
Scientific reasoning? Popper
Life's purpose? Epictetus or Nietzsche depending on my mood
Math? Up for debate, Bertrand Russell probably
Idle debate and for fun? Eco, Russell
The form of truth? Hegel
Sociology? DeLanda

Wittgenstein is an absolute fucking shit tier memer. Heidiggers first pages of being und time made me want to light the thing on fire. Plato and Aristotle are more interesting than correct. Hegel is a meme but his concept of Notion is beautiful.

Where do I start?

Fake quote

τὰ ὄντα ἰέναι τε πάντα kαὶ μένειν οὐδέν

>The one who does not engage in the love of wisdom is right, because the love of wisdom is a waste of time.
If pursuing wisdom is not worthwhile, what is?
By the way, if either your original statement or your answer to my questions are wise, congratulations on refuting yourself.

How will you judge which response is correct?

Not a real Heraclitus

Fichte desu

Stirner was right about everything

You already know the answer.

prove it

what if his name was martin fly nigga

You mean like, posting our dickpics?

Mao Zedong

Diogenes was just a Florida Man.


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Contemporary academics never engage with any philosophers in entirety. Heidegger is still a cornerstone of discussion in any worthwhile institution

Lao Tsu

God what an awful thread


start with the Vedda

Leibniz for writings.
In terms of personal life, Leibniz is up there too but diogenes takes the cake.

Eventually nick land

He sacrificed his right to win so that we could know, a promethean sacrifice indeed

tits or gtfo

>thinks the point of philosophy is to be "right"

>giving metaphysics to schopenhauer
oh no dude fuck what are you doing

I want you to go on Widdlediddle's wikiquotes page right now and read the entries from his diaries

>thinks its point is anything else
You lack the philosophical nature. But I can give it to you. Here's a hint: "The right way to live."

but user, post-structuralists and post-modernists don't exist, that's just a conspiracy made up by jordan peterson. also, communism has never been tried.

Me, but unironically

Yes, Fear and Trembling is great, and probably one of the most straightforward of his books (ie not hidden behind multiple layers of textual analysis and pseudonyms). Sickness unto Death or Concept of Anxiety would also be a decent place to start. Understand that this is, at face value, an extremely religious book, but there is a lot going on philosophically if you take the time to see it.

Diogenes is entertaining but he is a bit of a meme recently among people who don't actually read philosophy, but they know le pee pee poo poo jerk off barrel man