How do I learn German ?
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How do I learn German ?
Other urls found in this thread:
>learning german
>when you could learn old english
Minus the Swedish accent and the ... what? Manliness?
German is more useful for me right now.
One day maybe
The body of a bodybuilder and his autism
tbqh if you know english and german, old english would be a doddle
Hafa gōdne dæg
Mein Kampf
Brothers, please, do not address the bait image. Keep this thread on topic and you will be rewarded in the afterlife.
Actually he might have the autism now that I think about it.
That's what I had figured.
You too.
his take on the housing market is 100% autism fueled
There are some free german courses online (look it up in jewtube).
Also, just reading alongside wiktionary can be useful (if you just want to read in german).
>free german courses online
Any you'd recommend ?
Deutsch ist sehr schwer. Ich lerne Deutsch schon von Grundschule, aber habe fast nicht gelernt. Wenn ich müsste mit einer deutschen Person sprechen, würde ich nicht wissen, was sagen. Das ist mein schlechter Versuch Deutsch zu sprechen. Könnte mich jemand korrigieren?
Stop being a pussy and start learning by input.
ollie is such a faggot it's almost sad
Why does seeing an effeminate male make us sad, though?
Well, I think this is proof that we're not actually selfish. Because the selfish thing would be to celebrate less competition on the (sexual) market. Instead, we're sad because we think men, even strangers we don't know, should be better than that.
>almost sad
I fucking hate this guy, I would punch him in his fucking smuggy face. Every video is him talking like: of course if you don't think like me (an effeminate cuck) you're basically a troglodyte and in my next communist utopia you'll be pump of feminine hormones in order that you get into the community of vulnerability. I'm not even European nor full white, but Jesus Christ...
Are there any good philosophy youtubers that aren't really condescending and self-righteous?
Cuck Philosophy, The Distributist, Trudiltom, Dr. Layman, and Survive the Jive.
Academy of ideas
Cuck Philosophy
The Distributist (don't read the comments)
>Academy of ideas
Basic bitch boomer tier memerson shit
Why don't people mention Sadler much anymore?
>The Distributist, Trudiltom, Dr. Layman, and Survive the Jive
Jay Dyer is woke
>Jay Dyer
He is definitely very interesting guy, but some of his stuff is little out there.
Here's a drinking game: take a shot when he calls something "satanic-luciferian"
>take a shot when he calls something "satanic-luciferian"
Why are you trying to kill that user?
The Distributist's inflection makes me want to strangle him.
you actually have to read the books
Deutsch ist sehr schwer. (korrekt)
Ich lerne schon seit der Grundschule Deutsch, habe aber fast nichts gelernt. Wenn ich mit einer deutschen Person sprechen müsste, würde ich nicht wissen, was ich sagen soll.
Das ist mein schlechter Versuch, Deutsch zu sprechen. Könnte mich jemand korrigieren? (auch richtig)
Ich übernehme keine Garantie für Kommata, korrekte Zeichensetzung habe ich durch jahrelange fremdsprachige Lektüre mehr oder minder verlernt.