what books will make me stop hating people?
What books will make me stop hating people?
The Bible
no thanks i feel nothing but disgust for christianity i grew up as a christian btw as well unlike most of the larpers on here
Unironically Dostoevskij
None, hating people is a good thing.
dont like dosto either i think his books are boring and i dont care for his christian moralizing
none. we are repulsive creatures that shouldn't even exist by natural law: schizophrenics who don't see even half of what we believe.
life is nothing more than a perverted feedback loop we keep on dragging ourselves because we're programmed against being able to see the bigger picture, we tell ourselves stories just to get through the day. if we didn't, our species would collectively jumped off a figurative cliff, or maybe that's what we're already doing right now.
How about this book
Try Buddhist and Hindu texts, be them ancient or modern. Neo-Vedanta is an example of the latter. Don't have to take on a "religion", just learn the precepts. I am a spiritual person, and have lately made some strides on this path, that I presently feel so full of love, that I want to spread to everyone I see. This world is blissful, my friend. Beneath all our human drama, all that we are is merely bliss. Our identities are illusions we've taken onto ourselves, to further our growth in these lives, but behind it all lies a singular consciousness that forms the whole of this reality. I can't make you loving, but I assure you that ardent effort down this path will help you to reach that end. For now, simply start by imagining the world through other's eyes - that is, when you see others, actually envision what their vision looks like in that moment, such as how you yourself would only be a tiny figure somewhere in it. Continue from here, by bringing yourself to feel empathy for every pair of eyes you see. All of us are beaten and broken by the battering ram of life, and it's time for you to start recognizing this fact and responding to it with a visceral empathy for everyone you see. Furthermore, take up a meditation practise, which by nature makes people more compassionate for others. I'm sitting in lotus posture right now actually, and will enter a session right after this comment is sent. That's all the advice I can give you, from personal experience. It's a very noble quest you've undertaken here, and I really encourage you to go forward with it. Abandoning your apathies and antipathies, and learning to love others, will bring you (and them) the best life you have ever imagined.
Sounds like you grew up in a community of Christian LARPers, then.
No book will help you truly stop hating people. It may subdue that feeling, but interacting with people and forming strong bonds is the only way to fix yourself. Find a girlfriend who will let you discover the pale beauty of her muscular stomach under the burning stars. Go drinking with a buddy who, when sentimentally drunk, will privy you to his deepest secrets with the smell of vodka on his breath. Go fishing with your father in the pre-dawn dark and hear the cicadas wail while the faintest sun-rays tickle the shining fog turning it into an undulating halo of gold.
Books can’t solve everything, sometimes you’ve got to live
Just read Ivan's parts in The Brother's Karamazov. It will make you forgive everyone and start focusing on how to help people instead of hating them.
>based on all the worst sins of humanity
>they kill the most innocent guy who ever lived
>one of the people closest to him betrays him for a payday
>by the end of it you're supposed to be okay with most of humanity being tormented forever
The Bible is misanthropic desu
since you want to stop hating people I assume you perceive this as a flaw? if this feeling actually torments you or influences your decision making to such a degree that the consequences result in torment - what is it that you hate so much about people? And are you including you in "people"?
boring why? is there more to help you here or there?
All that shit about evolution and how we're just monkeys fucking around
>sex at dawn
This bad boy is all you need desu. Maybe his Discourses as well. If these were mandatory reading for all adults the world would be a better place.
You hate in the world that which you see in yourself. Chances are you don't like moralizing as you call it because you are frustrated with your own moral character. Before you retort by saying I am "projecting" I am not attacking you by saying this, I am simply saying that it is often true for the Yea Forums crowd. Often the people who hate trannies also jack it to them, the people that hate ultra masculine black people are often betas etc. Maybe it isn't your issue, but most people on this website are hateful due to their own flaws.
You don’t understand what you read, if you actually read it
>The old, you're just interpreting it wrong meme
Wrong. I am a serious Christian. The bible isn't a book to give you good feels. Grow up, before its too late.
sounds like you are the problem.
Came here to post this. It's all about forgiving people when it's the hardest thing to do.
Another word for Christian larper is 'Pharisee'
start taking psychedelics
learn about buddhism
realize everyone is ignorant
you hate people because you are selfish
you hate people because all you care about is yourself
you hate people because you think you are owed something
you hate people because you want to hate people
i was like you user
stop judging people, they were raised with what they believe in and you were raised to believe what you believe in.
The utter truth is that no one really knows what the Right way is, except jesus and buddha.
The first step is to forgive your parents.
Guess this guy is right, More or less of course.
Reading something like that always sounds pretentious if you didn't write it yourself. But I guess he's right. More or less
Never gonna make it
Makes me hate jews 2bh.
Ignore the PC cult and "no hate" bullshit. It's there to sedate you and make you easy pickings.
>eve eats the apple
And don't even start on Lilith.
Hate is always pathological. Fix your own problems and the hate will resolve itself. I don't know your particular hang-ups so I can't recommend any particular book.
This is probably a step in the right direction. The parts about Buddhism and Jesus are unnecessary though
hatred will move onto tranny and jew
>Hate is always pathological.
Hate is natural human emotion that we've naturally selected within us over millions of years for GOOD reason.
Love is a delusion of a lack of manipulation and betrayal in relationships.
Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse
Made me a more satisfied person when I read it a seventeen.
And no you don't have to be a stoner to read Hesse
Just because it is natural doesn't mean it is good. Don't mix the two up. Also what you said does not argue against hate being purely pathological.
Listen to some Alan Watts for unironic self help. Maybe you'll end up liking Taoism!
>Just because it is natural doesn't mean it is good.
But it is good. Without conflict, we cannot function as a society. We'd just commit suicide without realising it.
Hate is how you assert what you truly feel. Love is giving up what you feel. Love is not only blind, it's dead.
Alan Watts didn't know his ass from his mouth about Taoism
>But it is good. Without conflict, we cannot function as a society. We'd just commit suicide without realising it. Hate is how you assert what you truly feel. Love is giving up what you feel. Love is not only blind, it's dead.
ignore all other advice in this thread, Alan Watts and Taoism in general are the answer. Honestly I'd start with Tao of Pooh, quick and easy read that can change your perspective on the world.
That's like saying Marcus Aurelius didn't know his ass from his mouth about Stoicism, honestly of all the books about Taoism I find his to be the most tolerable because he accepts that he's not a mystical monk or someone who thinks they're better than others like 90% of 'guru' type guys who write about Taoism from an egotistical and smug mindset.
How about reading actual Taoist philosophers?
i think as someone who understands nothing about the subject it's best to start with tao of pooh or alan watts, then get into the 'taoist philosophers,' because without a broader understanding of the subject the material is too dense and you don't get a good sense of the overall message. just my opinion though, of course lao-tzu and the like are must-reads once you're deep diving.
that just encourages people to do whatever the fuck they want and be like "it's fine because I believe in God"
Hate is aggressive enforcement of will. "Love" (in the sense that I used in that post rather than all love) is the submission to another's will or obedience of will. True love however naturally has hate to a degree, but you try telling some people that and they'll look at you funny.
Sure, but Watts is still a Wittgenstein's ladder.
And, like, saying reading Lao-Tzu is deep diving into Taoism is like saying reading the Bible is deep diving into Christianity. It's not deep diving; those are the basic texts.
>love is the submission to another will
so if someone has a gun to my head and I obey them, that means I love them?
Do you disagree that the compulsion to aggressively enforce one's will is pathological? Also how you frame love and hate is strange to me. Seems a little reductive.
>so if someone has a gun to my head and I obey them, that means I love them?
Ok it was "in that sense" I'll admit. I mean try defining love. Some would call it love. Some would call it mere obedience. Another might call it "plotting for the next step".
>Seems a little reductive.
Very reductive. Because the scope of the concept is extremely blurry and hard to properly scope and define.
Reach out to Jesus, user.
Jesus who REALLY fucking hated the temple rabbis.
Reminder that these are our Christian posters
Wow, a small minority of red pilled baby boomers.
Very rare.
I feel physically ill every time I see this posted. /pol/ was a mistake.
brothers karamazov
new testament maybe. ot if you are extremely high iq
Fuck off already. You don't even care about literature.
This looks fabricated but I suspect this is true.
>disgust for christianity
The House at Pooh Corner
I took an heroic dose of mushrooms while I was staying in the basement of some friends. I forgave my parents, my empathy grew and I learned so fucking much from that breakthrough. No therapy could've given me that, so I second what this user is saying. This is the truth.
Those people are absolutely based. I hate /pol/ a lot, but having old people around is very valuable. I bet you're looking to stick your nan in a nursing home you sick fuck
I fucking love this. His bible contradiction Jeopardy is gold.
>Those people are absolutely based.
T. 50 Y/O Boomer
Oh fuck - a whiskey Calvinist!
Jesus is God. God loves it when we crush our enemies, see them driven before us, und hear the lamentation of der vimen.
based on what?
>Tao of Pooh
Started reading this, its comfy
This is unironically better than nu/pol/. At least they're not defeatists, and actually have fun.
you have to go back
to old/pol/? I wish...
What literature do you like?
sounds like you need to get closer to God
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
Mostly occult books these days desu. I don't really care about politics any more except insofar as it explains how things got the way they are (currently reading Eros & Civilization and I find it fascinating)
What the literal fuck is this chart? What does Portrait have to do with esotericism?
Anything by P. G. Wodehouse. In fact, everything by P. G. Wodehouse.
Check 'em! Kek-approved.
This is honestly kind of cute to me. Kind of like when your grandma learned to use facebook for the first time and then gets really exhilarated to tell you bout all the pcitures of her garden she posted an how all her friends liked it. It's just so innocent and pure.
agreed. one of the weirdest charts ever. occult shit, joyce, chomsky, milton, psychoanalysis, etc. lololol WHY dude who made it was probably high
You're right. Oh mighty Zeus, I ask to be closer to the. Smite me not with thine thunderbolts of wrath, and I will offer unto you libations and burnt offerings. Amen.
"Thee". Oops. Smite me not, please.
Or maybe he grew up with rigid parents and hates it
The Testaments only solidified my disdain for the weak-willed.
hello nondualistanon. nice to see you again, my friend
Cute. Much preferable to the edgy Notes from Underground suicidal losers who usually post here.
Our christian posters are mid-twenties larpers who "converted" because of deus vult and fedora memes, who think Dostoyesvsky is the greatest writer ever!! and praise Chesterton for his rhetorical brilliance
Yeah or at least accepting that people are amoral and flawed. I don't hate people, I just know that they above all have their own interest in mind, you can use that.
Thanks for the honesty, user. Sadly your views pertain to a belief-system that doesn't appreciate such views, and have made yourself a target of responses showcasing this distaste to you. Stay true to yourself though. Find another religion or school of thought or whatever it is that brings you peace.