what possible reason someone might have to write in bulks without ever intending to see them published?
What possible reason someone might have to write in bulks without ever intending to see them published?
Because maybe they don't like it.
they're bad writings ...these guys are fucking human after all
At least with digital files things will die with the author.
I've written 20 novels and 15 screenplays. I've never submitted anything for publication. I write for myself.
I don't think he disliked what he had written - that would be ridiculous. However he probably wasn't sure it was as good as his published work. He had a good reputation as a writer and probably didn't want to take any risk. Fair enough. Good writers not publishing their works annoy me far less than motherfuckers publishing their shit.
uh what? why?
His last self approved publication was in the 60s.
He continued to write until 2010.
How does someone write their best works within a span of 10 years and continue writing for next 50 years without liking anything?
Salinger was sick of critics and the general public. He said so many times. He went into hiding and stopped publishing to avoid being bothered.
pretty hyped desu.
What do we think of this, really? On the one hand, Salinger is a pretty great writer, so I'll bet at least some of this stuff is very good. On the other hand, it is going against his wishes, probably. As says, he didn't really like people.
On the other other hand, if he'd REALLY never wanted this stuff published, wouldn't he have destroyed it? He must have known, if he kept it around for his family to have, that sooner or later there was a good chance they'd publish it.
>it is going against his wishes
The dude made his money and decided to continue writing, but this time, just for himself. Now that he's dead, people won't be able to bother him anyway.
Kafka wrote for himself and laughed at what he wrote.
with encryption you can be sure no hyena will go over your shit after you've croaked
just wondering, did he earn so much money with his 4 books and other stories, that he never needed to have an actual job? if it's the case, that's awesome
Speaking of Kafka, has a point that if Salinger really never wanted this stuff to see the light of day then he would have destroyed it long ago. Borges makes a similar point about Kafka in one of his essays. Kafka asked his friend to burn all his works when he was dying; but, as Borges says, if Kafka genuinely wanted to make sure nobody would ever read his work, he would have burned it himself, to make sure it was done.
but also this is 100% right. the self-contained artist (as i implied here ) is mostly a myth. art-making is often a form of venting will
Writing stuff that gets taught in highschools and colleges across the country makes you a decent living.
yeah but 1) not everyone uses encryption and 2) if a vulnerability is ever found at any point after your death your stuff can be read
Do you think there's anything on it that will top Seymour?
btw anyone knows if this is worth it?
everything will. seymour is shit
>Another writer's insufferable progeny prepare to plunder his grave.
Simply for fun. Salinger hated fame and attention, but he loved writing, so he didn't publish a single thing after he didn't need to anymore.
>How does someone write their best works within a span of 10 years and continue writing for next 50 years without liking anything?
Ever heard of Stephen King?
Pretty smart way of supporting your family posthumously. Bolano did it all the way to his death.
Imagine never having to work a day in your life because you can just exploit your parents private work against their wishes after they die
Maybe he just didn’t like the attention. Now that he’s dead, no one can bother him, so it doesn’t matter to him if his work is published
He came from a somewhat privileged Park Avenue family and I don’t think he ever really need to write to live, it was art to him
>implying it's not just running a family publishing business
>implying it's gonna edit, publish, print and market itself
>implying being a custodian and distributor of art is not pro publico bono
If you're succesful as an author you can basically just live off your work for the rest of your life. Ideal job to me. Many try it, few succeed. It is basically as you described