holy shit
Holy shit
Its shit
I liked it,it had a strange feeling of catharsis to it when it ended
lol garbage
so can we all agree that jason did nothing wrong?
My favourite novel.
Yes, he's the character I sympathize with the most.
the sound and the fury? sounds like me arse after chips and cuzza sauce
'ased 'n' norfpilld
'ate cringe
love me based
simple as
I have seen better book discussions or arrbooks.
i'm hoping it picks up steam
i put off reading this book for years and years and as a result i always avoided all threads on it here
now i finally read it and got under my skin. i was dreaming about it every night, it was so intense to me
now i want to hear what Yea Forums thinks about it apart from a couple of half hearted shitposts
I love this book, Faulkner is the man.
Have you read anything else by him?
yes, i read as i lay dying years ago and loved that too.
i just learned absalom, absalom! is related to the sound and fury and i'm very excited to read it, although i am thinking i may put it off so i have a book this good to look forward to in my future
Well you've just convinced me to read it. It's interesting how polarizing it is here, but I really love stream of consciousness so I hope I love it as much as you did.
as I lay dying is one of my favorites by him, light in august is close too
i hope so too
just go with the fact you won't understand it all. i don't mean don't try hard to make those connections, because it does pay off. but don't give up when shit doesn't make sense and just keep going and by the end it'll all make so much sense you just want to start all over again
I need to reread this, haven’t done so since high school
tfw look up at Caddy’s dirty bloomers
I wanna see Caddy’s dirty bloomers
hey my version didn't have the appendix; should i read that?
it seems perfect as it is, is the extra 'and then this happened!' tying up stuff superfluous?
The appendix is apocryphal by its very nature and no matter what Faulkner says about it, it's a terrible addition to the book. You can read it if you're interested in how it connects to the novel or the historical contexts of the book itself, but overall it reduces the quality of the writing and generalizes things/proposes conclusions that simply don't make sense. The most egregious thing is that Caddy somehow gets swept into being an evil nazi mistress, as Faulkner was writing the appendix right at the turn of WWII. Just absolutely contrived in every sense of the word, and shockingly reactionary for a man who had taken great pains to write such a nuanced, complex work.
this is what i suspected and i'm glad i haven't read it yet
Light in August and Absalom, Absalom! are superior.
Everyone here talks about Quentin but when I finally read it Jason's part was best. Book is trash though
jason's part is the easiest i found
are you sure you didn't just like the easiest to read bit?
This made me laugh more than it should have. Well played user.
Pretty much
Yeah. Jason was the only one who correctly fought against Caddy's thottery. He's also the only one who did anything to try and keep the family together and the reputation intact. Quinten was most of Yea Forums incarnate.
>Quinten was most of Yea Forums incarnate.
no, you dipshit, if anything Yea Forums is Quentin incarnate
because we're actual living beings and he's a character
fucking retard
Holy shit look at this autist.
I'm not retarded
hey i didn't call you benji but maybe i should?