When does this book start to make sense? I'm currently on page 89 and so far it's like ramblings of a weird drugged up randomfag
When does this book start to make sense...
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I have spent last year studying the occult and taking LSD. Reading it now and it makes perfect sense to me.
nice pasta, faggot
Ty nigger but really if you want to talk about it I am reading it rn
LSD won't help really aside from just acclimating to the possibility of certain headspaces (that you might not even need to have experienced the drug to consider).
The occult stuff will help. And you should read it with the Weisnberger companion or some similar thing.
I'm not entirely sure what he was thinking when he wrote some of this stuff though to be honest.
There are some weird moments.
The turd scene, nose sex, and weird narrations that can't be attributed to any characters in particular
Around where you are it starts coming together. It may seem jumbled at first but when things start falling in place it actually has a really strong sense of continuity and place.
i made a thread just like this one a few days ago!!
this one
also this one: >12594756
some people gave a really good link, especially this companion/key
> ottosell.de
but it takes away some of the fun of being disoriented
im retarded
I heard this book was one of those cyclical memes used to distract from the growing resentment for blacks and females
First time I read I had trouble with the continuity. Flights into dreams and digressions on history, first scene, or the Godzilla cancer parody, slothrops truth syrum trip, Christmas with Roger and Jessica. Really though it starts in late December and progresses linearly. If pynchons cataloguing and descriptions throw you off, they did for me too but I got used to it. The whole cause and effect thing is a dialogue, shrouding the conspiracy or non conspiracy, pointsmans quote about the desire of men. Some guy posted a link to some ebert on YouTube which goes more into the occult stuff. He only talks about two episodes but they were really informed.
If you don't know what it's "about" it's an analysis on both the seen and unseen forces at work during it's time period. Critical or not there's lots of facts mixed in with the fiction. It's cyclical because of it's idea on the eternal recurrence. The kekule dreaming of the ouroboros quote. Look into quetzycotyl or however you spell it. Lots of pavlovian nonsense too reminds me of brave New world. The answers are there if you seek them..
fucking based & wokepilled
start over
Are there any books you'd recommend regarding the occult? Possibly something like an encyclopedia or something that provides a general overview?
Does no 1 on here actually want to talk about it I love this book negros
I'm mostly into the esoteric knowledge I haven't done much practice. I'm a Christian so I think magic is evil but yeah I can tell you what was useful to me. Do you want stuff in general or stuff that helped me understand GR
Secret Teachings of All Ages
I'm a non-believer, occult included, I've just always found the subject super interesting; also the idea of occult symbolism in writing is rad. So, anything is good.
Thanks, user, I'll look into this.
No problem but do be careful. I thought I wouldn't believe it either. Now I do and my mental health is horrid. You're probably less naive and impressionable than me since you're a non believer.
>does LSD, studies occult, and reads GR.
what went wrong
people that tell you to use companion guides are boring fags.
use the wiki if youre truely lost but anything else is just making the experience cheap.
re-read passages several times if you have to. stop making it a race to the next section or a race to the end so you can tell your 2 friends you read GR. they dont care anyway
Can someone post na excerpt of this piece of trash of a book – or of any of Pynchon’s work – that is really beautiful and poetic? I mean, something beautiful as the beauties we find in Shakespeare, or Homer, or Dante, or Flaubert, or Tolstoy, or Chekhov, or Nabokov, or Calvino, or Emily Dickinson?
People praise the “muh prose” of Pynchon yet all you get is bloated, bloviating, solipsistic, postmodern meaninglessness; dated, impenetrable references; pointless, preeningly self-indulgent digressions; desperate, crappy--quite often literally--attempts at humour; a bazillion forgettable, contrived, cardboard-cutout characters; dubious--perhaps even flat-out homophobic--depictions of homosexuality; and loads of dumb, sophomoric symbolism (penises and rockets--gee, good one, Tom! Like, such a far-out metaphor, man.)
It's convoluted, not complex; it's riddled with quotations and name-dropping which serve no apparent purpose other than to provide a veneer of depth, demonstrate he Knows Things, or perhaps achieve greatness via osmosis; the rare articulations of profundity or pieces of evocative prose are buried in whole libraries of pretense and incoherent inanities; and when Ol' Pomo Pynchon deigns to take a stand on anything he's about as nuanced and insightful as, well, missiles and male anatomy.
Just run with it.
You haven't even gotten to the actual difficult parts yet you stupid memer. The first episodes make perfect sense.
>impenetrable references
bruh learn to code.
Somewhere beyond the battening, urged sweep of three-bedroom houses rushing by their thousands across all the dark beige hills, somehow implicit in an arrogance or bite to the smog the more inland somnolence of San Narciso did lack, lurked the sea, the unimaginable Pacific, the one to which all surfers, beach pads, sewage disposal schemes, tourist incursions, sunned homosexuality, chartered fishing are irrelevant, the hole left by the moon’s tearing-free and monument to her exile; you could not hear or even smell this but it was there, something tidal began to reach feelers in past eyes and eardrums, perhaps to arouse fractions of brain current your most gossamer microelectrode is yet too gross for finding.
you write just like what you hate about him
That was intentional
wheres the attempt at depth in name dropping comic book characters? you might actually enjoy his writing if you werent so desperately looking for reasons to dislike it
the wiki is literally just amendments to the weisenberger guide.
You are not truly reading the book if you don't have all the references. The book was written to be studied like this. it is not missing or cheapening the experience.
if your first or even second read is with a guide in hand, yes youre cheapening the experience. you might as well read the guide and toss the book
the guide doesn't work like that.
It's like a series of definitions.
Now, was this disinfo to convince other intelligence agencies to go on a wild goose chase for ESP, or is it 100% legit the CIA would think this is possible AND let the public know?
Hahaha, hes reading the book...
It was just a prank stoopid!
they make 0 sense whatsoever
many of which are wrong and can be easily studied yourself in the age of the internet
Pine cone got black out drunk one night and woke up with this fully written novel. Even he doesn’t know what it’s about
there's a revised version.
And that's where the wiki comes in.
some of those references would be a real pain to uncover. Very obscure phrases and whatnot.
100% disinfo.
>When does this book start to make sense?
Sometime during the second read-through
Why should things be easy to understand?
I'm retarded basically
Part 2 is instantly easier
at least the start is, that's when i gave up
The chapters become one harder than the last.
Governments have always funded and patronized aesthetic and hermetic arts and culture in an effort to draw attention away from political and social movements. Le nouveau roman, OULIPO, the Cuban novel boom (Cabrera Infante, Lezama Lima, Wendy Guerra), LANGUAGE poetry and Black Mountain College poets, have all enjoyed a bit of funding and spotlight in an effort to divert the public eye from more undesirable aspects of history.
Wtf I love CIA now