Why is 'youth' no longer revered in popular culture...

Why is 'youth' no longer revered in popular culture? In the past "high school" used to be the most important period but now it's insignificant.

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I don't really recognize this. Sure back when I was a teenager I was more aware of things aimed at teenagers. But coming of age novels are still really popular and still the classic debut choice.

If what you say is true and there is a reason, I think it's because the age for experimentation starts later on average now. People (yes women too) lose their virginity later, start dating later, have their first experiences with drugs/drinking later. Parents are more protective too. Generation Z or whatever they want to call it is very conservative and millennials already were, more so than before.

Are you retarded? I have a film degree and stars and starlets are increasingly young. Youth is absolutely still worshipped. Are you talking about how the gross out teen comedy has died?

Go watch twin peaks user.

>Generation Z is very conservative

This a desperate /pol/ meme and isn't true at all.

It's more perpetuated by the media but in reality it isn't any conservative values that are causing the prudishness and lack of action, it is actually paralysing fear of mistakes being publicized school wide by social media. It's therefore better for the zoomer to not do rather than risk a catostrophic fuck up with the shame of everyone knowing about it.

It's not like we have no hint of statistics here, of course it's harder specifically for generation Z, but simply googling something like millennials and sex will get you results that show they start later, have fewer partners and so on.

Also tbf I live in an irrelevant European country and am already not THAT in touch with what sixteen-eighteen year olds today find cool, but I do know that the most popular vloggers etc are incredibly straight and almost middle aged in their reasonable investment in a good future life. Like an eighteen year old kid talking about how he can have relationships his whole life and school is important to him so he's fine waiting to get his first girlfriend, and other teenagers eating that shit up. I don't necessarily think it's a bad attitude to have but to see someone like that be a role model for young kids is quite baffling.

Part of it is also just the stress. People start working on their CV increasingly young and just have less free time than before you had thousands of kinds of entertainment and back when you were supposed to just be in school and maybe get a job over the summer.

What are you talking about? All the best series don't have teens in main roles. Some films do, like Glass Castle, and Stranger Things, but that's rare, and part of what makes these films exceptional.


Television is an inferior medium for any artistic intention because of the cliffhanger formula that causes viewers to consume the actual drama in regulated doses like a methadone clinic as opposed to actually shooting dope. It's a trash medium.

There's a huge difference today between the average and the mean. Today on average kids date later, but the 5% "alpha" ones have more sex life than any generation in the past. I even read accounts of increasingly more teen prostitution in mobile apps in recent years.

>but to see someone like that be a role model for young kids is quite baffling
Why? I think it is a thousand times better than the role models I had in my youth.

Name a single book Yea Forums appreciates that takes place during High School.
>Pro tip: Yah can't
Yea Forums shits on anything to do with High School or to High Schooler related

Because the people who were in highschool or entering highschool when it was popular, are no longer in highschool.
Same reason big box office movies are based on their childhood cartoons.

people start realizing that young people don't deserve more respect than trees or stones

I don't know, to be fair it is mostly a feeling and it might honestly only have positive results. But I feel like your youth is a time where you are supposed to figure yourself out, try things. You learn to live by living. Now of course if you can experiment without doing drugs or fucking the wrong people left right and center that's even better. But fucking up is a part of life and what mostly worries me is that I feel most young people already feel a lot of pressure to present themselves well on social media, start working on their employability in high school, eat clean/be fit, AND treat their personal/social life like it should be spotlessly presentable.

I guess I fear people start trying to look at themselves like a shelved product too much instead of focusing on what they actually want to experience in life. Also I realize I sound like an old fuck and I'm only twenty five but still.

I would say that it still is, but it’s just more subtle and possibly accepted that it doesn’t strike us as abnormal anymore. Everywhere you go you see teens, ads for teens, memes for teens, movies for teens, products for teens, movies about teens, articles about teens, books about teens, etc. “Youth culture” is still alive, it’s just taken another form

Protip: we all wish we had focused on the long term and actually had discipline back then

Mad Men had cliffhangers?

But it's true. See this fucking website full of youths.

catcher in the rye

in what years did you spend your 'youth'?

I disagree with you, I guess. I'm of the same opinion of Aristotle, Epictetus, etc. Good habits lead to good traits. By fucking up you learn to be a fuck up. I think young people should learn about the virtues rather than live a life without aim.

I think there is a problem in having a materialistic view of life and seeing yourself and setting your life so that you "become a Harvard student and then go work in a large company". But at least this kind of lifestyle is not worse than the one from my generation, based on pleasing your genitals and consuming chemicals and internet porn.

I don't and none of my friends who fucked around more do. I mean, as long as you get your shit together (or never lose it to begin with) you have literal decades filled with responsibilities, commitments, job expectations and anticipating those. Why start at fifteen?

Early 00's. I'm a Boomer user.
The era of "Friends" (and for women, "Sex and the City").

Because people are kids through their 20s now whereas before 18 was considered an adult.

True, Its just the young white boys preparing for wars of extermination. The rest is still dicking around.

also the era of '9/11' and the 'war on terrorism'
of 'the sopranos' and the golden age of broadcast television
of the internet start-up bubble collapse
and so on

At 25 you still didn't have enough time to reflect on this, user.

op, i am guessing you simply don't notice the continuous appeal by companies and media outlets and social media platforms for the attention and money of high schoolers because, well--you're not a high schooler anymore. your time has passed, as far as your 'market-value' is concerned. now you're part of a new demographic, with different marketing strategies directed at it. your interests have also probably evolved, so you simply fail to notice or care about what remains interesting to those younger than you.
the cult of youth is still very prevalent. you're just no longer an implicit devotee, nor a temple prostitute.

Yea Forums hates it

>Early 00's. I'm a Boomer user.
Boomers were born between 1943 and 1960.
You are solidly in the Millennial cohort.

>millennial thinks he's a boomer

so much media is set in high school because once you graduate from high school you become an NPC. there is only youth and crime.

Boomer is 4channel-speak for anyone still living and older than generation Z
Don't ask me why, Zoomers are retarded.

Millenials are called Boomers now.

Generation Z are indistinguishable from late millennials.

Nothing makes you feel like more of a failure than seeing all of the fucking CHILDREN graduating college with you when you are 25 and working a full time job. If you fucked around and got your degree after this you will feel even worse. Unless you were an actual dumpster junkie and came back, then at least you have some wisdom. But just fucking around playing video games and working at a call center or restaurant while MAYBE going to bars or parties is not gaining anything.

I suspect it may have something to do with the fact that the current generation doesn't see high school as romantic anymore.

>Why is 'youth' no longer revered in popular culture?

That shit did not start until the 60's it was dumb then and it is dumb now.

Youth are not actually interesting.

actually not. you're lying to win the argument, but there are at least 2 salinger-anons who are pill-pushing that book all the time

Why was youth even revered in the first place? Are you also proud of the fact you can breath air?
People are obsessed with being young are narcissists

Being young is better though

Being young is just a stage in life. Idiots who overrate it are afraid of death.

Live life with the idea that everything is impermant.

25 is young man.

I was in a nut house at 22.

I felt finished when I turned 24. opportunities still out there. you have to find some purpose and chase one thing, to start with. got 2 lucky breaks at 24, in a life/field I never expected to chase.

im not saying its easy. im saying a failure at 25 doesn't have to be a failure at 30. can be, sure. but when you're in the gutter, no one gets you out but you.

>t. Dorian Gray

Gen Z is just like X except full natsoc and hate conservatives.
That's what you get when you flood your countries with niggers and change demographics overnight - for no reason.


It's also like that in Japan. A lot of anime and manga are about youthful high schoolers and uni students. It's understandable why they romanticize that slice of life because once you graduate, you become another salaryman working 12 hours a day, 6 days per week.

but in the new twin peaks everyone is old as fuck

>It's understandable why they romanticize that slice of life because once you graduate, you become another salaryman working 12 hours a day, 6 days per week.
It's similar in US. Growing up in school, there's a big sentiment of being able to make it for yourself, achieve everything you want to be, etc. Then you graduate and realize you're likely just going to be working a shitty job you hate like everyone else. Nothing in school really prepares you for that, for the most part K-12 is pretty fucking fun in comparison to being an adult

The Jews realizes it's more important to focus on adults and young adults because they are the corporate generation working for them

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The best? They’ve never been about youth. The most popular still are. 13 reasons why, riverdale, all the boys I’ve loved before, MARVEL