Recommend the best books you know, fiction or non fiction, I have 25 euros for books lads and I was thinking maybe Dostoevsky I already have the idiot but didn't wanna read it until I read some of his earlier work.

I guess this can be some sort of must read thread so just pile on all your must reads.

>inb4 reed seege

Attached: a bust meed.png (1024x791, 92K)

the world would be a better place if everyone read NEK 400:2018

Catch-22 and Anna Karénina if you have the money for both.

Not sure If unironic or not but funnily enough I just decided to learn norwegian yesterday

How to win friends and influence people


A book on the design and construction of electrical low voltage installations is not what I expected but alrighty then, can you maybe explain why?


The Holy Bible
The Quran
The Tao Te Ching
The Dhammapada
The Republic
The Wealth of Nations
Metaphysics (A)
The Laws (P)
The Elements
On Conoids and Spheroids - Archimedes
On Conics - Apollonius
Introduction to Arithmetic - Nicomachus
Progress and Poverty - Henry George
The Optics - Alhazen
Theory of Games and Economic Behavior

I don't wanna read abrahamic shit I'm against it since I grew up catholic and am just tired of it

...ok? Then don’t read the first two man. I listed a bunch of other stuff

That's not really what it is about though, it is a guide (the only one that exists, so the one everyone uses) on how to comply with the Norwegian government regulations with regards to safety in low-voltage (sub 1000V) installations.

>what is

Yeah that wasn't an attack at all your suggestions just saying how done I am with abrahamic shit
why would you recommend I read this book

Great. Thanks for letting us know you’re done with God’s word.

if you want dosto Notes from the Underground is probably the most accessible to start with but it's very different from the rest of his work so if not c&p also would be best to start with, i would say garnet translation but Yea Forums usually hates on that

i meant why learn norwegian

Oh planning on going to uni there and then never leaving the country

what's the most praised translation?
it's alright homie heill Ƿōden lad

on here probably Mcduff

>why would you recommend I read this book
It is essential reading for developing an understanding on how government regulations regarding electrical safety are complied with in practice in Norway, and most of it is transferable to most other European countries as well.

Why the theory of games and economic behavior?

I'll put it at the top of my must read list then, seems like the most important book suggested thus far, thanks man. How has the book changed your life though?


Why the theory of games and economic behavior?

>How has the book changed your life though?
for the better

Jfc calm down.

For a lot of different reasons. As a work of literature, it sums up the mathematical understanding, formulations of things like Set theory, caratheodory’s theorum, Poincare, and a variety of various mathematical notions at the time, and makes it rather accessible for most.

If you have 1% of critical thinking, then this is a good ‘first math book’, while also rewarding re-reads. I do think that Von Neumann has some valuable insights for sociology and economics that could honestly only be reached through mathematics. Hence why Game Theory is its own field now.

Very enjoyable book. I look forward to reading Von Neumann’s works on Physics and Morgenstern’s works on economics.

we are calm why do you constantly feel attacked I just wanna buy some books and understand the reasoning behind your suggestions yeesh

But yeah thanks I'm into maths and physics, I'd suggest Alex's adventures in numberland for maths it's p good also a brief history of time by the hawk meister

You speak in very mysterious ways stranger, I will read your book, maybe I'll save it for when I am done learning norwegian and have succesfully pumped a nordic woman full of my seed just like how your vikang ancestors raped my english folk

Okay but this is actual mathematics. This is a good intro into academic mathematical proofs

Also if you are into mathematics and economics, to date Léon Walras is my favorite mathematical economist. His Elements of Pure Economics is fascinating.

I have a couple other economics works listed there but they aren’t mathematical

I'm only a pleb and started reading last year but my must reads are :
>the way of men
>how to win friends and influence people

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do you seriously recommend the way of men and why?


Invisible Man
The Book of Laughter & Forgetting
Death of Ivan Ilyich

- Pseud misspelled "read" in the title - never a good sign

I'm not a pseud and that was on purpose, why does someone call another person a pseud everytime I come on here, is it ironic or do you guys actually think i'm a pseud

Because this board is a bunch of self-aggrandizing manchildren who cope with despair by pretending they're enlightened and smart like it can be used as social currency.

Also I don't know you or have any feelings about you whatsoever - whether or not you're smart or fake smart doesn't really matter to me. It's hard to judge irony from autism on boards that are so up their own asses.

This isn't my home board I just wanna buy some books but I've noticed this board was toxic before so I don't really stick to this place

Maybe I hold it to a high standard because it was one of the first books to get me into reading and I'm bias but I've found it a great insight into how lads attually operate in a group.
Even looking from the point of view of the book to my group of friends, I've found generally what the book says is true.