Will readin VNs or manga in my free time help improve my reading comprehension and speed for when I study actual textbooks like signals and systems and applied electromagnetics?
Will readin VNs or manga in my free time help improve my reading comprehension and speed for when I study actual...
The rest of this site is just so different than this board.
It’s like you’re in a different world.
Off yourself japanfag
No...but it is a good break when you are plowing through a bunch of equations and scientific terms and ideas...
Why the xenophobia, reddit?
Don't know but I learned English that way. Thank you cute anime girls
No, reading any kind fiction is completely different from studying physics, maths etc.
first of all, you should dump electromagnetics and just take DSP classes, and second, you should dump saber and focus on your DSP classes
I’d like to get into DSP. I think thats next semester, though, and electromagnetics is a prereq
am I in crazy town here? signals and systems is a DSP prereq but on what planet do you need to know electromagnetics for DSP
Post-meaning, the medium is and the only message. The trajectory of sense becomes tied to what you want to hear, not what I want to say: language screaming through us from the future in self-fulfiling prophecy, using the human body and our digital creations as vehicles. The world falls back to ur-tribalism, mysticism and sacrificing goats: the luxury flat of the future middle class becomes a bunker.
Tsukihime is the closest as one can get to an actual Murakami VN
You’re probably right. I’m just following the curriculum pattern.
Does Murakami have a rape fetish too? I haven't read anything from him just yet.
>different than
Where do you think you are, illiterate redditor?
Only if its Subahibi
Didn't know they made my diary into a VN desu.