IQ literature lockout

I have a professionally tested IQ of 107. Will there be books my feeble mind will never have any hope in understanding?

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>tfw 167 iq
What books is still over my head?

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>tell people on 4channel that my IQ is 140
>don't actually know my IQ
>it's probably not even above 110

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Have you tried Hegel?

Lying faggot

Yes, in fact I found it quite rudimentary, logic from absurd premises.

I remember taking an IQ test and my sister got a higher score than me. She's always been a patronizing cunt and the result is as if giving her the right to act like a know-it-all cunt.
I've broken off ties with her, tired of all her bitching and putting me down. JFL at a woman having a higher IQ than you


What was the difference in IQ?

I don't remember the exact number. I was slightly above average, just barely made it, while she apparently has a genius-tier IQ. Fuck me.

inter-universal teichmuller theory.
Friendly reminder that Faulkner only had an IQ of like 115 and still made it into the canon

Have you tried Kant?

The air of superiority with this shit, jfc.

You probably would have trouble with Game Theory

>What books is still over my head?
Are* over your head, not is. You 90 IQ nignog.

What's she doing now?

Studying chemistry while I'm a college dropout.

Sounds like your IQ is higher

>Faulkner had an iq of 115

>Faulkner only had an IQ of like 115

Was that on or off the sauce?

He also worked at a brothel and described it as the best occupation for a fledgling writer. Not because of the sex stuff (Faulkner growing up as a manlet and maxing out at 5'2" probably made him too much of a beta to even make a move on a prostitute), but because it provides room and board and some financial security without much of a time commitment, and (more importantly) peace and quiet during the morning hours, which according to him are the best hours for writing.

my iq is tiny

you can read any book, it just takes you longer

Thanks genius, who forged your transcript?

but to understand and appreciate it?

Yes, there are many free resources out there these days that can help you understand your philosophy and literature, it just depends on your determination.

>teichmuller theory
Hoo boy, and I thought I was smart.
Granted I know no mathematics, but still.