Alright he should be dead any day now, are you going to miss him?

Alright he should be dead any day now, are you going to miss him?

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I mean, I guess

As much as I can miss someone I don't personally know, I guess.

What's his endgame anyway,?

what do you bet his will includes instructions to publish another 1000+ page doorstopper

Knowing Pynchon, I’m willing to bet he’s got a final novel or two hidden away somewhere even if he isn’t working on anything right now

Just to clarify, I don’t know him personally. I had a friend of a friend (to put it simply) who knew him when he was younger and told me about how Pynchon would keep drafts of 700+ page novels just lying in his closet

Nice try, Tom. Your mind is playing tricks on you already

Is this how you're writing your autobiography, Tom? Through anonymous posts on the internet with unsubstantiated claims of having vague connections to you?

Tom, how can someone as well read as you stand to post on Yea Forums. Also how do I get a gf.

I am NOT Thomas Pynchon. If I were Thomas Pynchon I would smoke Marlboro reds, and I don’t. Therefore I am most certainly NOT Pynchon

>I am NOT Thomas Pynchon.
That's exactly what Thomas Pynchon would say.

Just to clarify, I only know Pynchon smokes reds becuase I used to bowl with his cousin on Tuesday nights

How the fuck has no one taken a picture of you through all these years?

Who nuked the logo thread, not cool

inherent vice and bleeding edge were quite clearly the final mop-ups of the pynchonverse. there's not gonna be another novel

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Where do I start with this guy?

the crying of lot 49

Any other cool insider facts about him? (There are very few). And here you say Pynchon kept several drafts in his closet when he was young, what do you mean by young? College? 20-29?30-40? or 40-49

>people thinking Tom has internet
he probably thinks every form of telecommunication, every VPN, every onion router, has a fed presence

Rightly so.

I don't want him to die before I've read all of his work. If I read his work after he's dead it just wont have the same energy.

And he's right. And chinese presence.

Not a bad idea. It would be like the bible, a mass of “inspired” texts that the church had to sift through and figure out which were actually inspired. You’d never know for sure if he was the author, but that’s part of the fun. He always enjoys a good joke, that’s for sure.

Mozart parody, anybody?

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wow, I wrote that post and I didn't even realize how biblical it was until you pointed it out

great thread, keep it up

oh, and easy on the songs, Tom

they have recently

just jump into gr

I was thinking the same.

P r o v e

like a weed bowl lmao?

newfags deserve shot on sight desu

google "pynchon national enquirer"

thats not him

Pynchon just release an autobiography already.

T. Thomas Pynchon

how would you ever know

My kid loves Mason and Dixon. She always falls asleep in my lap whenever we read it to him (we don't know the gender yet). Just so you know. Also PTA ruined Inherent Vice.

Figures a fag from /pol/ wouldn't understand IV

>tfw bloom gets to outlive all his favourite writers

2020: A new Pynch novel appears on shelves "What Happened to Slothrop." 800 pages long, hailed as a late career masterpiece, it doesn't actually tell you what happened to Slothrop but confirms that Pynchon himself has been dead since 1971

Shakespeare is still alive.

STFU fagot, Shakespeare is a hack.

>He thinks its a meme
Pynchon has admitted to posting on Yea Forums. William Shatner also posts on Yea Forums and several NFL players post on Yea Forums.

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I have an uncle at Nintendo and it's true

Nigger he literally has talked about Yea Forums openly.

no he hasnt

Imagine being a newfaggot zoomer and defending that shit movie and whining about the website you're using every fucking day

lol cope

that doesn't even make sense you tryhard retard. Stop trying to "fit in" anonymously and lurk.

Reading Against the Day for the second time. His descriptions are second to none. A true master. He lacks a bit in character depth, though, but who cares. The rest of the prose more than makes up for it.
I also think it's his best book. Way better than GR.

Inherent Vice was a fun movie.

I can taste your tears

What about M&D?

>3 hour long overly dense snooze fest with no comedy
movie hipster pls kys

it's hilarious though, you probably just didn't get it.

Different guy, and this isn't about a draft of an unpublished Pynchon novel, but I know a guy who used to share an agent with Pynchon back in the day. Sez he got to examine the original draft of Gravity's Rainbow (post-publicaton) which was all on graph paper and stacked up in the agent's closet.

Has he? I’ve seen some convincing posts, but it could be mimicry. It’s been like two years since I’ve been here last and I’m sure I missed some developments.

Nobody deserves anything, ya gah dam commie

You haven't, really. The last convincing Pynchon post was the song that appeared in that thread asking why Pynchon writes so many songs. And that was what, 2-3 years ago now.


how did you not laugh at doc doing karate moves as he's knocked unconscious or the baby picture or when he watches bigfoot fellate the chocolate banana? a humorless faggot like you should not be allowed to post in pynchon threads

>t. hasn't actually read tommy
>t. reddit

I have, though I haven't read IV. Still a funny movie though no doubt, but it's like Lebowski in that you can't really appreciate the irony until you've seen it at least once.

Pynchon smoked cools

Is Panama Red any good?

PTA changed dialogue a lot. He even switched lines and characters. Worst of all, he gave Shasta's lines to some fucking slut played by Belladonna in the movie. Not cool at all. I doubt Pynchon liked the film.



No, it's shit so it's shit and it's different too.

>you just -didn't get- this shit adaptation of a book I haven't read

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but it's not shit though

yeah, apparently.

Reminder this redditor literally admitted he hasn't even read the book and is still acting like this

You are one insecure little retard

Hey I'd love to hear why the differences are worse, but I'm just working with what I got here.


thanks for the reminder bro

He missed out some of the best parts like the zomes.
Why do i even....just fuck off....

Yeah but see the book didn't need to fit into a two and a half hour runtime

He already seems to have retired and he's lived a long enough life, so no.


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>we don't know the gender yet
Then why call it a him?

Are you reading to a womb or are you just overly sensitive?

he's btfoing the libs epic style

Supposedly he adapted the entire novel into a screenplay and then cut from it instead of just not writing parts.

I hate it when people type btfoing.

I always pronounce it as ban-The-fuck-outing inside my head

>ban the fuck out
uh, that's not what it stands for

Blown the fuck out

Whatever you want to call it man.

That last syllable is a ‘t’ no matter what so it sounds fucking retarded.

Just type ‘b-ing tfo’ For me next time you type that acronym

I’m b-ing tfo u right now btw

Actually that’s still not grammatically correct. You should write ‘b-ing tfoo’ for an ‘of’ after the traditional acronym.

I am totally b-ing tfoo you right now

He is bing tfoo contemporary authors for sure

bee tee eff oh

He binged tfoo many different Pomo authors for sure

Londonfrog binged tfoo a fast food restaurants menu if you know what I mean

I would rate M&D higher than GR as well. But I really do think Against the Day is his best work.

GR is b-ing tfoo those books on any given day

Yea Forums tier reading comprehension
> She always falls asleep

>whenever we read it to him
What did he mean by this

I disagree. I think he improved his prose after GR. M&D is more relaxed in tone and ambition but it's more pleasant to read. Against the Day is just superior, in prose and story as well.
But it's okay to like GR more, baby, I won't hold it against you.

>Against the Day is just superior

M&D maybe but this is one hot take. I've only gotten halfway through AtD myself though...

post yfw his next novel has the phrase "bing tfoo"

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Well, when he starts writing about Cyprian you may feel some boredom - it seems he's starting all over again, 600 pages in. But then it picks up again.
I'm really not trying to convince people AtD is superior. I think it is but it's just my humble opinion. The prose, in my opinion, is more refined.