Who is the last great author? Are any living ones as good as Tolstoy and Dickens and such?
Who is the last great author? Are any living ones as good as Tolstoy and Dickens and such?
God, I want to Ocasio her Cortez so much.
She’s so beautiful ;_;
Anyone with any real writing talent today realizes that their skills would be wasted on irrelevant literature and goes into screenwriting instead.
Is AOC the perfect Yea Forums gf?
She had Audre Lorde on her reading list, so it's safe to assume she's a total dullard.
Me desu
ha ha what a dweeb you are
Pynchon and DeLillo
I wanna fuck her in the ass with Luie Luie as a soundtrack. Is that culturally insensitive?
>progressive woman bad
Fuck please tell me this isn’t true
I wouldn't lie, there is something mesmerizing in her eyes.
they're like black doll-eyes. Theres no soul behind them.
Also she looks like a granny.
This. She is hideous and her calves and feet are abysmal. The leftypol psyop surrounding her is lead by actual incels.
The last great american author was DFW, and thats why sjws hate him, because millennials dont read books.
Also AOC is like a 6.
t. spic who lives around other spics.
She is a 4 as a huwhite who lives around huwhites
She cute
>calves and feet are abysmal
i dont care about those. I care about the fact that she has the face of a grandma and both the eyes and the teeth of a megalodon. And when she has her hair in a knot and her glasses on, she looks just like RBG, who is fucking ancient.
This man.
Dostoevski described black eyes as burning coals, which indicate great passion and an inner intensity
Well I care about those things as well but she doesn't even have shapely legs or something I mean its honestly a disaster
i live in san antonio.
spic city usa.
AOC isnt what spics find attractive.
Its more niggerish, we like chicks that are thick
and i describe them as soulless doll-eyes
I wish I had a cute gf like AOC. I would treat her like a queen.
She's cute for sure. I don't follow American politics is she going to run for president?
You gotta be 35 to run as burger president
Because you’re a brainlet
And a tastelet
she's got nice tits tho
Shes pretty average her horse teeth deduct like a point when she smiles or opens her mouth. Idk why incels are obsessed with this bitch
if by average you mean literally a five with make up sure I guess
Who hurt you virgins?
The last God-tier author was Faulkner. There’s have been plenty greats following, but he, he was special.