So I’ve been reading for about a year now, took a break before Uni to understand why a middle class zoomer like me would be so depressed and after reading Lasch, Fisher and watching some lectures on Baudrillard and Spengler the world makes a bit more sense but now I almost don’t even want to go to Uni and instead just die because everything sucks more than I thought it did to begin with. Any books to fix this feel?
So I’ve been reading for about a year now...
HA! You artists really believed me didn’t you? Hahah! Oh are you gonna pee your pants? Piss and cum maybe *dabs* that’s right, I’m fucking joking. I just read The Pussy by delicious tacos and shits alright. See you guys at campus!!!
This can't be understood this way.
Exercise , stop watching porn and masturbating, meditate, go for walks in nature
Your depression will just go away, no theoretical understanding necessary
Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl unironically cured my decade long depression (along with practicing healthier living).
Following up the Lasch-pill with the MacIntyre-pill is the best decision you can possibly make t b h king.
If this isn't bait then u should read After Virtue
>Frankl was born in Vienna into a Jewish family of civil servants (Beamtenfamilie).
Is that jake paul? Lol can't wait till the fag goes completely bald
>Imagine posting this
Just lol. Go back to red*it you incel
Ey, jake; it's ok to be bald, man
Im not, there’s just something so pathetic to imagine you looking forward to a person losing something that it made me angry
It's okay, man; we are all faggots here
>censors Reddit
>chooses incel as word of insult
Go away wojak poster, I’m thinking about my abusive childhood tonight and and am spamming Yea Forums
t. kike
Embrace life much like Homer Simpson. It's our only salvation
Did the same thing you did, ended up at an ivy studying math. Don't expect a meaning, make your own and be great. Not like it matters or anything
Wtf user idk why but im dying of laughta