Philosophy that espouses hatred, resentment, anger, etc

I'm sick of all the "turn the other cheek", forgive your enemy, two wrongs don't make a right crap.
What are some works that portray the benefits in acting in an immoral, spiteful fashion?
Also, no Machiavelli!

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have you read the based Machiavelli?

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My diary desu. Also the Bible, ironically

No good philosophy. True philosophy is about virtue. An immoral, spiteful person is pretty much the opposite of a virtuous person. What you're looking for is some kind of self-destructive anti-philosophy.


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Spiteful no, but for immoral and passionate you want Stendhal.

To give you a sample: in one of his novels a countess discovers her husband has recently been killed in a spontaneous fight, so she asks a close a friend of her (suspected to also be her lover, though she also loved her husband) to avenge him by killing his murderer.

The friend refuses, thinking the idea ridiculous. The countess then retaliates, by first faking affection and making him fall definitely in love with her and then spurning him, sending him into depression.

Evil Sam Harris is fucking terrifying

Thomas Carlyle

Notes from Underground

Milton Friedman

hahahaha this is some good edge. Haven't seen edge like this in years.

>What are some works that portray the benefits in acting in an immoral, spiteful fashion?
Nothing philosophical, that's for certain.

it's basically resentment incarnate

First of all, Jesus was not a pacifist. The money changers in the temple story should shed some light on that. You might get some insight into what you want by reading actual interviews with Ghandi - also commonly portrayed as different from reality.

This. Also any 60s New Left.

this pretty much. Being a bad person is seriously low iq.

But why?

Consideration for others beyond the minimum required for personal benefit is basically a mental illness conceived of society's divorce from natural processes. Most people concede far too much to each other for nothing and don't even understand that they do it, let alone why.

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No, what is typically understood as violence is highly correlated with being low IQ. The absolute greatest violence is carried out by high IQ people however and isn't even processed as violence, I am talking about corporate CEOs and the like here. Look it up, half of them are honest to god psychopaths, enslaving and abusing their fellow man through subtle machinations for their own gain. It's absurd to suggest they're unintelligent, or that being bad consigns one to being an idiot.

Virtue can also be strong, tough and mean. The horseman pillaging China was virtuous to his people. The Hoplite spearing Persians was too.

le spooked milkman

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Evil is an acquired taste.
Plebs can't appreciate it. In fact, they live in denial.
>It was a good thing the king lost his head, now we have equality [with him]!

>itt: C-grade philosophy majors and "Christians"
But thanks for playing, I guess

>misunderstands ressentiment beyond its neoplatonic christian heritage
>is xtian
>votes republican, anti-abortion, and pro-military
>gurgles "vertoo"

Interesting link. Also explains why there are so many psychopaths in communist organizations.

Unironically Crowley

Such people are slaves to their desires. They gain for the sake of gain, not to use what they gain for a higher purpose, and thus they spend their lives on vain pursuits. What could be more idiotic than that? They're just highly efficient idiots.

Christianity BTFO

Why not Machiavelli? He's basically exactly what you're asking for.

Do Stirner's The Ego and Its Own. Morality is a fictional non-existent ghost used to control us, so we should ignore it and only obey our true self. I disagree with him, but he's what you're looking for.