I give up

What is a good website to use for hosting a PDF of my novel so people could read it for free? I have no desire to make money from writing. I would just like to share. Everyone who has read the novel liked it. I just have no idea how to make it accessible.

Attached: depositphotos_5821538-stock-photo-cute-smiling-nerd.jpg (682x1023, 124K)

Other urls found in this thread:



i'll give it a look if you link it

Appreciate it. You could check out the preview while I try to figure out how to upload it for free.

First off, congrats on completing your novel! It takes a lot of hard work and perseverance and even courage to write something to completion.

Second, if you want to share your work for free, you might consider simply putting it up on a blog or website. You can have separate posts for chapters or simply a downloadable pdf. This has the added benefit of being able to share more of your work down the line.

Good luck!

This is my attempt at the mega.nz upload.
The amazon link above has the cover and preview, etc. of my novel, if you're interested.

Thank you for helping me, bros.

Also, I've written more than ten novels and at this point just looking to get them out there for free, but this is the one that I get the best reaction from people on. Thanks again.



No, I mean, have you tried the file host pomf.cat?

Just finished the first chapter. Not bad! Much better than I expected. Some decent world-building going on. Interested in seeing where this goes...



Someone's reading this. I found this


I'll take a peek at it.

I'll read it

Wow. The review of what the first person wrote really got me intrigued. I will give it a read.

I'll give it a read and if I like it ill buy it off amazon and give ya a rating on good reads :)

Thanks for the support, bros!

If this thread dies off make a new one in a days or more time to check if anyone finished or is getting through the book! I'm sure much more people have downloaded that pdf than are posting uwu

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Cool advice, bro. Will do!

Looking forward to reading this

Wow you are based

Just put it on dropbox

Did someone say feet?

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The funny thing is that free writing is so unappealing that more people would read your stuff if you charged for it.

No they said farts

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I’ve been wanting to read a cyberpunk novel, I might as well start here

Scribd or Libgen.

I tried scribd, but isn't there a paywall?

no. not usually.

this novel fucking sucks, and i seriously hope you're joking about having written ten of these

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The review and half the responses in this thread are op praising his own work, you can tell from the way he writes.

Worth reading. Thanks! So far it's great.

Review seems to be fair. I did the Amazon 'look inside' and it does seem to be PKD levels of breezy-ness. That being said, the world building is interesting, and I'll keep it on my radar.

Could use an editor.
Have you considered an editor?

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God sees everything you do and He will punish you for this samefaggotry