Why is Yea Forums so anti-Kafka?
Are we honestly going to pretend that he wasn't one of the twentieth century's greatest authors merely for the sake of contrarianism?
Why is Yea Forums so anti-Kafka?
Are we honestly going to pretend that he wasn't one of the twentieth century's greatest authors merely for the sake of contrarianism?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Kafka was born near the Old Town Square in Prague, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. His family were German-speaking middle-class Ashkenazi Jews.
>I wish someone had just told me the truth right up front, as soon as I was old enough to understand it. I wish someone had just said: “Here’s the deal, K. You’re something called a ‘human being.’ That’s a really smart kind of animal. Like every other animal on this planet, we’re descended from a single-celled organism that lived millions of years ago. This happened by a process called evolution, and you’ll learn more about it But trust me, that’s really how we all got here. There’s proof of it everywhere, buried in the rocks. That story you heard? About how we were all created by a super-powerful dude named God who lives up in the sky? Total bullshit. The whole God thing is actually an ancient fairy tale that people have been telling one another for thousands of years. We made it all up. Like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. “Oh, and by the way … there’s no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny. Also bullshit. Sorry, kid Deal with it.”
― Franz Kafka
I wonder why we've turned on him...
Since when is Yea Forums anti-kafka?
Yea Forums is a leftist board therefore not anti-Kafka
for my money, best writer in the 20th century. the end.
you've got balls
everyone loves Kafka but pseuds and brainlets
holy... i want more...
For a jew he's alright, read most of his stuff in highschool close to a decade ago.
>Yea Forums is a leftist board therefore not anti-Kafka
>first reply itt is some fag complaining that he's a jew
Also, Yea Forums is like 90% christfags
I don't hate kafka
Kafka was also a christfag and Yea Forumshas never hated him you new retards
He was an atheist and a socialist, you utter mong.
You're wrong
You're blindy talking from your ass - do two minutes of research, and you'll realise that I'm right.
Otherwise fuck off, pseud.
>You're blindy talking from your ass - do two minutes of research, and you'll realise that I'm right.
take your own advice, brainlet.
>"Kafka's opposition to established society became apparent when, as an adolescent, he declared himself a socialist as well as an atheist."
- J. E. Luebering, ed. (2009). "Franz Kafka" p. 272.
>"Through his consumption of such books Kafka rejected both capitalism and religion as a teenager - declaring himself to be a socialist and an atheist."
- Sander L. Gilman (2005). Franz Kafka. Reaktion Books. p. 31.
>"Whilst Kafka had a brief interest in Kabbalah, mysticism, and Yiddish theatre, he rarely attended synagogue and considered himself an atheist."
- Benjamin Lazarus, The Jewish Chronicle Online.
You were saying?
Thanks for the sources, needed it for an essay, appreciate it.
Kafka was brilliant
My pleasure, brainlet.
>needed it for an essay
sure thing retard
I started this shitstorm and in a rare moment of 4channel honesty:
Are not me and I mixed up knowing he rejected his jewish faith and the christian imagery in the trial from when I was diving into his shit like half a decade ago.
Congratulations, bud.
>Heidegger was a nazi so you shouldn't read him
You are a falling on the same retarded logic. Despite his atheism, socialism or whatever, he was a great writer. He denounced the alienation produced by the industrial society and the way it forges our relationships. I guess Yea Forums should agree with this.
Everyone does retard. I am a real old Yea Forumstard literal stormfag and I love kafka. He has never been widely disliked on this board.
my dad is german and looks like kafka. Could it be? could I have the superior jewish gene?
Are you fucking retarded?
Who hates poor Kakfa? We love the guy. Only plebbitors and faggots hate him
>August 2, 1914: Germany has declared war on Russia. Went swimming in the afternoon.
kek he was based
brod wrote all his best material
>Why is Yea Forums so anti-Kafka?
it's not
Germans are just jews in disguise, like Anglos.
but germans are absolutely pig disgusting peasants, where as jews are a higher class of human being
1. He's Jewish
2. He makes fun of Christianity
I think he's based but these are the reasons.
It's like that part in I Heart Huckabees when the investigators scoff at that guy for deliberately placing the Kafka put in the garbage.
Ernest Cline, you fucking retard
>not even editing out the word "dude"
This is why
Wow, user, you're a real genius.
Now kill yourself.
I trust you will explain this image's relevance to this thread, right?
Yea Forums is teeming with boomers who think they are smart because of how old they are but are actually retarded. And that's why this board is full of Christians who don't actually read anything other than the Bible.
legitimate laugh out loud
What kind of retarded generation is this that they think someone only 6-7 years older than them is from an entirely different generation or even several generations.
this isn't a 30 yo boomer meme, you idiot. These people are several decades older than me (don't know about you though).
Honestly it's kind of the same. Most people are plebs whatever their ethincity.
Source: I've met plenty of people from all over the worls, half my family is jewish and the other half isn't, most people I've met are plebs. There is a surprinsgly non-negligeable amount of refined people but still there's not in abundance.
Is there any evidence that there are actual boomers on Yea Forums? They must be so minimal the only logical conclusion I could make is that you were referring to the meme. Do you deny there are real people who unironically believe in the 30 year old boomer meme?
I am convinced there are Christians here, mostly from /pol/ who just stick around to cram religion down everyone's throat.
In your world view only people born 1946 and 1964 are capable of holding Christian religious views and wanting to spread them? If the way they are doing it is annoying and purposely offensive wouldn't that indicate that they are young not old or am I too distanced from actual boomers to know how they act?
We love Kafka. He appears multiple times on every iteration of the top 100 chart.
>6 0
it's not just Yea Forums, it's millenials. i think that kafka is too negative for millenials. i've never talked to a girl who has even read kafka. women don't like neurotic jews. his work is too dark for the modern mindset, too opaque. not positive and transparent. personally he's my favourite writer and i think he's one of the greatest writers of all time. i don't understand the hate
i like heidegger but he was a shit writer. worst philosophical prose i've ever read.
Kafka is amazing
oh my..
Was Kafka the first redditor?
his late work is quite nice. B&T is another story
This whole thread is very kafkaesque tbqhwy.
this got me. heres a you
Can we stop the "/__/ is a ______ board" meme already?
Such an awful film
Thats gonna be a yikes from me pla
>women don't like neurotic jews
That would explain why nobody gets laid here.
I thought it was pretty funny.
basically we monky rick and morty style.
The good Jew
Kefka mogs everyone here. That's why.
/Iit/ hates anyone with talent, or handsomer than them (by literally any degree)
This whole thread is very Kafkaesque btw
>his laundry basket has drawers
Look at Mr. Gucci Loafers over here
>Now kill yourself.
Thou art the greatest of faggots, good sir.
very kafkaesque of you
Anti Kafka kafkaesque social group
Just finished The Trial it was based tbqh
Theyre joking you fucking spastic. Stop posting this image
Did Kafka ever write scripts for Adult Swims hit show Rick and Morty?
incels are just neurotics, so are feminists. but we don't have religion anymore so it's, like, naked neurosis, new forms of neuroses in bizarre sub-ideological form... at least christfags have an excuse for their celibacy
What’s dilation?
ruh roh