How many male novelists does it take to screw in a lightbulb...

How many male novelists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Cairey Turnbull is precariously perched on the edge of a fall.

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It must be nice being a woman and knowing you can be outwardly negative & toxic and people will still absolve you for it solely because of your gender.

How many dystheistic antinatalists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? He cursed the demiurge as he was forced to take a shower by YOUR society.

This but unironically. I know she’s “joking” but people like her genuinely believe these things

What do I think about Logo's novel?

sundress burneo


She's hardly being toxic. Anyone that is actually offended by her jokes has some seriously thin skin, or just resents women so much that they shouldn't speak negatively of men ever. In either case, the complaint is quite pathetic.

and Yea Forumss in full damage control

>She's hardly being toxic.
I'd like to know how making fun of male infants being mutilated at birth "isnt toxic". You're tacitly proving my point.

"women are property and enjoy being raped"


This is pathetic, you're literally getting triggered by jokes. Grow a spine.

literate males are an abominable use of educational resources better spent on teaching women gangbang proficiency

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Women never feel this way about men.

I love the faux british accent

Why do women suck at comedy and literature

Submissive orbiters don't warrant that kind of treatment. Can you even imagine? Honestly, if you even smile at a woman you've already blown it.

This isn’t Reddit, you fag ass. Stop double posting.

That woman is a tranny now

Wearing a boy’s hat you bought at Spencer’s doesn’t make you a male.