what the fuck
>In 1977, a petition was addressed to the French parliament calling for the abrogation of several articles of the age of consent law and the decriminalization of all consensual relations between adults and minors below the age of fifteen (the age of consent in France). A number of French intellectuals - including such prominent names as Louis Aragon, Michel Foucault, Jean-Paul Sartre, Jacques Derrida, Louis Althusser, Roland Barthes, Simone de Beauvoir, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Michel Leiris, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Philippe Sollers, Jacques Rancière, Jean-François Lyotard, Francis Ponge, and various prominent doctors and psychologists - signed the petition. In 1979 two open letters were published in French newspapers defending the release of individuals arrested under charges of statutory rape, in the context of abolition of age of consent laws.
French pedos
Other urls found in this thread:
All french are pedos. Haven't you seen their movies? It's always some "existential" drama about a depressed (always handsome) fag banging some 17yo slut
Guattari wouldn't clean his daughter because he thought parenting was fascist. She had mold growing on her hair. That's all you need to know about these people.
Forgot to add, the fag is on his thirties and has a wife/gf. The underage is with whom he's cheating
Most of the recent ones are about some French girl banging an Arab or African
unironically, name two
Parenting is literally fascist though.
you could have skipped every french theorist on the planet by merely reading the literature of the french 100+ years before, e.g. maupassant, balzac, etc. and realizing the french people, their society, and the ideologies they spread are the most decadent worthless trash in existence
>t. autistic germanioid furry who wants a dom to feed him shit while he writes commentary on fichte
As someone who finds French girls cute, why did it end up this way? Was it the product of their Revolution?
Why are all French philosophers utter degenerates? I can't stand the French
Let in the Sunshine, Lila Says
this. also why i let my child free into a germanic forest to be raised by wolves, a sort of unnatural symbiotic rhizome between man and animal. 15 years later he came back as the pack-leader (a wolving) and he was wearing a germanic thor hammer around his neck and many vast shifting runes tattoed all over his body that could not be captured into a strata by my semiotic interpretative assemblage, he finally spoke after a howl, declaring "the EU is an anus". can we escape the child raising fascist machine?
The worst part is i believe you. Last time i turned in on the artsy channel that puts on foreign movies (i forget which one, there are a couple) there was this scene with some immigrants having a party somewhere in paris. I shit you not, the dialogue was between a jew (a stereotypical jew, curly hair and balding, twig arms) and a muslim. They were talking about why antisemitism was on the rise in france and the muslim was saying that jews are seen as subverters, spies, and also very smart; right? Then the jew asked "oh, if i'm so smart why am i on a country that hates me" or some bullshit like that, and the fucking muslim basically tells the audience to congratulate the jew for being so brave.
And this happened when the yellow vest protests had just begun. Here i thought american cinema had the worst most blatant indoctrination. But i was wrong
French women literally flock to Paris to fuck Congolese immigrants. Same thing with Calais. They go to the canps to bed the biggest blue gummer they can find.
It's a meme, the French are not more degenerate than the rest of Europe (which is very degenerate). Just read the French from up the Renaissance.
France should never have abandoned the Church and France should never have gotten rid of the monarchy. France is only truly great when it has a Christian king.
You mean emperor, sweetie.
But why did Europe become so degenerate? Asia remains traditional.
Pockets of people who desire nothing more than to undermine their host country
King St. Louis IX wasn't an emperor and he was very good for France.
17 is not a child
Napoleon was better
I think it's the language. It oozes pretentiousness. I tried to learn it once, just for fun, and everything about it turned me off. The words look ugly and sound even worse. I cannot comprehend why every french writer carries himself with this air of superiority, like they think just being fench makes you a great writer. Fuck them. Their death is well deserved
But is it just by chance, then? Just a case of bad apples taking power in the important positions, and then ruining the rest of the country?
Literally globalization. Don't know if you've heard this, but back in the day paris was called the capital of the world. I don't mean globalization as in all countries being connected (i think that's actually a good thing) i mean being a worldwide famous city. Paris has always been sold to the normalfags as a city that makes you a celebrity just by visiting it. Same as new york and other cesspools. In other words, it's (((advertised))) to attract the worst kind of people; the kind that drinks starbucks and posts selfies on times square to their facebook. No wonder they turn into centers of degeneracy
Henri IV was the best
Both Church and Monarchy doomed themselves by corruption.
Asia probably will follow Europe into degeneracy. France lost it's religious faith during, and really before the Enlightenment. Religion big check on moral behavior. France also became a rich country with a good bank account and very high standard of living compared to the rest of the world because it was a colonial country and lived off the rest of the world. As Asia becomes richer and more Westernized it will follow suit. Many young Asians I have talked to online have adopted the West's fashionable skepticism and now disparage the ways of the ancestors instead of revering them. Also have a very high standard of living compared to grandparents and are rather spoiled...
Which countries AREN'T degenerate?
>Many young Asians I have talked to online have adopted the West's fashionable skepticism and now disparage the ways of the ancestors instead of revering them
This was also the case during Mao's cultural revolution, and probably laid the groundwork for today. Both capitalism and communism are enemies of tradition.
Why are pol tards so fucking stupid?
Japanese people are like the king of pedos.
China is a communist country.
And feminism is very popular in south korea.
Traditional Oriental society is very Pious and Puritanical. I did say that the Asians were getting to be more like us... These things that you talk about are modern developments due in large measure to the Westernization of their societies, such as feminism in S. Korea which perhaps, as long as not carried to an extreme, is no bad thing...
it doesnt matter, read wittgenstein
south korean feminists are some of the most extreme on the planet.
Because both are materialist philosophies...
Just proves my point. S. Korean society traditionally male dominated. A little bit of Feminism not a bad thing in a society where once girl babies were put to death but taken to the opposite extreme it is bad but very Western and following Europeans into degeneracy...
France is so gay even the immigrants are more redpilled than the native population. Marechal Dieudonne for Caliph.
Same with East Asians who come to the US...
t. muttyboi
The degenerate ones monopolize all the international attention for some reason. The many schools of aesthetics, epistemology, logic, etc get completely ignored. France is also the country that produced half the saints in the world or so and has the strongest non Latin theological tradition. Yes, including Greek.
I'm Anglo myself but this fascination with the worst french men is really strange. I guess they have good cuisine so everyone assumes they are all around sybarites.
As homosexuality and transexuality were rip off from the psychiatry's manual, paedophilia it would be also take it off from there.
Just wait some more years (before commit suicide) and you fuck a young thigh puffy prepuber vagina in from of her white father.
>Brigitte Auzière taught literature at the Collège Lucie-Berger in Strasbourg in the 1980s.[7] By the 1990s, she taught French and Latin at Lycée la Providence, a Jesuit high school in Amiens. It was at that high school that she and Emmanuel Macron first met.[Macron was 15] He attended her literature classes, and she was in charge of the theatre class that he attended.[9] Their romance was not typical, as she was his senior by almost a quarter of a century, and Macron has described it as "a love often clandestine, often hidden, misunderstood by many before imposing itself"
>tfw never molested by lit MILF paedo teacher
>tfw Lacan was the only one not to sign the petition
oh you saw that tweet too huh. real subtle
You act as if they ask for legal child molesting.
Based American soccer mom
Are you guys serious? there's nothing wrong with this petition. It was actually the perfect mix between liberalism and conservatism. It was a unique example of leftist intellectuals being just rational.
>mfw all those lengthy and verbose tomes of theoretical drivel amount in practice to this
Boy oh boy.
>more degenerate than the rest of Europe (which is very degenerate).
Spotted the furious burger.
"age of consent" is nonsense but it exists for a reason just like all moral principles
can I get a source on this
Lefties are the braindead shock troops for the liberal world order. Pretentious frogs destroy their own culture and norms while telling themselves they're so smart and creative and moral and dangerous, then the market steps in to sell back to deracinated individuals an inferior imitation of what they once might have had. Jacques Fagget probably would have succeeded in legalizing pedophilia if the market didn't deem it inefficient.
Their whole critique of the AOC is that it is born of modern liberalism. Only by abandoning modern ideas and returning to a pre-modern idea of childhood can children be liberated. The idea that only people over 18 or 21 should be able to have sex is an ultra-liberal view.
kek, imagine being this brainwashed by the CIA
daily reminder that several critical theorists were on the payroll of the cia or massive american foundations that have ties to the cia
No. The CIA sponsored Deleuze and Foucault indirectly because they steered away from Marxism. The CIA aknowledges that marxism is the biggest threat to the elites. They spent most of their ressources trying to neutralize marxism yet this website is full of braindead anglos thinking the CIA sponsors communism lmfao.
The moronic OP who thinks Deleuze and Foucault are "braindead shock troops for the liberal world order" is fucking hillarious kek. He hasn't read a word of them, obviously.
Nah, you're only giving one side of the story.
The CIA -- which was tied to the north eastern American liberal elite at the time -- only did this, because the communists were doing the same thing and had been doing it before the CIA was even invented. See: en.wikipedia.org
This whole one-sided, "it was the CIA maaaaan," completely ignores that both sides were funding various individuals and groups for liberal and communist purposes (and that the communists historically started it). You only ever hear about the CIA, because academia is a hotbed of leftist apologia and leftists hate it when their skullduggery and deceptions come to light.
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about
The CIA doesn't DO anything wrt leftism, a failed ideology that has long since been subsumed by progressive liberalism. Crabs-ridden hippies have long since won the civilizational struggle, the Weather Underground teaches at Columbia University and appoints mulattoes to the presidency while the previous administration's head of the CIA was a LITERAL, ADMITTED COMMUNIST--which is hardly surprising since countless commies were secretly embedded in all of America's powerful institutions (most especially including the CIA) throughout the 20th century.
You're clearly running on some sort of obsolete soixante-huiTARD fantasy of the CIA as a WASP protection force for Anglo-Zionist white male corporate bank accounts, when in reality it is today staffed by woke progressives, go girl Googlers, and various sullen mystery meats.
The CIA doesn't sponsor leftism--leftists are too stupid to realize that they unknowingly sponsor the CIA and have its soft approval.
>sanitized copy APPROVED FOR RELEASE
gee whiz, I wonder why they would do that? Didn't they know that mouthbreathers like you were going to read their secret plans?
>literal kikes, mentally semites, AIDS-ridden leftists
>representative of the French population
these guys were literally writing pederast literature on arabs
the main reason the leftist intelligentsia pushed for immigration was their love for maghrebi young men
English is a germanic tongue
But pedophilia is strongly conservative in essence.
Consent laws have become increasingly more draconian over the past 40 years and particularly the moral panic over children. If you look at a female wrong you can be accused of sexual assault today. You have people who have lived a normal functional life then all of a sudden after 40 years they suddenly remember a priest touching their ding dong and freak out for a massive cash settlement. Biopower.
Asia has always been "notorious" for sex tourism. Thailand has been the primary location for sex changes in the 20th century. CP was legal in Japan till recently. Modern European moral standards are just now being successfully exported really.
Unironically great parenting
hehe, nothing personnel
OP hasn't read the part in which they acknowledged an adult's sexuality as dangerous to that of a child and that they shouldn't involve in sexual behavior between eachother. They merely suggested that these laws created characterizations of dangerous and vulnerable individuals that which could justifiably be institutionalized (in this case into jails/asylums and schools respectively) as a result of their status and feelings rather than any physical crime they committed. We see this today with anyone accused of being pedophile or woman abuser INSTANTLY being ruined without actually being proved to do anything. This is because of the view of these groups as "vulnerable" and thus we are REQUIRED to follow through. This then justifies enclosing women in domestic spheres, children in schools that teach nothing and men in constant suspicion. They were right and a more subtle sexual control could easily be instituted.
absolutely based
christcucks and moralfags need to head back to pleddit
Blaise de Monluc
Saint François de Sales
Cardinal de Retz
Barbey d'Aurevilly
Jules Verne
La Rochefoucauld
La Bruyère
You anglo only know the retarded French authors.
A film about the sexual relationship between a middle aged man and a literal child
I don’t see what is your point
>It was actually the perfect mix between liberalism and conservatism
Pedophilia tolerance was actually an element of the early sexual liberation movement. There was even a french-german film that featured full on child pornographic scenes(penetration) in the 1970s. It had to be cut.
The movies glorify it or something
lmao he actually named two how do you feel
excuse me it was german-italian.
Is that's what you think that movie is about you are retarded.
True, but fascism is good
Because of the ideologies we've invented over the past 300 years or so are all about self-examination and critique.
>There was even a french-german film that featured full on child pornographic scenes(penetration) in the 1970s.
calm down, gentlemen
every interpretation is equally correct
How can non-materialist philosophies compete with materialist philosophies? The materialist will always have more money and resources, then they just implement their order, while you're left to debating meta-physics on a chinese cartoon forum.
>Lefties are the braindead shock troops for the liberal world order.
Competitive advantage is a matter of strategy. While the equivalent of war financing and logistics is important, it is subservient to strategy, planning, and the commanders in charge of it and only one component of the entire strategic framework. Materialism as a philosophy is no guarantee of strategic advantage. The richest nation on the planet can still make strategic mistakes over and over: see the United States in the last 40+ years. Two of the greatest works in strategy that are still in use today -- Sun Tzu's Art of War and von Clausewitz's On War -- were both written by what might be considered non-materialist philosophers: one influenced by Daoism and the other by German romanticism and idealism.
>while you're left to debating meta-physics on a chinese cartoon forum
Better than an unimaginative soulless materialist bugman who can't think of ways to outcompete his opponents and tries to persuade people for yet another round of communism v45.56.
The opposite of parenting is not neglect, but "Kantian" treatment of children, as in treating them like "ends" rather than "means".
17 is two years above the age of consent where I live
To understand Deleuze you have to understand the French. French Philosophy is a pilgrimage searching for Anglo obscurantism. While Hume and Locke are truly dim and cannot help it, thus not so much content with or even forced to abase themselves, but simply doing so implicitly, the Frenchman is actually bright and cannot stand it. Though at first glance French Philosophy does seem written by troglodytes fumbling with random phonemes in a phantasmagorical imitation of actual humans, this is not the case. The Frenchman is actually neurotic and terrified by his own masculinity, prominently by his Mind. France being a proto-Israel and proto-USSR is evidence enough. The Frenchman hopes he can achieve Anglo anesthesia by abusing his own Mind enough.
Give me a similar psychoanalysis of slavs
this isn't psychoanalysis, it's neurotic anglocentrism kek. he's completely wrong but keeps memeing his shit paragraph on every french related thread.
Is this really what passes for smart board on Yea Forums? What the fuck is that?
I know it's not, I just wanted him to write another paragraph or two so I could laugh at it.
there's some [[[truth]]] to it tho
Of all the people on that list, Derrida is the only one who I don't believe was a pedophile. I just think that his entire tableau would've been found out if he didn't follow the crowd.
traditional societies have always used children to adults' benefit
when the West had moral principles, children were not sacred. Children just had to stfu and do what they were told
Where do you think Foucault got his aids from? It's because he ran through every underage rent boy in San Fran.
Literally no one is afraid of communism any more. The ideas of the left have been recuperated in totality. I am sorry you have to find out on a chinese cartoon image board.
Pederasty is trad
children did not yet exist
what, kids weren't born yet back then? dude, you know old fucks nowadays were kids once. i just lost my last bit of faith in humanity
This thred seems popular, can some of you link me to that meme of a cat carrying a small dead/hurt one?