>last 3 books you read
>what you plan to read next
English Teacher
The Omnivore's Dilemma
Skinny Legs and All
Everything's an Argument
Next: Conspiracy Against the Human Race
>last 3 books you read
>what you plan to read next
English Teacher
The Omnivore's Dilemma
Skinny Legs and All
Everything's an Argument
Next: Conspiracy Against the Human Race
>Cropduster pilot
>Brothers Karamazov
>The Idiot
>Master and Margarita
>Wuthering Heights
>jew slayer
>art of the deal, theozoologie, the master and margarita
>On War, Clausewitz
Sickness unto death
Works of love
Fear and trembling
>Media studies / ICT teacher
>Amusing Ourselves to Death
>Never Let Me Go
>Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Karl Korsch - Marxism & Philosophy
Lenin - What is to be Done?
Ichiyō Higuchi - たけくらべ
Rosa Luxemburg - The Mass Strike
what are you going to school for?
>tortilla flat
>diary of anne frank
>pilgrim's progress
>pride and prejudice
Student & Waiter
The Old Man and the Sea
On Writing
The Things They Carried
Next: Trial & Death of Socrates
>NEET (just got my neetbux wooo)
>The Crying of Lot 49, Inherent Vice, The Rings of Saturn
>Next: J R
>Assistant Creative Marketing Executive
>The Rings of Saturn
>Mrs Dalloway
>Tristram Shandy, probably
>best and highest pay grade tier of my department in manufacturing
>The Pale King
>Been Down So Long it Looks like Up to Me
>Memoirs Found in a Bathtub
>Killing History
>Re-read 1984
>Next: re-read pynchon and a smugglers bible
>student, delivery driver during the summer
>We the Animals, The Bell Jar, This Side of Paradise
>Taipei by Tao Lin
brave new world
beyond good and evil
the republic
Film/Japanese Language & Culture
What’s the point of these threads, there’s literally never any discussion
Don Quijote
In Search of Lost Times
Sun and Steel
Next: The Tartar Steppe
datamining shhhh
we don't have instagram accounts
we need substitutes
Who gives le fug anymore its already all mined
Jokes on OP, I lied about all my answers
>24--turning 25 next month.
>Civil Servant
>Last three read: How to Wind Friends and Influence People, The Setting Sun, and Slow: Simple Living for a Frantic World.
>Plan to read: Norwegian Wood, Frolic of the Beasts, and Ikigai: The Japanese Concept of Finding Purpose in Life.
I'm reading No Longer Human right now, and I'm about half-way through.
>age: season 11 ep 5
>occupation: small business owner
>city slickers
>the harbinger rat
>gucci loafers
>tomacco cultivation
>next: sneeds seed and feed formerly chucks
what do you want to do
>The Temptation of Saint Anthony (Flaubert), The Hellbound Heart (Clive Barker), and The Kingdom and the Glory (Agamben)
>likely going to have to finish my long-winded read of 120 Days of Sodom soon
>mid-level government official
>Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
>The Hobbit
>some no name introduction to the legal history of the Holy Roman Empire
>collected poems by Rainer Maria Rilke
>>mid-level government official
die violently soon thanks
Don't worry. I hate being a civil servant.
Yeah and i'm sure you're lazy and do a terrible job for your 2x market rate pay and excellent benefits. Please succumb to the abyss and kys
>literal autist who can't keep a job
>Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, The Divine Comedy
>Four Quartets
I've read all of the above dozens of times. Autist here, y'know.
you sound pretty envious
That's funny coming off all of the glorified welfare screetching during the record breaking shutdown. You're a nigger, Harry.
>The Man Without Qualities, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, By Night in Chile
>The Unbearable Lightness of Being or Don Quixote
Are you a professional or are you
>lel I get to sell drugs legally
Tier? My mother in law's doctor is a fucking quack. He prescribed her xanax, weed and nasal ketamine inhalers.
>Three Men in a Boat
>Rashomon and Seventeen Other Stories
>Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
>Next: The Settlers
>mfw adorno actually talks about different ways closing doors in minima moralia
>Undergrad slave reseacher and martial artist.
>Plato's Dialogues, Northanger Abbey, The Turn of The Screw and Other stories.
>Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, Plato's The Republic and Point Counter Point.
>Divine comedy
Which translation? I love John Ciardi's. I tried longfellow's but found it insufferable.
>Techniques of Persuasion From Propaganda and Brainwashing, Man’s Search For Meaning, Empirical Study of Freudian Theories
>Technology and the Human Condition, Perception and Cognition, The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa
I'm working at a lab and not at a pharmacy so I don't get to sell. Xanax and Ketamine sounds like a lot for an old woman, how bad is her?
Yeah, Longfellow's is shit. I like using PDP(Princeton Dante Project), mostly for the side-by-side bilingual text.
Smuggler's bible is one of the only "hard" books I really couldn't get much out of. I felt it was more impenetrable than books like GR and the Recognitions: outside of the sheer ingenuity of many of the scenes, it didn't seem to culminate in any cogent way (although I sense that was part of the point). How did you understand it?
Did you know that Tortilla flat is loosely based on the myth of king Arthur cuz I didn't until I read the introduction on my book Haha. Also what did you think of it? I've begun pastures of heaven and though it isn't as good I still find it enjoyable. More like a collection of short stories than TF is.
Tortilla flat
Silas marner
Now: pastures of heaven, 100 years of solitude
I haven't read that book yet, its just my planned next book after a long series of re-reads. I'm not surprised to hear you say that. I read cannonball, and I felt the same way, but he was also like 81 when it was published. I am basically expecting striking imagery and metaphors and an attempt at putting the experience of memories to paper out of it. McElroy seems like a weird dude. The two short stories I've read from him are also really heady.
>Media Production / Marketing business owner
>Like A thief in broad daylight - zizek
>How Dawkins Got Pwned - Mencius Moldbug
>On Thomas Carlyle - GK Chesterton
>notes from the underground, industrial society and its future and notes on nationalism
>ether the eye of the world or the King in yellow
> 20
> student
> S
> After the Banquet
> The Atrocity Exhibition
> The Map and The Territory
>video editor
>complete fiction of bruno schulz
>short stories of katherine mansfield
>il male oscuro by giuseppe berto
>blood meridian
>The Golden Ass, Apuleius
>The Peasant War in Germany, Engels
>Book of the New Sun Volume 1, Wolfe
currently reading 100 years of solitude and after that probably some non-fiction book or a toss up between Juvenal's Satires and Pale Fire
>the Stranger
>Letters from a Stoic
>War & Peace
>Thinking Aeneid, but you tell me user
>The Omnivore's Dilemma
Don’t waste your time, it not worth the read
>electrical engineering undergrad
>Crying of Lot 49, Distant Star, The Sound and the Fury
>idk probably War and Piece or something
How is The Art of the Deal? It's on my list, plan on reading it before too long
Return of the King
Letters from a Stoic
The Prince
Currently reading Second Treatise on Government, and afterwards reading Notes From Underground.
>Where the Wild Horses Roam
>Call of the Wild
>Blood of the Fold
>Temple of the Winds
>Bank clerk
>The Republic, Plato
>Genealogy of Morals, Nietzsche
>Philosophical Essays, Russell
>The Master and his Emissary, McGilchrist
>The Righteous Mind, Haidt
>Behave, Sapolsky, which I must finish
>High Schooler
>The Stranger, Baneblade, Meditations on Violence
>npc high school job
>c&p, night (wiesel), the things they carried
>I'm fucked aren't i?
>Co-Founder of a startup
>The Square and the Tower
>Beyond Good and Evil
>Brothers Karamazov
Not sure what to read next desu.
>uni student
>Hobbit, Kokoro, Beyond Good and Evil
Dune > The Ancien Regime (Pierre Goubert) > 30 Years War (C.V Wedgwood)
Probably gonna keep going with the Dune series.
>Last three books you've read
The Walking Whales
A Higher Form of Killing
Storm of Steel
I don't enjoy reading anymore to be honest.
you dumb nigger
Dazai really gets it, I enjoyed both No Longer Human and the Setting Sun
Law 101
Books of Enoch
48 Laws of Power
Next: The Supreme Court Landmark Decisions
Are you me?
Burrito roller
100 Years of Solitude
Walden 2
Amusing Ourselves to Death
Next: Either/Or
>in highschool
>Crime and Punishment
>The Siege of Jerusalem: Crusade and Conquest
>Brave New World
Line Cook
Dubliners, Fifteen Dogs, The Cave and the Light
>Plan to read next
The Iliad and The Odyssey
Complete Conan
Complete Kull
Complete Bran Mak Morn
Next: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Grad student
Heart of Darkness
Next: Chapman's Odyssey
>Leaving the Atocha Station
>Adventures Beyond the Body
>Mason & Dixon
>student (looking for part-time job, no luck)
>Penal Colony
>Spring Snow
sun and steel
confessions of a mask
mans search for meaning
sun and steel
civil litigator
Late Fame
Things Fall Apart
No Longer at Ease
I feel pathetic
>Receptionist at below poverty salary / trying to enroll into a phd
>Thomas Bernhard's Frost, Plato's Phaedrus and Hegel's Aesthetics
>Seyla Benhabib Situating the Self
>East of Eden, On the Road, The Idiot
>not sure, quite busy at the moment and tired all the time
>semi-depressed internslave at a pharmaceutical company
>blood meridian
>ride the tiger
>kafka at the shore
The Catcher in the rye
Some compilation of Edgar Allan Poe's stories
A game of Thrones
Please don't lmao at my life
>Mathematics student
>American Psycho
>Vers une Architecture
Da Vinci
Art of Poetry
Pale King
Something Happened
F-fuck you user. I need something to do whilst im finishing my novel. I
The Stranger
Less than Zero
The Eyes of Heisenberg
Currently reading The Pale King, will probably read Dubliners next.
Patriotism-Mishima, Ratner's Star, Crying of Lot 49
Probably Age of Faith or Mason & Dixon
Forgot Moby Dick
half blood prince
wuthering heights
maze runner
>Blood Meridian, Brave New World, 1984
>Sound And The Fury (Presently), Heart of Darkness.
You'll grow out of it someday, Femanon.
Currently writing my Master's thesis
Cancer Ward
The Things They Carried
The Rape of Nanking
Almost finished reading Meditations and I think I'll read A Confederacy of Dunces next.
Two Soldiers - faulkner short
The Master and Margarita
Next: The Fool
>Mrs Dalloway
how did you like it?
thinking of reading it before The Waves or To The Lighthouse
>vary hungry caterpiller, were the wild things ar, good nite moon
>Customer Service Adviser (kill me)
>Girl, Interrupted
>Devil in the Flesh
>Snow Country
Oh and I plan to read ''Darkness Visible'' by William Styron next
>last 3 books you read
Jude, the obscure (finishing it)
The Kindly Ones
All the pretty horses
>what you plan to read next
Blood Meridian, V. or some non-fiction for this time.
does it count if I had not yet actually finished them?
Moore Anatomy
Netter Anatomy Atlas
Animal Farm? (not sure about it)
Plan to read Guyton Physiology next
Law school. It isn't a job but it's miserable nonetheless.
>last 3 books
Tractatus logico-philosophicus
In Praise of Shadows
Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep?
>what I plan to read next
I've been reading The Man Without Qualities on and off for more than 2 months now and plan to continue doing so for a few more years.
>office jag
>The Cultural Cold War
>Mao: The Untold Story
>next up: Propaganda by Ellul
Maybe? Who are you?
Frankenstein — Shelley
The Machiavellians — Burnham
Three New Deals — Schivelbusch
Democracy in America — de Tocqueville
rased and bedpilled
Read the Meno before that, assuming you're doing the start widda greex meme.
I hope you've read some of Plato's other stuff.
If I liked Rilke and had no qualms about being paid in tax dollars then I'd probably be you in a few years.
actually based and redpilled
This is like going to a five-star restaurant, eating half of a main course, then driving down the street to Micky D's
Looks like you're finishing your edgy phase just in time for college.
Walmart wage cuck
The 4th estate
Spring Snow
Mans Search For Meaning
Next The Prince
>Bloody White Baron (Ungern von Sternberg bio), Limonov, Aqeedah Tahawiyyah
>maybe Ride the Tiger or a Dostoevsky novel
Nah, no edge here. Meditations on Violence is a martial arts book, and just a really interesting psych piece. The Stranger was for school.
I'll own whatever comes with being a Warhammer nerd.
>The Pale King
>Gravity's Rainbow
>East of Eden
>Mason & Dixon
Police officer
Desert solitaire, House to house, The wild birds
With the old breed
I found it a bit of a slog to be honest, but there was certainly some beautiful writing in there
> 24
> Shift Manager at a gas station, part-time college student (I hate my miserable existence)
> The Conquest of Bread by Peter Kropotin
Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell
Crime & Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
> The Brothers Karamazov
The Idiot
The Basis of Morality (never finished this one)
I have a whole list of books that I want to buy and read but don't remember them off the top of my head. Wagecucking day in and day out really does take a toll on you.
legitimately smart choices
War and Peace
A book of 4 plays by Euripides
Next: finish Boule de Suif and the Sacred Romance then figure out what to read next
BSA Analyst
Catcher in the Rye, The Rise of Endymion, The Farthest Shore
I wish I had gotten into Earthsea when Le Guin was still alive. Maybe I could have sent her a note or something.
The Metamorphosis
A visit from the goon squad
>Brothers Karamazov, Love in the Ruins, In Cold Blood
>Augustine's Confessions
>Inherent Vice
Why not some William Burroughs while you’re at it
burroughs is pedo lit
>Front Desk Clerk
>Murcielago V.8
>Plus-sized Elf V.1
>The Holy Bible
>Plus-sized Elf V.2
Blue of Noon
Under the Volcano
St. Ignatius collected prayers