where do I get a Yea Forums gf?
Where do I get a Yea Forums gf?
I said a gf not some deranged tranny
Learn some Eastern Europe language. Travel there, teach English
Trannies are girls
that's not how you spell mentally ill freak
So you want to date a feminist
University Humanities classes
What's really funny is that in the context of the movie, Joi was manufactured to artificially present whatever K "desired"
The only way you'll get a cute literary GF is to have one mass produced, complete with a hollow reproduction of genuine affection.
Create a femgolem and put Finnegans wake in her mouth
>That movie is sublime because it portrays the struggle with realizing you are ordinary.
>0D portable waifu and goose is just an extra plus
What Yea Forumserary works explore this worry of being ordinary?
everyone already speaks english there
Unironically Pale Fire.
The whole "endnotes" are Kinbote manufacturing a reality in which he is an important figure, central to its conflicts and occurrences, when really he's just an obsessive pissant latching onto the waistcoat of the first person of higher standing to tolerate his presence.
A lot of K's drive in believing himself to be Rachael and Deckard's child and building up a narrative around the false memories he was implanted with mirrors Kinbote's 'memories' of Zembla being his driving motivation in stealing Shade's manuscript.
yes it is :)
This is very VERY incorrect. The average Russian is many things; bilingual is not one of them.
Like you wouldn’t date a tranny
Russian women are all gold diggers. They also will fuck niggers.
Rehab. Or in the mental assylum.
>The whole "endnotes" are Kinbote manufacturing a reality in which he is an important figure, central to its conflicts and occurrences, when really he's just an obsessive pissant latching onto the waistcoat of the first person of higher standing to tolerate his presence.
I thought that this whole theory was because of one throwaway line kinbote said about him making everything up at the end of the novel but that the story wouldn't make any sense if that were actually the case.
was she though? was their deep emotional connection just make belief or did she really love him? K was "artificial" as well in some sense.
Once i met this argentinian qt on a bookstore i frequent. Didn't fuck her because autism. B-but at least she bought too books i recommended her h-ha, ha
Kinbote's whole narrative is very clearly his personal delusions of grandeur and trying to immortalize himself by forcing Shade's poem to fit to his invented history. Please don't tell me you thought Zembla was real in the context of the novel; it was Kinbote's fantasyland.
Honestly ?
young highschool teachers are usually pretty cute, well read and kind.
I had an english teacher that was pure wife material and the one that taught me latin was just the hottest and kindest woman in existence.
Why can't we assume zembla isn't real in the context of the novel?
it's not fair bros
Where do I get a Yea Forums bf?
You do NOT, I repeat you do NOT want a Yea Forums gf.
t. literature major
Why not :(
right here, babeh
do not believe this tripfag
eastern women are not different from western ones
Pole here
They're actually worse. More retarded and uglier.
The "literary" woman is the exact opposite of what you will be looking for in a partner.
A partner, potentially a lifelong one, should be selfless, loving, devoted, and willing to learn from you and appreciate you.
The "literary" woman is interesting and might seem thrilling to be around, but she is ultimately the selfish, egotistic, self-obsessed person: she won't be able to stand the fact that you're even more well-read than her, that you have a better understanding of your mutual hobbies, that you're still developing.
Have a "literary" lover, bunch of friends, penpal, neighbour - but if you don't want to burn your soul out, don't fall for the Yea Forumsfu meme.
>A partner, potentially a lifelong one, should be selfless, loving, devoted, and willing to learn from you and appreciate you.
there is no such woman. all women are inherently childish, egoistical and more or less self obsessed. what your describing is a girl (male)
Trust me, there is a major difference between a woman who is inherently egoistical/childish, but ultimately knows her worth, has some control over herself etc, and the woman who feels superior to everyone in existence because she read a book once, got some quote tattooed on her rib, discovered the difference between semantics and semiocits, and was taught that men are evil.
Do they love niggers as much?
Eastern women are often racist desu.
Are women, apart from the handful of exceptions in the last millennium, even capable of "being" Yea Forums?
They hate their own kind, they want Asian men exterminated.