Can you be "good at reading" ?

can you be "good at reading" ?
>brb reading levels are a myth
>brb theres probably one or two books in the world that require you to need thesaurus and theres nothing hard about them, rather the author is a pretentious faggot
>brb words are words, how can you be better than someone else at reading them?
I mean, against someone who is'nt mentally handicapped i'm sure everyones reading level is the same shit. fucking lol are at wasting your time on reading as a "skill". read to read.

Drawing is the superior skill, the only skill.

Attached: CIPSidewalk.jpg (320x240, 24K)

What do you think brb means?

just trying to spice up my thread content you faggot. everyone calls me out when i use 'brb' i am still learning how to use it

>brb i fucked you're mom

I'm genuinely curious what you think brb means/implies? I'm not trying to be rude.

2014 vintage weirdtwitterposting, stale

funny posting, ambiguous posting, not stale

i read it as brb meaning something like

"ok fine then, what about X"
"alright, X"
"basically, here's why... X"

That doesn't make any sense though. You're legitimately the first person I've ever seen use brb and not mean "be right back".

also kind of like stating a super obvious point that is so obvious i have to go afk while typing it, like brb i fucked your mom = its so unimportant to m e that i went somewhere very quickly and Be'd Right back

That still makes no sense in the context of the original post.

brb fuck off

obvi bait but if not, i am very worried so will reply semi seriously

you are mentally retarded which is further shown through you saying drawing is superior - your lack of understanding for reading into allusions which a lot of higher writing does or reading arguments is disgusting but i wouldn't expect anything from anyone who believes what you do.

bad shit posting

pure comment

retarded. Wanting attention. Does your mom not show you enough?

no sense again, fucking retard desu kys faggot monkey and i'll draw your lifeless corpse

Yes of course you can
What a silly question

I feel like I'm a slow reader, but maybe it's because the last two books I read were the idiot and Moby-dick
Somedays though my mind is on fire and grasps info tremendously, but most days I feel retarded, sometimes I even try to read aloud passages with emotion just to get into the zone again

wtf lol chill

brb based weirdo schizo poster

Good post.

I'm convinced this poster is actually OP.

Op are you ok? why diagnose yourself like that and make a fool of yourself on this board

utter idiot

What did you think of The Idiot?

This thread is hilarious

OP here, just report op. fucking weirdo

>hermeneutics is just made up nonsense the words just mean what they mean *dabs*

Genius trolling

>this brb usage
Made me chuckle

Absolutely based


based and brbpilled

this brb shit is unironically making my throat hurt from laughing so hard

this, I have the idiot but not sure if I should read it

Brb guys

>brb reading levels are a myth

How does your brain even think like this lol

>it's the autistic "brb" user again with another horse-shit thread
stop breathing any time


Unironically refer to Adler's How to Read a Book.


how do you even level up your reading level do you have to read 30 books a week

Its unusual for a public sidewalk to get a deep edge like that. Very nice landscaping, someone is going above and beyond the call of duty.

Chuckle from me

>deep edge

I only know birb from Yea Forums.