Jordan Peterson is the best intellectual of the postmodern world.
Leftists, eat shit.
The best
Great speaker, decent researcher, mediocre writer.
I give him a decade until he writes an actually good book or I'll lose faith. His podcasts are good though
i think maps of meaning is all you're ever gonna get. everything he has to say is in there, and his views havent really changed since then.
>some Canadian high school sub
Peter who?
I like JBP, but fuck you all the same.
That's pretty spot-on.
Nice hair transplant Jordan
>tells you in a high pitched voice to wash your dick
>asks money for it
His criticism of post-modernism is funny because he’s (and his fame) a product of the post-modern world
leftists BTFO
JP is probably qualified to talk about psychology because he has a PhD in psychology and has had a clinical practice for however many years, has work published, etc. But he also seems to think he is qualified to talk about every subject and he's just... not. People think he should be a source of authority on society but that's not how this shit works. I've heard professors say some pretty dumb shit before. You can spend years specializing in one field and not know anything about another.
If you think JP is the best intellectual of our time name five other currently writing public intellectuals with the same level of credentials as JP whose work you have critically engaged with. I'll be waiting. But somehow I think you are just as loathe to actually engage with thinkers you disagree with as Jordan "Post-modern Neomarxism" Peterson.
This is the problem with STEMfags, They can solve math problems (and get paid for it, further inflating their egos); it doesn’t immediately make them qualified to solve all the other ones though.
JP raises awareness of based Neechee and Dosto-kun though so he’s okay in my book.
>This is the problem with STEMfags, They can solve math problems (and get paid for it, further inflating their egos)
Please don't conflate actual math folks with charlatan psychologists who have the mathematical aptitude of a diseased badger but pretend they're doing all sorts of super serious statistical things to have cred. JBP's psychology is either fucking awful pseudo-quantitative shit, or its bizarre Jungian ideas that are maaaybe interesting in a nonserious way.
>what if campbell kept saying he was gonna beat me up in a quavering voice
truly a generational mind
Keep in mind the same people that say Jackson Pollock is a genius for being “the first” at doing his style will also say Peterson is a plebian for his ideas even though he’s the only one with the balls to say what he’s saying publicly. He was the first. It doesn’t matter that he’s wrong about Marxism or postmodernism. He’s saying stuff that needs to be said and if literally anyone came close in relevance to doing what he’s doing he would be erased instantly. Right wingers see this, left wingers see this. We all see it. He deserve every penny he makes doing this and he’s making a lot of pennies, thanks to lefties.
>Keep in mind the same people that say Jackson Pollock is a genius for being “the first” at doing his style will also say Peterson is a plebian for his ideas even though he’s the only one with the balls to say what he’s saying publicly. He was the first.
lmao what a fucking weird connection. You guys need to leave your stupid university bubbles, nobody actually comments on Pollack and Peterson outside the minor nexus of 21 yr old losers at the arts school in some shitty American university.
>Muh post-modern neomarxists
I went into sales just to get away from academia. Sorry I have taste I guess. What an odd takeaway from that.
My point was that the people who are into Jackson Pollack in any serious sense are either wealthy middle aged people who haven't heard of Peterson unless they heard a bit on some NYT podcast, or art school shitheads who protest against him on campus. Why you would connect these two gentlemen and link them with "the same people who X also Y" is bizarre, and strikes me as a quirky takeaway from either your own personal experience in university or from some weird second hand anecdote.
>Keep in mind the same people that say Jackson Pollock is a genius for being “the first” at doing his style
But user, Janet Sobel did the drip painting first, and that's where Pollock got the idea. Neither he nor Peterson are firsts.
jordan peterson has some good lectures but the fame has made him so arrogant as to be almost completely unlikeable asshole.
Perhaps you’re right. My life isn’t really normal. I enjoy Chopin and black metal. I always thought Pollock was rather popular but maybe not.
Like I said, Peterson has massive relevance. He’s the first to break these issues into the mainstream and pin down what exactly a “sjw” is to the commoners. His name is synonymous with these things. I haven’t heard of Sobel but I’ll have to look into her. Either way in no uncertain terms Pollock is coupled with a very specific era and styling and that’s the point i’m Driving at.
>My life isn’t really normal. I enjoy Chopin and black metal.
That's cute, user. But you need to be 18 to post on this board
>Jackson Pollock
Am I supposed to know this guy?
Jordan Peterson CALMY dismantles feminism in front of two feminists 45:53
And that's a GOOD thing!
Culturelesd swine
>Americans were the first to drop an atomic bomb on civilian population therefore they are great.
>Implying black metal is not good music
Seems to make sense to me
this is the dumbest post ever made on Yea Forums congratulations you stupid fucking lobster now go wash your penis
his name is synonymous only with incels who think they have found a revolutionary thinker.
If you admit to like JP everyone cringes because JP is cringe overload.
His ideas aren't new they're literally just shitty rehashings of wackjob modernist thinkers combined with the same self help advice your mom gave you your whole fucking life.
The man is a fucking hack and has literally 0 original content, stop sucking his dick faggot.
I see the shills are out in full force today. The fact his name is in your mouth and he’s living rent free in your brain is hilarious. You can’t even reckon with him. Not one single refutation of him. We can go into details but the fact that he’s anally punishing sjws like an art hoe with an absent father is all that matters. It’s glorious.
Critisising political correctness has been done before. Self-help has been done before. Mystical quasi-religion has been done before.
I guess you could say he was the first to combine these three exact things but that's really not grounds to say he's an interesting thinker or an ultimately important public figure. He's a meme like all the IDW
>I always thought Pollock was rather popular but maybe not.
Pollack is a meme in the general public because he epitomizes modern art that confuses and enrages plebs since "but my 5 yr old could make that!"
In the very narrow world of people who actually like modern art, he's not popular just because he was the first, but because the general intent of the paintings (a chaotic expression of the subconscious) is pretty impactful in painting form on a wall. As someone who likes black metal, you should be able to understand why many art folks would enjoy such a chaotic abstract expression and why many in the general public do not.