Is anarchism the ultimate pill to outsmart any conversation about almost any topic?

Is anarchism the ultimate pill to outsmart any conversation about almost any topic?

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It's the most alpha thing if you're really about it.
However it will always lead to feudalism.
That is if you want exclusive breeding rights.

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Feudalism by superior BLACK KINGS

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Spoiler the statists win

Post recommended anarchist Yea Forums a part from Stirner or Kropotkin.

This is what they thought of republicanism.
Ancap-ism leads to feudalism.

Why not kill yourself now?

Democracy was a mistake.

I recommend this but you'll need to read the Greeks before you really get it.

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Not the person to whom you're replying, but check the Situationists out. Not exactly anarchist persay, but definitely leftwing and highly skeptical/critical of authoritarian communism.
If you want a top-tier takedown of Chomsky, read Bob Black's review of Chomsky where he basically eviscerates the better part of Chomsky's beliefs.
But really, desu, I would recommend staying away from anarchists. There's really not a whole lot of substance to the anarchist approach to political economy. Read the first chapter or two of the Conquest of Bread - hailed as THE work on anarchist theory - and you'll see how weak the approach is. Lenin was right: the state has no spooky inherent metaphysical character, its just a blunt object wielded by whichever class is the strongest. Anarchist theories of the state are like trying to use a hammer to drive in a screw, and for the most part amount to "government bad".

name a better (political) system

Cuz life is worth living regardless of what your dumb political stance is

I'm an ex anarchist and the only anarchist types still like are Alfredo Bonanno, Bob Black and, well, that's probably about it unless you count uncle Ted, which you shouldn't. Emma Goldman's autobiography is pretty interesting, I reckon.

Now I only respect anarchists if they are part of a strong ethno-cultural movement because that is literally the only context in which it has any possibility of survival. I'm talking Kurds, them Chiapas niggers and possibly the Catalonians.

I'm from catalonia.

Well, good luck in all of your endeavors.


Anarcho-communist (so just anarchist, I guess? When people think anarchism they mainly think CHAOS AGGGGGHHHHHH for some reason) and I'd say yes. Too many capitalist cucks.

Stirner has nothing to do with what all of you are calling anarchism.

Yea he does.

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this. the most spooked like to claim him the most, ironically yet not surprisingly

all of them

This. Stirner was about getting what you want without bowing to allegiances, a Stirnerist who could get what he wants under fascism or capitalism or socialism would have no intention to fuck with the program.

Of course you could be a Stirnerist and an anarchist if you truly believe if anarchism caters to your needs, but there is no necessity to it. Stirner is no more anarchist than any other political affiliation. All just means to an end.

Reminds me of Jünger's anarch put this way.

Ate communists
Ate capitalists
Ate fascists
Ate hierarchies
Ate the souf

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For good reason, Jünger was an admirer of Stirner and his development of the anarch idea was a result of being influenced by Stirner's work.

That never works, and leads to our current dying world. The definition of insanity, user.

No, he has something to do with it.

hysterical woman (male)

Philosophy is a spook. lmao.

When I first came to Yea Forums I remained mostly Anonymous. I was by default a male. You seemed male to me too. Anyone acting feminine was also a male.
I came to lit this way. Adopted an unpronounceable name and settled in. I was welcomed by most, not just the other name users.
Eventually some anons started to call me out as a female. I couldn’t bring myself to lie about it anymore. I confessed. I felt better. They started to hit on me, and I had to explain further that I’m not that kind of girl.

Now this influx of rude, non-reading, computer meme addicts want to paint me as a man, the kind of man they’re evidently attracted to, I have to reassert to these children, that I am not here for a hookup, honestly, I’m here for literature. You need to gtfo my board

Thanks for introducing Moomins to me a long time ago. I think it was you. Moomins is one of the only good things I have found on here.

You’re quite welcome.

Tove’s non Moomin work is also quite nice.

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Ancap is literally the dumbest.
Ancom usually seems the smartest.

This coming from a ML

Moomins are saatana turn from them now

virgin anarchist vs chad anarch

my mummo would always say that

Ultimate pill to make intelligent people think that you're a fucking brainlet.

Ancom is untenable without a quasi state apparatus. You're not a ML. You're just some stupid American teenager with leftist leanings unable to separate them from your assessment of each flavor of anarchism from these feels.