When will millennials stop quoting this overrated lad?
When will millennials stop quoting this overrated lad?
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he will never not be talked about. every young reader, at some point early on will read 1984 and will enjoy it
Also boomers.
>That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there.
Once he stops being based as fuck.
>there is no democracy without chavs owning guns
>working class
>lumpenproletariat =/= working class
When war is war, slavery is slavery, and ignorance is ignorance. And when fascist imperialism can bring no more of it.
He will be remembered long after Shakespeare has been forgotten
i illegally downloaded daisies. yet to watch it. why do you like it so much?
another abhorrent post from the master
how does he/she/it do it??
>He will be remembered long after Shakespeare has been forgotten
no he won't.
normally I like your contributions, but that was stupid
lmao why does the current left wing hate orwell so much?
they don't?
It’s comedy is light yet deep. The girls are like Dadaist cartoon characters behaving like little parasites always eating.
Something I noticed only later were the mere glimpses of the working class, always too busy to stay in frame, no time for a film.
Shut up fashy
Maybe you mean tankies. They’re asshole authoritarians. No ones perfect, but they critique people in order to isolate their followers from any wrongthink
Kys worthless britbong peasant. What an absolutely worthless nation filled simpering inbred retards
Because 1984 is a very well known and accessible critique of what they seem to be attempting to do with outrage culture, so they have to frame it as
>wow how cliche and cringe you would even talk about that
When boomers stop forcing the book onto high school students.
Confirmed edgy teenager. KYS faggot.
Because even them are tired of listening to the same shitbags quoting Orwell to appeal right and intellectual. Specially when it doesnt have almost anything to do with the matter or is just taking it to an extreme.
Based tranny
In case you hadn't noticed, this is the "time of universal deceit" Orwell was talking about.
The irony is they haven't even read him just like Harry Potter.
Reminder he sold people out to the CIA and that that makes him based and redpilled
>it's bad because it's popular
do you remember when they "cancelled" director james gunn because of some out of context tweets from long time ago ? how is this not similar to the two minutes hate ??? people rather need to put more attention
I'm hating myself, but I have to agree with this yank.
>do you remember when they "cancelled" director james gunn because of some out of context tweets from long time ago ?
Because he worked for the fucking mouse. There were like a dozen celebrities getting shit over that including the rick and morty guys and only the disney director got fired from that franchise. He isn't blacklisted, and Yea Forums has fucked with people for less for over a decade.
people still use this word? what is this, 2012? It's Boomers and Zoomers
>he thinks a literal summer meme is worth making this post over
you need to an hero you're are own kyself
Easy dude. Don't say those things
You smell toast?
Doesn't count because they all misquote him anyway.
I find it kind of funny people say [insert other country] is like 1984 when America is more like it when it comes to propaganda and generally ignorant citizens. The jingoism in the US blows my mind, and then it's defended. Human rights violations. Stupidity. Everything. Defended. Big Brother isn't the government in America it's the idea of the United States itself. Total propaganda. The far right party (both democrats and republicans) will always be in charge. The Americans will cry (wrongly) that anything beyond the current status quo is either communism, socialism, or liberals. Big Brother doesn't even have to say anything as the Americans will do it for them.
What a shithole. I say this unironically. It baffles me.
Because Orwell was a socialist who went off the plantation after nearly getting murdered by Stalinist commissars in the Spanish Civil War, and thus, is well-acquainted with how "socialists" eventually set up totalitarian nightmares. He is spilling out juicy secrets and leftists want him silenced by any means necessary.
>some "out of context" tweets
>"out of context"
dude, he made hundred of tweets bluntly joking about raping kids. what kind of fucking dude does that, other than a supreme edgelord? what kind of person even thinks about making pedophilia jokes on a daily basis?
it's fucking messed up. good riddance.
Pseuds think Orwell is just Nineteen Eighty-Four (yes, that is the title of the book, not 1984) and maybe Animal Farm as well for the special pseuds. Orwell is more than allegorical Soviet fiction. There is more more literary sustenance in his nonfiction works and essays, to be quite honest with you, meine negers.
Because 1984 is a dystopia for brainlets; the likelihood of Western society turning into the one portrayed in 1984 is low given that it's very easy to spot the warning signs. Brave New World, however, is much less talked about in mainstream media and by politicians because its themes are already present in society.
>1984's message is obvious
>writes an essay about language and why simplicity and brevity are essential in writing
>writes a book about how simple slogans and portmentaus can be used to manipulate a population
What did he mean by this?
Because Road to Wigan Pier wrecks them.
honestly one of the best essays ive ever read
>a private company cancelling someone is the same as an authoritarian dictatorship
Yeah, bro. It's very surprising that Disney fired a guy who constantly joked about rape, raping kids, jerking off in front of kids, raping ladies and laughing at people with AIDS. Truly a staple of authoritarian thought.
I never even heard of this jerk off till now
This is true.
You notice about half of all police, regardless country, are or turn into chavs?
Imagine getting mad at jokes
everything in your statement is either wrong or retarded.
Wigger Pier
when will boomers stop blaming society for all their problems?
I love it when pounds the "bearded fruit juice drinkers", which were the suyguys of Orwell's time.
True. But Phillip k Dick is superior to both.
How is he not top of the food chain for all this dystopia subgenre? It's more grounded/'realistic' yet more radical in its implications, and the prose is actually good.