Borges opinions

>Of course the blacks are unbearable…I don’t retract what I’ve stated so many times: the Americans made a grave mistake in educating them; as slaves, they were like children, they were happier and less annoying.
>Basque? I don’t understand how anyone could feel proud of being Basque…The Basques are even more useless than the blacks, and notice that the only good the blacks have ever served for is to be slaves.
>What do i like the most about women? When they're quiet and on the kitchen of course. But most inmportantly, feet, of course. There's nothing more divine. A lady without a vagina or breasts can still live relatively well. But remove her feet and she shall never walk again and will become a burden or her family. Feet are the expresion of free will, as Dostoevsky said in his Brothers Karamazov.
>…rich people suffer a lot and are very unhappy. The poor suffer much less than the rich.
Should we still read Borges if his opinions are outdated and offensive?

Attached: Jorge-Luis-Borges.jpg (750x400, 262K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Americans made a grave mistake in educating them

The biggest mistake was importing them at all

Fuck you (Borges), Ravel was Basque.

Did he write great literature to which those opinions are hardly relevant?

I studied Spanish at the university and I was never aware of these views of borges. Modern education is a farce.

Of course they'd hide his based and redpilled opinions...

Basques are cool as fuck.
A tenacious people, the lot of them.

What a shithead. He's still worth reading though. And you can't take away his importance to literary history. He's incredibly influential; not reading him just because of his politics is like avoiding learning about WWII because the Nazis were bad.
You can study him and become a better writer for it without becoming a racist.
Also, "offensiveness" is a shitty criteria because bad people are offended by goodness. Morality and etiquette are not always aligned. It's weird; the people who scream about things being offensive don't seem to give a shit that saying "punch Nazis in the face" is highly offensive to Nazis. Fuck fascists; I'm just saying it's hypocritical to say "x is bad because it's offensive" and then deliberately offend people. The fact that the vicious is offensive to the virtuous is not what makes it vicious.

(Borges, I name you)

based communist

high IQ post right there

He hated communists you dumb niggggg

What?! Was Borges a footfag as well? Wtf, i swear every writer is a footfag...

Gonna need a citation on these, how have none of you gullible people asked this?

Just when I thought he couldn't get any more based.

that's because it's easily googleable
but here you go:

>Yea Forums unironically defending muh niggers
America was a mistake.

He wasnt a commie. He was an anarchist.

>blacks are unbearable

He’s so goddamn BASED

>this man's race
begone, plebe

Attached: jaywright.jpg (251x362, 19K)

He was wrong about the Basque.

Niggers in general were a mistake. Cherrypick all you want, burger.

but his existence proves that black people can be great writers and enlightened intellectuals

based and redpilled. FUCK NIGGERS.

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99.99% are just oxygen-wasting niggers. It's not worth it.

Imagine having to go through life like this lmao

99.99% of people in general are oxygen-wasters

He's just a Poe ripoff

>h-he's just a P-poe ripoff! Muh niggers!
They're nothing alike, you niggerlover.

You've probably only read the Raven
Read A Tale of the Ragged Mountains and tell me that Borges didn't steal his entire style from Poe

>99.99% of people in general are oxygen-wasters
This literally a cynical retards view of the world. Most people are good but genetics matters greatly in determining if they;re going to be bad or not. Whites have the highest percentage of having good genes blacks have the lowest.

I've read their complete works, niggerlover. Even their poetry. Keep defending niggers and being a plebbit retard.

>whites form a society which dictates what actions are good vs. bad
>"whites have more good genes in them than blacks"
Who would've thought!

Sure you have pal

Borges (and frankly most of the really famous Latin American authors) were heavily influenced by Poe. Poe gets way more acclaim everywhere that isn't the US. Saying Borges and Poe are "nothing alike" shows massive blind spots in your knowledge of both authors.

Not really. It's just a fact of nature that IQ is hereditary and blacks have lower cognitive capacity due to it. No hate against them, just facts.

One thing is calling it an influence, another thing is saying Borges is a "Poe ripoff", you niggerlover.

Not a hard thing to do, niggerlover. I'm only lacking Poe's non-fiction and some of Borges'.

>a fact of nature
I wish you knew how paradoxical this statement is

Nice backpedaling.
>hurr they're nothing alike
>hurr they're alike but he didn't rip Poe off
Just admit that you've never read a single story by either authors and the thread can die peacefully

>most people are good
that's a depressing low standard of goodness
a world in which most people are good is not one in which most people waste obscene amounts of time on vain and vapid social media, movies, video games, etc., good people do good things instead of jerking off all the time. Most people are self-serving, lazy, insecure, unintelligent liars with little grounding in coherent morality. Most people would rather eat tastier food than healthier food. That is very far from good.

I wish you knew about the literature on the matter.

I didn't say Borges was a Poe ripoff. I'm not the "niggerlover" you've been replying to you belligerent cunt. You said Borges and Poe were "nothing alike" because you're ignorant.

This. IQ itself is an unnatural invention which is totally dependent on the equally unnatural invention of writing.

Its not just IQ they're also much more prone to carry the gene traits for psychopathy and various mental illnesses

Why would you just go on Yea Forums and tell lies about a dead fucker? Do you have nothing better to do?

Everything you posted can be traced back to a shitty basque newspaper or sometheing, except the one about feet, that one doesn't even exist.

You don't have a lot friends do you? Put the big books down find a girl and start a family friendo.

Yes, instead of relying on my own cognitive abilities to understand the people around me, I will rely on the thoughts of someone else. Surely this will make me an intelligent and capable person.

Literally everyone in this thread except for me is retarded.

They're closer to being nothing alike than Borges being a Poe ripoff, though. Borges is too diverse to being just like one of his influences. And I'm not backpedaling, faggot. I know their work.

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ohnonononon hola viejo amigo que tal te va jaajajajajaaja jodete

>viejo amigo

You may very well know their work but you're also still backpedaling. You're position has already changed from "they're nothing alike" to "they may be similar, but they're more different." You're argument changed because you were wrong the first time.

Am I wrong, though?

Typical incel views desu.

If you're right, you're only right because you were a belligerent cunt to me in the first place when I knew something you didn't. Go fuck yourself.

sorry m8

Apology accepted

My instinct is to disbelieve he said this, as in his writing he was probably one of the most sympathetic multicultural humanists I've ever read.

The climate crisis wouldn't be happening if most people were good. How can it be true that most people are good when the lifestyle of the average person is directly responsible for jeopardizing the continued existence of life on this planet?

Feet make me yeet. As for the black thing, yeah blacks these days are fucking terrible and they were much better off from the 1800s-1950s before they got super uppity. Basques seem cool but they always get cucked by Castillians and are the Irish of Iberia, which sounds bad but they have cute berets so UwU

lots of sympathetic multicultural humanists are also vicious racists, sexists, nationalists, etc.
just look at all the fascists who love stuff that's not of their culture

He definitely didn't say this. Borges has such a reputation for not talking politics as well, including on actual political talk shows, so for him to make all of these statements in one interview that ended up in an obscure Basque newspaper is pretty ludicrous, unless he was making fun of the journalists, but even that's a stretch.

>in his writing he was probably one of the most sympathetic multicultural humanists I've ever read
Yea, to everyone but blacks lmao you were a nobody for Borges if your people didn't have a literary tradition.

Into the trash he goes!

Imagine being this self-righteous over a bad shitpost.

No, he wasmixed

Based Georgie poster.

Que tal son Historia universal de la infamia, Historia de la eternidad y Libro de sueños? Son los únicos libros de Jorgito que todavía no me leí.

t. salty nigger

Hi didn't say these things in interviews, these are quotes taken mainly from Bioy Casares' diaries in which he recounts his conversations with Borges (he was his closest friend).
It's not hard to believe he said things like these anyway, he was a very elitist and snobbish person, that's why he is disliked by quite a few people in Argentina.

user, give us the sources please.

He talked about politics all the time, bro.

Most white people are good. Pollution is mostly caused by Indians, Chinese folks, and various other non-white groups. White people are doing everything they can to save the world thru innovative means

I read things from people I disagree with all the time. It usually humanizes them and makes me hate less. I think people should try it more.

You were thinking of Saramago, weren't you?


he looks mixed race, very jewish

Spencerian/individualist anarchist IIRC. But I have a feeling that he just used that in order not to align himself or talk politics at all.

Absolute bullshit. Where I live is 99% white and nobody gives a fuck about the environment.

I don't understand why criticizing the Basque is even a thing.
Maybe a Hispanic nationalist will hate the independentist ones, but why would an Argentinian even hold that opinion?

>basques are dumb
you know, he was not wrong there

have you even read him

Lots of basque inmigration to latin america. Basques (and people of Basque origin) are notoriously proud of their homeland and culture, even though many feel that their only remarkable feat is avoiding being conquered by dwelling on godforsaken mountains and spending millenia making sheep cheese.

Source: am of Basque ascendence myself

There are a lot Basque descendants in Argentina. Maybe he was tired of hearing how proud they were of their Basque ancestry.

Trucks don't harm the environment and Europe and North America are doing no damage to the environment. You're out of your element cause you don't understand how the turd world lives like.

>Europe and North America are doing no harm to the environment
citations, please


India is literally hell on earth cause of how unclean the people

>High concentrations are found in several European countries

He's from Argentina, and the only statement that could trigger some snowflakes (in modern times) is the one about women. Fuck niggers.

Fortunately for you universities are revamping English education to be about finding the unpopular opinions of writers and crucifying them for it rather than reading books.

Googling these quotes brings up this source.
This article cites the quotes from a book of interviews by journalist Rodolfo Braceli. I can't find any other online source with these quotes so I'm gonna assume you got them here.

Really tired of the pol shitposts were they larp as sjws.

>lets collectivvly dismiss a person because of thing they said or did hurrrrr burr durr

>tfw when I'm a Basque

Was an assfag
Some friend of him recalled that the only thing Borges missed since he became blind was watching "culos" in the streets

Exactly. Nobody in this thread wanted to discuss literature, they just wanted to use Borges's name to bitch about political correctness. Such disingenuous horseshit

>Some friend of him recalled that the only thing Borges missed since he became blind was watching "culos" in the streets

Unironically adding Borges to my to-read list now.

absolutely based and redpilled

>Really tired of the pol shitposts were they larp as sjws.
lmao, how new are you? The exact opposite (leftists pretending to be /pol/) has happened for the last few years way more often. I'll say the same thing that leftist trash said when you guys were doing this: stop being paranoid bro, the OP is exactly how they act.