The only books one should read are technical, practical nonfiction books that give the reader practical knowledge to apply to one's career. Therefore, all fiction and most non-fiction not related to your career are a giant waste of time and should be thrown in the bin. Imagine all the things you could accomplish if you didn't bother to read some ancient fairytales and supposed "classics" that don't provide any value to your life at all.
Reminder that reading is a waste of time
Why are you posting on an anonymoose Mongolian horse archery forum instead of working on your career?
This is the western mentality that values action over contemplation. Both are important. The west is declining specifically because lack of contemplation
Reading fairy tales makes things easier to understand. Some things that relate to ethics are really out of our grasp without things like fairies and magic
people like you are usually quite autistic and bad at social interaction yet reading good fiction will let you glimpse into the human condition and help you be more well rounded in general
Perhaps the most pervasive and insidious error in a democracy, after the myth of equality, is the demand that citizens educate themselves on the issues of the day and form responsible opinions on them, in order to be good voters. This is such an astonishingly stupid demand that it defies belief. Take the 2008 global financial crisis, for example. We are talking about such a complicated matter that the greatest authorities on it — people who have devoted their entire lives to economics and hold half a dozen advanced degrees each and all the university chairs and institutional presidencies in the world between them — can't agree on what went wrong or what should be done about it, and you're asking taxi drivers and ballerinas and brain surgeons to drop everything they are doing in their lives and start reading up on economics in order to make up their own minds on it. But if they did that — for thankfully they don't, no one does, not even those who make a living out of pretending to: the pseudo-intellectuals — who would drive our taxis or dance in our ballets or operate on our brains? And do you really want the person who cuts your skull open to stick sharp knives into your brain to have spent the previous night sleeplessly poring over economics textbooks? Not even smart people, like the brain surgeon, who at least possess the capacity to understand the issues, should concern themselves in the least with them, let alone the mass of average and sub-average Joes who are stuggling on a daily basis to merely survive. In the last resort even I, the most intelligent lifeform in the known universe, haven't much of an opinion on what went wrong in 2008, never mind on what would be the most effective way to fix it.
If you want to be better at social interaction you should go out and do it, reading a story written X amount of years removed from your own about make believe people doing make believe things isn't going to affect your social skills or understanding at all.
>isn't going to affect your social skills or understanding at all.
just not true because it has
Reading books is for queers
>values his career and wealth more than his spirit and mind
>self-improvement unrelated to your career is entirely useless
>fiction can’t generate ideas that can be useful in a particular job
This is your brain on hardcore capitalism, everyone. If you don’t think smart people are mining ideas from works of art in order to sell you shit then there is no hope for your naive little mind. How do you think culture works exactly?
lmaoing @ ur life op
What does it mean to add value to your life?
What does it mean to waste time? What is time well spent and why?
Why is reading for career development of more value to you?
A career will net you tangible objects and provide real meaning to your life through real experiences, reading words on a page about how this fictional Russian man in 19th century Petersburg is a waste of time.
t. soullet
This but unironically. No better than TV
Work giving you life meaning, is a nice ideal but I really doubt the vast majority of people if you told them "your job defines your existence and is what gives your life meaning" would be happy to hear that.
I personally enjoy my work, but I also enjoy the sweet escape only fiction can provide. Pretending that reading is meaningless and a waste of time just shows that you are a very simple person. That`s okay, but don`t go around pretending that everyone is like you.
The opposite is true. The real world is boring and painful. Fictional worlds are much better. There is paradise in escapism.
Why does Yea Forums trigger people so badly with the greeks, shakespeare, and melville? The amount of sheer asshurt threads here outpace any other board
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
All come here every day to make threads begging us to acknowledge them as "j-just as good!" as literature. Which we never do. And the cycle continues.
What tangible objects will it provide?
What is real meaning, as opposed to false meaning?
What are real experiences and what are false experiences? Why do you assume that you can only have one or the other?
What is a good use of time instead of reading books?
>People live just to work
I'm sure you have hobbies beyond work. Ours is books. If you unironically IRL have no hobbies beyond work, you are both to be admired and pitied.
>Non tech and non fact books are b&
Nonfict books go through revisions; in just accountancy, every 8 months. Which means what you read a year ago is false, and by your posit (factually false = actually shit) you need to reread the same textbook.
>All i need to know i can from selfhelp
I wish to write something as epic as Paradise Lost. There is no textbook for that, no Paint-By-Numbers to write Parfum, only imitation and experience.
>If it serves no useful purpose it is a fail
Most neckwear, most sports and games, most of all televised media including news, poopmost of the internet. You are on chan right now, hypocrite. It's a cesspool here and you *like* it.
On some level you *need* it.
Nah it doesnt really. Yea Forums is the most erudite, along with /his/. Courtesy is extended on the basis of "i think your view is shit, here's why".
Shitposters from other boards come here because we take them seriously at least for three paragraphs; on their home boards they get saged and counter shitposted with
That's a great argument about trying to learn about too many different things and only acquiring a superficial understanding of lots of subjects instead of a deep understanding of one subject. You should read Aurelius, he voices this exact same opinion. Anyways, thanks for your contribution, but unless you want to provide some commentary on why the brain surgeon, the taxi driver, and the ballerina should all still read Joyce (and they should, if they have the capacity to understand him), then kindly fuck off and continue to be the most intelligent lifeform in the known universe on another anonymous internet board.
>nah it really doesn't
You're a fucking retard. The other boards will keep coming here and crying like they have for years. /his/ is also trash why would you ever even go there you're obviously some reddit zoomer
have anhedonia, and reading gives me intense pleasure
Thomas a Kempis was a great guy, and he said he was only happy in a nook with a book
because being well read is a major status symbol, and a lot of people who are not well read get asshurt because that status is not given to them. but instead of reading, they convince themselves that literature is fruitless. then they go on here to scream about it, because they hope to silence the voice in their head telling them that they are fuckin stupid
My nigger, learn to line break. This post is offensive to the eyes.