Mfw the endgame of philosophy is either kenosis or some wannabe schizophrenic cyberpunk larper

>mfw the endgame of philosophy is either kenosis or some wannabe schizophrenic cyberpunk larper

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it's over

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Am a brainlet in terms of philosophy what so you mean schizophrenic cyberpunk larper, im interested

Of course you are, that's the problem.
People read "wannabe schizophrenic cyberpunk" and think, whoa, that's awesome, I want to read this dude and discuss his ideas! Ignoring the fact that they're listening to a schizophrenic.

people are still allowed an explanation as to what OP means by schizophrenic.

I'm a different brainlet and I'm more interested to hear what you mean by kenosis as the final goal of philosophy, and who is exponent of that idea.

Found the tradcuck

I just wanna know who hes referring too, I have no interest in actually reading the stuff. Schizo writing is kinda interesting? as an abstract idea but in play its sounds obviously terrible. Schizo's only get away with being poets

How the fick are you on Yea Forums and never heard of Nick Land?

The truth is that I’m actually preparing to be the endgame of philosophy, in a couple years you’ll be clambering about my nonsense.

lol calling nick land a schizoid thats like calling marx a humanist.

Nick land is far from reality man

Look dude. Democracy is a sham, the only way anything is ever going to change is through a bloody revolution, but the proles are too stupid and cut up in a never ending culture war to ever accomplish that. All major political parties serve the interest of capital. the media serves the intensest of capital, the military, the spy agencies, every micron of reality serves the interest of capital.
The advancement of technology creates a process called deterritorilization which tears away the social and economic fabric causing advanced alienation in peoples and communities.
All im saying is that all hope is lost, and the only thing we can do is accelerate the process of techno capital so that the God AI can finally wipe us ants off the face of the planet.

Thats all man

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i am thinking he just means something like 'give oneself over completely to god's will' i.e. become just another postmodern christ-fag

This all sounds good except the part about being wiped off the face of the planet like ants.

v tight and helper pilled

what you want doesnt matter ant.


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>postmodern christian


Please don't confuse schizoids with schizophrenics, as a schizoid this offends me.

basically christianity after heidegger

Uh right

You mean protestant Christianity?

just skip the schizo and go for the real hero (Mark Fisher) instead

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You know, most of the Catholic church is split between conservative and liberalism?
And the Orthodox have almost no hint of liberalism in their Church body.

What are you even on about then?


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jesus fucking christ
i am talking about the larping loons on here that pretend to have found god on 'the chans' and go about proselytizing out their ass
you stupid dumb hick

Right, your attitude is really persuasive.
Yea Forums actually helped me with regards to finding Christ

Why are you so hateful?

i am sure Yea Forums has helped you form many beliefs
and i am not hateful, only impatient with your helplessness

Yea Forums has helped me get rid of beliefs, if anything.

Go fuck yourself kike

Nigger mike

i'm going to bed now

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Have a goodnight sleep

I thought his writings are very clear and shallow. What aspects of him was schizophrenic? That if he was so smart why would he kill himself?

im in

land is unironically a batshit schizo and the entire field of accelerationism is retarded on the level of antinatalists, but less “stupid interpretations of thoughts by smarter people” and more “genuinely insane”


what episode was this from?

It's not technology per se but how it is instrumentalised

Schizoanalysis is Deleuze, not Land. What Land is doing is NOT schizoanalysis as his project is teleological, and schizoanalysis+telos is the schizo, eternally reproducing only itself. If you are going to do the rethoric schtick at least know what you're attacking. Land is more of an excerise how fascist you can humanly get.
>but fascism bad!
Yes, but if that's the extent of your analysis in regards to fascism then you are a dogmatic retard

Bad wording, how fascist you can IN HUMANLY get

replace "capital" with "jewish interests"

WASPs also like money

the endgame of any philosophy is either death or madness, what were you expecting.

What is the endgame exactly? How is death or madness the endgame? I don't understand..

I thought Land was cool until I started reading him.

Fisher was a genius and will be read for the next two centuries, minimum.

Ahahahhajajajajajahahahahahagahha. Ahahahahahahhhhhsahahhaha. Oh. My God you dumv faggot abahbBahahabbababaahahhaahahajah. Kekekemmemekemeklmaolmaolamaoalmanmaoalmao. Stupid fucking nigger absolutely bombastic.
>capitalism and technology is just something people do we could stop if we wanted *dabs*

nick land

miss me with that edge

this, unironically
WASPs are thoroughly fucking jewed at this point

>wannabe schizophrenic cyberpunk larper

Endgame of philosophy is Wittgenstein.

not even edge, if you obsess over anything it fucks you up