What is the philosophy and worldview of the elite? What do they truly think? By elite, I am talking about the billionaire class that owns most of the capital of the world.
What is the philosophy and worldview of the elite? What do they truly think? By elite...
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probably that there's nothing else to do and we're fucking dipshits for thinking there is
1)Fuck You
2)Got Mine
how to live eternally off the blood of the mulatto underclass
gib money lol
They are educated at elite universities. So they tend to be liberal or progressive. Their social circles also tend to be liberal or progressive. Go read up on any philanthropy functions and look at the kinds of things that they financially support. It's also trendy fashionable left wing social crap. There are pictures out there of Soros's son doing a black power salute surrounded by fashion models in the Hamptons. The idea that they are cigar-chomping conservatives is a big lie by morons like this user: There might be some like that (muh Koch brothers), but the majority are not.
But the question I have is... Do they really belief all that? Or do they just do it for other reasons? Ego fulfilment, guilt offloading, social standing, virtue signalling?
I always wonder that people like Bill Gates, Bezos, etc, etc. truly think. Do they view the rest of us as subhumans, as burdens, for them?
Gnostic transhumanism
the elite today are defined solely by wealth, and they don't have a philosophy other than the acquisition of additional wealth. that's what they're selected for
The elite have always been like that, they just masked it with a better ideological coating. Human life has always been about shuffling around the masses to get them to do useful things and fighting for resources.
I once read that they just want to bring about the collapse through accelerationism
>Go read up on any philanthropy functions and look at the kinds of things that they financially support. It's also trendy fashionable left wing social crap
Jack Dorsey from Twitter said he wanted to use his money to help people. The "worthy causes" he mentioned were all shit like racial or gender income inequality, institutional oppresion in the US, that kind of thing.
I believe people like that will never truly reveal their ideologies. It's all a game of appearances to them. If their influential friends are progressive liberals they'll pretend they are likeminded to further their own agendas.
>Fuck you, I got mine
Some believe they are entitled to their positions thanks to lolbertarian solipsism, some accept the evangelical fundamentalism of prosperity gospel, someone secretly hold eugenic views that they are genetically superior
Exactly. All this stuff is mostly out in the open. The elite social scene is written about in the social part of papers all the time, or you can find the rich themselves talking about it because they all have social media accounts now. It's just leftists -- especially academic leftists -- are completely disingenuous about the support they receive from billionaires, probably because they are financially supported by it and get to influence the next cohort. They constantly say follow the money, but notice their boogeymen is usually a handful of billionaires like the Koch brothers, but if you point to things like Soros, or the Ford Foundation, or the Rockefeller foundation, or the thousands of other large foundations/ngos out there, then suddenly it's a conspiracy theory by deranged /pol/ types.
Peter Thiel(based homosexual trump supporter Girardian nrx and irl friend of Mencius Moldbug) and George Soros(Karl Poppers open society is basically the austrohungarian empire with more muslim transvestites) have written multiple books on their worldview and plans for world domination. However, Most billionaires just adopt a generic Davos humanitarian persona (Bill Gates hanging out with Bono, promoting woman empowerment through microloans and the mandatory microchipping and vaccination of african children )
>For the Rothschilds, sticking to the best is an obvious imperative, the equivalent of a shoemaker sticking to his last. More than any other group in the world, they have chutzpah. This is a Yiddish word related phonetically and philosophically to the Greek hubris. The latter term conveys uncompromising and in the end self-destructive pride. Achilles died of hubris, but Rothschilds positively prosper on chutzpah.
>Leo Rosten in The Joys of Yiddish defines chutzpah as "gall, brazen nerve, effrontery, incredible 'guts', presumption plus arrogance such as no other word and no other language can do justice to". In this sense, chutzpah expresses both strong disapproval and condemnation. In the same work, Rosten also defines the term as "that quality enshrined in a man who, having killed his mother and father, throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan". Chutzpah amounts to a total denial of personal responsibility, which renders others speechless and incredulous ... one cannot quite believe that another person totally lacks common human traits like remorse, regret, guilt, sympathy and insight. The implication is at least some degree of psychopathy in the subject, as well as the awestruck amazement of the observer at the display.
>have written multiple books on their worldview and plans for world domination.
You wanna know the ideology of the elite billionaire class? It's called capitalism
Capitalism is about selling people what they want (or what they think they want).
By and large some form of progressive liberals, conservative types are usually just upper middle classers
>Bill Gates microchip
>Look it up
>It's real
>All the news are from four or five years ago except for ultra conspiranoid sites, total blackout otherwise
>Rosten also defines the term as "that quality enshrined in a man who, having killed his mother and father, throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan".
jews really are the best comedians
Where's this from?
no, that's 'selling stuff'. capitalism is an analytical catgegory. it has a lot of conceptual baggage. by eliding the distinction between capitalism as a socio-political organization and the more basic human activity of 'trade', you are aiding in the ideological distortion of reality.
not even a marxist, so don't start implying implications at me.
literally this. in a lot of ways theyve hit the nail on the head, but in a dialectical sort of way where they reinforce whatever nihilist capitalism is already at play. josh cohen has a relevant bit on this in his review of bleeding edge where he talks about how zucc/brin/paige/et. al. are pretty average people from pretty average backgrounds and yet they are billionaires. the normal habits/values that divide the elites from your average joe are increasingly diminished, the former just happen to have the right drive.
Then why do they all support socialist policies that give more power to the government?
Hint: Because they're in bed with the government and will share in that power through their wealth. It's not a coincidence that the most wealthy also tend to be the most anti-capitalist. They don't know the middle-class to join them. "Wealth for me, but not for thee."
>Anti capitalism means more goverment
Guess nazis are nearly communist then? Also I have no idea how capitalism without a state is possible.
Incorrect. Selling things and pandering to buyers has happened for ages before. The central question is who reaps the rewards and who is in control.
Capitalism is primarily about the existence of private property (capital) beyond personal property (in-absentia ownership), and their operation for profit. Of secondary importance is the commodity production, wage-labour, and market & price systems.
Tech billionaires aren't a good example of elites, unless you only define elitism by wealth.
Bill Gates and Zucc and people like that got filthy rich because of luck. They're certainly pretty smart people, but most of all they were at the right place at the right time.
The Clintons, for example, are a more typical representation of elites, even if they have way less money than Gates or Zucc.
>i want all of it and will do everything in power to keep it
>I want the money and power over others that comes with it till the end of
>I'm smarter than everybody else, hence I shall influence every decision that affects the world
also, these fags want to become truly immortal. They're pouring billions in biotech startups that focuses on extending human life and possible immortality. If they succeed, be prepared to be owned till the end of time
>distinction between capitalism as a socio-political organization and the more basic human activity of 'trade'
What are the main differences, then? Not that guy and not being sarcastic, I'm just a brainlet.
What's the truth of conspiracy theories that say that the elite want world depopulation?
>poor young sell their blood to get by
>sold forward with a hefty mark-up
>injected into rich assholes who want to live forever (and are in-part responsible for the poverty)
Bill Gates seems like a semi-autistic STEMfag who hasn't read enough philosophy to have an educated worldview, so he falls for midwit neoliberal shit like pic related.
>the more starving nogs we save the better
briefly capitalism requires the concentration in private hands of wealth to make large investments in the productive capacity of industry (agriculture, manufacture, information--doean't matter) for purpose of profit, to be reinvested. the difference between this and 'normal trade' is not just scale, as there are structural elements that must either be in place or be created to enable this kind of concentration and directedness of wealth. trade can happen basically anywhere; capitalism needs specific political, legal, and social regimes in order to function.
You don’t know what progressive means. And there are left and right liberals so some identity as conservatives
Philanthropy is a way to sooth their egos from the thoughts all the harm they inflict. They want people to think kindly of them after all. PR mostly.
Actual progressives are poorer liberals that want some social programs, still liberal, still believes in capitalism, but like “socialism” when the government does it.
The elites just want it all.
This plus barely veiled eugenics/genocidal ideology, and the belief that the majority of people are cattle (which they are) and the “elite” are justified in brainwashing and programming them.
they achieved everything so they now want to play god
>Gnostic transhumanism
Why are young people convinced we have more to lose?
Their philosophy is basically the philosophy of Ayn Rand. It's the rock solid belief in egoism, and a condemnation of any forms of empathy.
Basically, they're psychopaths who will do anything for their bottom line. Obsessed with wealth and image, obsessed with wanting to come across as the good guy, without actually doing anything good for society.
>it's just your blood, dude, your body can make more
well yeah
They don't necessarily want depopulation, they just know it's inevitable.
You've been played. Gates is the son of a eugenist who worked on the founding board of planned parenthood. PP is basically a eugenist program to cull (maintain at respectable levels) the african american people. Do you think his son is going around 'vaccinating' and spreading meds all over Africa for the wellbeing of africans? Billy isn't the self-made entrepreneur he's made out to be.
Now for the OP, the true Elite has been ruling over us for millenias. When they lost their sovereignty at the turn of the french revolution, they simply cross-bred with bankers. The rothschilds are jews mixed with old royalty. JP morgan married royalty. Etc etc..
>Bill Gates and Zucc and people like that got filthy rich because of luck
kek, sure
Neoliberal gnosticism for the gentiles and postmodern godlessness for the Jews.
A "woman" with nothing intelligent to say about politics, color me shocked.
This one.
These guys are retarded.
This man knows.
Pic related is self-help for the top 5%.
They're doing it right. Power is all that truly matters.
Billionaires own like 10% of world wealth, and there is more than a thousand of them.
There is a new billionaire in China every couple of days. One of them is going to open up a communism-theme-park. I'd say they are a group too big to define to psychoanalyze like that.
>There is a new billionaire in China every couple of days.
stopped reading there
It is in the best interest of billionaires to reduce wealth inequality. When the fervour of revolution occurs, the billionaires flee to their bunkers, but their doctors, pilots, gardeners, entertainers, programmers, etc, etc all get eaten in the revolution, because if you own your own house you obviously stole it from the proletariat.
Unless they have AI to do all that for them...
>By elite, I am talking about the billionaire class that owns most of the capital of the world.
They're not the elite. Forbes only publishes private individuals. Anyone belonging to a monarchy or government is not published. The Rothschild's are considered nobility, hence they are not listed either. The billionaires of the world are certainly elite compared to us, but they are not elite compared to them.
Oh. Look, a literal child. What a nasty little disposition
Here’s a (you)
this fucker just shitposts on twitter to seem docile
I wonder what hes plotting
Social Darwinism
Global Government
>gabidull zo bad id gud
How do we get out of this mess
You don't.
Most of them have a Christian-based morality, which necessitates them constructing a worldview in which they are not oppressors exploiting people through their accumulated capital, but are instead the saviours of mankind and every dollar added to the world GDP is a miracle worthy of Sainthood.
The manifestation of this psychological cope is called neoliberalism.
at least the crazy evangelist are going to be useful
>Democracy as an avenue for slavery
>White genocide
people like Bezos aren't a part of the ruling cliques
Materialism. But that's not really philosophy
look here OP, I didnt read your post but I see your picture of zuckerman and I have to remind you of rule 8: no jews.
user out
The elite are Capitalists by and large, but some run the Cathedral (the progressive institutions). The commoner is the class of Nationalism. That is the basic zeitgeist
They are all secular moralists
Start with this “we” business
And there’s no such thing as the CIA
I want absolutism. It just seems... so aesthetic and organaic. Why am I so idealistic about it? I don't know, honestly.
>tfw too smart
Me too, but for different reasons. I just stopped seeing the alternatives as more tyrannical at some point. The average person is incapable of understanding what rights are and have no actual commitment to liberty, only comfort. You could enslave the average person and tell them their free and they'll believe you as long as their well fed.
Wonder how it feels to have achieved it all. Eternal satisfaction or emptiness?
Its more honest about its power structure.
I'm going to be a dumb peasant with no power, influence, or true understanding over anything outside of my family and local community regardless. The least they could do is treat me like one.
What a bullshit chart.
Most billionaires are far right, it's just the few that convince themselves they are leftist are the ones who make public appearances about their philanthropy (musk, Buffett, Soros, etc) the majority you don't hear about know that conservatism looks bad spouted from a billionaire.
Mostly, they all like the Stoics. That's one consistent thing I've noticed, also Steven Pinker
This is a lot of bullshit. Rich people don’t bother themselves with the issues of the proles like politics unless it begins to threaten them. Then they throw money at whoever they want to do something for them. If you believe this they’re winning.
Do you really believe Yea Forums s gonna know about that ?
Not to disagree with you but it's impossible to become a billionaire without more than a decent amount of luck. There's a huge survivor bias here, even if there are probably others things.
You ever play a star wars game bro it's the jedi who are at peace when they finally reach their goal. Learn to deny and achieve mastery over yourself and you win, kill your way to the top of the pile of bodies and you're still just standing there filled with rage and hunger. Aggression is just the obverse of fear, even if you're the biggest badass you're ultimately imprisoned by it
>. When they lost their sovereignty at the turn of the french revolution, they simply cross-bred with bankers.
What you're saying doesn"t too coherent, most European royalty stayed in power after the French Revolution. It was really WWI that did them in.
why do you think that is though?
we don't have to live under kings and queens. the people can be properly educated, if enough effort and focus is put forward and the right goals are sought in it.
For some reason was certain this thread would en up like that almost-/x/ thread of two weeks ago with the supposed secret occult library of Congress that turned out to be a simple ruse.
I wasn't that far off the mark.
Most likely some sort of ayn randian milton friedmen sort of hyper capitalism and neo liberalism.
Exploiting the poor and third world, while having amazing public relations that make the public think you love fags and niggers.
The goal of capitalism is to make profit.
Its that simple.
The goal of the worker is to improve material conditions and attain better wages.
These things contradict each other
>What is the philosophy and worldview of the elite?
ensuring their position going forward
Space conquests
Be the first one to take a pee on mars
Sick space mansions
This. Billionaires are too smart not to be leftist. Dumb people rarely get that rich.
No. It's called being evil. Capitalism is just a consequence of evilness. The world will only be better when all the rich are dead.
The real truth is that their philosophy and worldview either don't exist because it would only compromise their position or they morph into whatever is deemed beyond a shadow of a doubt acceptable at the time by the masses
Elites seem much less intimidating when you look at people like Jeb Bush.
fuck bitches
take money
so you think it happened, and then everyone forgot about it?
Jeb Bush is the Apu of international elites.
All wrong, completely wrong. Especially the one with the strange trip I see everywhere.
is right in that they are just like ordinary people. At most you can expect them to have undergrad level philosophy or politics knowledge backed up up by years of keeping a hand in, going to talks, reading pop books, etc. Randi Zuckerberg is the height of sophistication most of them achieve or read. It's nothing. Peter Thiel is the only exception I can think of to this out of the surveillance capital/tech billionaires.
The billionaires genuinely believe in liberal causes. The think they are "progressive", there's no doublethink local solely to Zuck, Gates, etc. They all believe in liberalism, in Bono style Live Aid, in midwit ideas of charity and compassion and how the world works. Check out Zuckerberg's reading lists in articles like this:
Choice selections of things Zuckerberg says about books with zero irony:
World Order by Henry Kissinger
In former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's 2014 book, World Order, the 91 year-old analyses the ways different parts of the world have understood the concept of empire and political power for centuries, and how the modern global economy has brought >them together in often tense or violent ways.
It's "about foreign relations and how we can build peaceful relationships throughout the world," Zuckerberg writes. "This is important for creating the world we all want for our children, and that's what I'm thinking about these days."
The Better Angels of Our Nature by Steven Pinker
Zuckerberg admits that this 800-page, data-rich book from a Harvard psychologist can seem intimidating.
But the writing is actually easy to get through, and he thinks that Pinker's study of how violence has decreased over time despite being magnified by a 24-hour news cycle and social media is something that can offer a life-changing perspective.
It should be noted that Bill Gates also considers this one of the most important books he's ever read.
They read midwit trash like anyone on the street, they have a whig view of history and a faith that capitalism is decreasing violence. All of this is backed up with a vaguely evopsych idea of what humans want and how they function. Zuckerberg et al are true believers in this rot.
There is no evil plan, they are simply breathtakingly naive politically and think they have a right to influence the world because they have the resources to do it. Of course, they will necessarily make things worse because they have the political awareness of comp sci undergrads with a minor in psychology.
So why aren't you a billionaire if you're so wise?
I don't understand your point. Nobody would claim that identifying naivete in one area of someone else's life entails you think you are professionally better than them. My brother who works in law can't wash up for shit, he's put streaks on the glasses and left plates dirty since we had to wash up after dinner as kids. Does me saying that entail I think I would be a better solicitor than him? You're making a frankly retarded ad hominem.
Zuck, Jobs, etc are or were geniuses at coding/design/business. Unless Peter Thiel or Alexander Nix is cruising Yea Forums nobody here is likely to have the acumen to become a billionaire.
The problem is our billionaires have a political sensitivity equivalent to your college roommate who loved Daniel Dennett and Richard Dawkins and watched too much TED.
You are going to be disappointed op. The secret is that there is no secret. Read the columns in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, that genuinely reflects the range of worldview of the capitalist elite. Listen to the stupid platitudes that come out of Davos every year. Read Megan McCains stupid book.
Some have concrete world views like Peter Thiel but most are just filled with random garbage.
A lot of them have these strange guilt complexes that drive them to support symbolic concessions to historically fucked over minorities, but doesn’t extend to anything that could actually cost them money. JK Rowling is a great example. Turns out every character in her book is actually a minority but she’s legitimately talking about starting a spoiler party just to stop Jeremy Corbyn getting elected. The liberal section of the elite are like that.
A lot of us would like to think that they dont actually believe the shit they spew. Like, its all for the proles.....right?
They cant actually fucking think that capitalism is a good thing doing good things.
I think the real question with the elite is always
evil or stupid?
>Zuck, Jobs, etc are or were geniuses at coding/design/business.
you're so clueless, holy damn
55 new chinese billionaires in 2017. That is a little over 1 new billionaire per week. There was a billionaire surge in 2017, but China still has a high share of new billionaires.
There were 259 new billionaires last year, so you'd get about 1 billionaire worldwide every two days.
commies are both
They are and were, though. I imagine you're thinking "but apple products suck and Jobs exploded his own pancreas" or "Zuckerberg couldn't code his way out of a paper bag". 100% true. Or that Gates and Jobs stole the ideas for their OS's from Xerox and half the tech they use was from US gov't funded research anyway.
All of that is true but it still takes intelligence to be the idiot that does something anyone could do. If you think "someone else would have done it" you ironically have the same naive view of history they do.
Why do you insist on shilling for the elites so much?
Having worked at Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle and Facebook, all be it in low level capacities, my thoughts are pretty simple: These guys found something an exploited it to it's full capacity and before that business became stagnant they moved onto another growth industry.
Each one of these guys knows talent, but they are corporate super predators. They are Killer Whales of the business world, and they surround themselves with other Killer Whales that are just below them on the food chain. The only difference between Jeff Bezos and Andrew Jassy is that Jassy doesn't want to strike out on his own. Bill Gates and Paul Allen were damn near interchangeable back in the day.
Any market share that any competitor of these companies gets from them, they've earned by hook or by crook. And god help you if you get in their way. They'll either own you or do everything they can to destroy you.
Big if true. But really these billionaires are the most materialistic cunts alive.
desu not even this chase for wealth and image is egoism anyway. It is just straight up hedonism
>why do they all support socialist policies
Because they use the gub-mint to subsidize their operations. All these "socialized" programs, SNAP, medicaid, minimum wage, social security, all benefit the corporatists. The more freebies for the plebs, mean the gub-mint is subsidizing the elite by providing $$$ and services to compensate for labor costs. Corporatists/globalist will always support socialistic programs because it's an indirect subsidy for them.
>Philanthropy is a way to sooth their egos from the thoughts all the harm they inflict.
Indeed. Just look at Carnegie, as an example. All those libraries funded by the Carnegie Endowment was just a way for him to "salve his wounds" he incurred climbing his way to the top, on the backs of his workers.
Strange question, indeed. Why is the question important to you?
Liberal elitism.
I don't think I know what is best for each other person, I just know I don't trust most people to make good decisions for other people.
Well, then, it's up to you to make a better one.
We're waiting, user.
>fuck I like money
>gonna get some more
philosophy is poorfag cope
>Capitalism is just a consequence of evilness.
After a fashion, I suppose.
Adam Smith did say "Unregulated capitalism is nothing more than legalized theft".
Of course, no one wants to read old Adam anymore. Things are "different" now. Right?
Gotta love that reddit spacing.
And that reddit ideology.
Why is wanting to know what your masters believe strange?
It's speculative.
Almost everything is when it comes to humanbeans
Not really. You can judge the actions of an individual and try to seek rationale behind it. Not the other way around though, unless you know someone closely.
>You can judge the actions of an individual and try to seek rationale behind it.
So, you mean speculate? Since you can't enter their mind and know what they were thinking/feeling.
Blood Meridian but they're taught to self-insert as the Judge
That's why you judge actions, not the belief system of a person. If someone robs a corner store, you don't look for whether he is a God believing conservative. You look for why at that point it was done by him. The incentives that led him to that, or the errors that led him there.
That isn't Gnosticism at all. The Gnostic creation myth is a lot more grim than the Omega Point and everything Chardin believed in.
>Any market share that any competitor of these companies gets from them, they've earned by hook or by crook. And god help you if you get in their way. They'll either own you or do everything they can to destroy you.
THIS! I followed Microsoft stock since the beginning. Ruthless is the only term I can find to describe the M.O. of Microsoft, and some of its contemporaries. There's a lot of wreckage and carnage left in Microsoft's path. Just look at the war over file compression (stacker) in the 90s.
What are you smoking user, Pinker is peak reddit.
Most likely nothing. The more one gains, the more his fortune exerts itself onto him, the less of an individual he is. It's something close to womanhood, mere reaction to any and all Phenomena without question.
This. Every capitalist get the bullet.
Are you telling me you aren't supposed to self insert as the Judge?
How can one say they care about human well being while spending billions on a space program made to leave our planet, Earth - where every day 29,000 children under five years old die from preventable causes.
offer something better than insults.
thank you user for bringing some sense to this thread
It’s not so much that they are stupid as they just live in conditions which breed delusions about what the world is like.
All your political and business elites are surrounded by careerist coat-tail riders who act as constant yes-men for what ever stupid bullshit they say. The fact of their position causes them to be surrounded by people who won’t challenge their misconceptions or bad ideas. Many of them also come from families which were rich to begin with so a not small section of the political/business elite have basically no reference for what the lives of ordinary people are like outside of what they read in the paper and in books.
The reality is that there is no secret newspaper just for elites that we don’t know about. They get their news from the all the same places, except often filtered through a brigade of advisors and consultants who do the actual reading.
The important thing to understand is that there is no unified singular ‘elite opinion’, but rather a range from liberal to conservative, with a few hardcore racist/fascist types who conceal that opinion in polite company, and effectively zero ‘leftists’.
You really actually can get a grasp on the range of elite opinion by reading the columns being published in the big newspapers and magazines; NYTs, WaPo, WSJ, Forbes, The Economist etc.
The reason being is that the pool of people who write those columns is also the pool of people the elites hire from when they are looking for consulting.
They really do think Thomas Friedman and Malcom Gladwell are the greatest thinkers of the age and that’s a big reason why they make the choices they do. Read any of the books that Clinton staffers (or old Obama staffers) wrote about their time on the campaign (or whitehouse) and you’ll see it’s every bit as transparent and stupid as it looks.
It’s not too often you get a Kissinger type who’s a secret Spenglerian or something exotic like that.
Moral relativist detected.
this is correct, but could be summed up more succinctly. they're all neoliberals with moderately progressive stances on social issues (gay marriage, #metoo, etc). textbook "fiscally conservative but socially liberal."
He's trying to shore up support for himself for the storm of shit that's coming his way. There have been a lot of slate/vox types who've been angling a takedown of him for years, probably because he resembles the "techbros" they loathe so much.
Luciferianism. They cant help it. You dont get in unless you are rotten and your soul is black. Many of them are raped and tortured as children by their own families and thus groomed to perpetuate the trauma control.
They want to ascend as gods and enslave or exterminate the others. There will be no spiritual advancement the world will become an energy farm for parasitic transdimensional entities. The commoners will be plugged into virtual reality. Maybe. They want to create hell on earth. They are extreme faggots.
Philantrophy is covert ops like soros and gates are doing or just hiding from taxes
this is so reddit my eyes hurt, but, I admit, this should be the nost correct answer on this thread.
The quotation marks make me think you’re being sarcastic. But all you said was true. Thanks for the library, the music hall, but the man is responsible for maintaining industrial slavery of his day. He’s no hero, he’s a robber baron.
That too. They get a tax write off for it.
Also coming from europe I have encouraged both oligarch - eastern europe kind of rich people and tech statrup millionaires
Tech guys are literally retarded I fucking love science reddit dipshits that share the most ridiculous le next big thing videos on youtube. I can load up my angel investor fb friend right now and the last thing he posted literally is clickbait video named: "What If We Had Working Warp Drive Technology?" This guy is worth around 30 mills (very early bitcoin and eth investor as well as founder of several startups).
Oligarch kind of rich are even worse. Since I am psychiatrist I have been recently treating one guy that is son of one of the richest guy in this area and his family is worth probably more than 100 mills. This guy also used his power connection in fuelling his meth distribution network and happened to be one of the largest dealers in central europe. Guy is literal brainlet and he and his friends used to beat up guys they picked randomly in high class lunge clubs and high profile events. Probably never heard about plato. Cant make this shit up.
Next up: politicians and high profile lobbyist (have encountered up to 5 of these guys). Somewhat more decent, at least they usually got decent education but their worldview usually is amalgam of what is popular in centrist policy right now. For example, this one guy that used to be libtard 10 years ago is now literal SJW, reads Pinker, Harari and Guardian
Nothing. They're blobs that mold to anything when convenient. They have no views because at any time they have a dozen strains of things they want to be perceived as, aimed towards unselfaware social/political/economic consolidation. They are entirely defined by others.
Hearty kek.
Why did this shit got so many replies when he's not even addressing the real elite? kek. Someone with a few mill in his name isn't "elite" by any means. Politicians are literal neurotic puppets. Technocrats à la Gates and Musk are bullied autists. These people front as the elite but they certainly aren't. Elite = bloodline. Elites are the first eugenists. They are frequently refered to as 'occultists', which is right, insofar as they have been occulting knowledge ever since they discovered said knowledge. They practiced eugenics for thousands of years before most people even understood what it was. They made early uses of propaganda techniques etc.. long before our political philosophers ever developped them. They are probably using hidden - occult - knowledge right now. A good exemple is Usury. Most people don't know or don't understand what usury is, and what it implies. It is nothing more than a system of domination. Nothing less, nothing more. It was theorized as a system of domination. It was put to practive to enslave entire continents.
Like I said earlier, the elite has been ruling over us for millenias. This isn't even hidden or anything kek. Queen Elizabeth is a descendant from prophet muhammad. The Rothschilds married royalty etc etc etc...
>thev people can be properly educated
not most people.
Privatizing profits and socializing losses.
>most people have brain damage
Ah no, you’re just a racist, I see.
100 % agree, but I'd add lifestyle to it.
Pretty much hedonism, with a touch of chauvinism and imperialism.
Why is it publically shunned to shoot rich people?
Did you see him on meme review?
His amazement at the deer drowning in the pool stunned me "wait, did this actually happen" yes? Why is he shocked by that? How fucking disconnected could you be.
No but some are to old to ever get to a decent education level for modern needs in any reasonable time, plus millions of bs jobs capitialism has have to be readapted to whatever socialism would be and idk how well theyll translate. When we all get properly educated and drop all idealistic pursuits, and just like le help each other. Where is the conflict what are we doing anymore? Will we just become hedonist machines? Why exactly will art be good anymore if this happens?
>Will paradise spoil humanity?
It won’t be perfect, but it will be far better. Let the future take care of itself. Though it looks like theres no future at all the way we’re doing.
Idk im just scared that a lot of what makes us who we are is just inherited and there is little around it because theoretically if the oppurtunity is equal outcome should be as well. I doubt we could really make every human an isaac newton. But ill be far dead if this is ever fully realized or not.