Hey post how many pages you’ve read today

Hey post how many pages you’ve read today.

First book - 14 pages
Second book - 3 pages
Third book - 5 pages
Fourth book - 5 pages

27 pages total. Not bad. How about all of you guys?

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Dishonest reader


>reading 4 books at once
Multitasking is a female meme. Stop it.

second book 3 pages lol. "Not bad."

I like your style OP. Neurotically pretending to be productive is out, patting your own back over your scatterbrained laziness is in.

This has got to be bait. What fucking retarded little gnome reads 3 pages of a book at a time.

You're like little baby OP. I read no more than two sentences for each book every day.

Based. In my case i only read short books. I have a rule against anything that exceeds 150 pages. If you think about it, all other arts can communicate their point in minutes, hours rarely. Only literature has you sitting days reading a 500 tome only for you to discover that save for a few excerpts, the book wasn't worth at all. So i won't read anything that excess 150 pages, non fiction included. I have carried out a plan of reading 25 philosophy/essay books, 25 fiction books, 25 literature books, 25 history books and 25 non fiction/ miscellaneous books, so i can read 100 books this year (none of them surpassing 150 pages of course). I've arranged them by order of page, the fewest of which is 37 pages, and i've read more or less like this:

7 pages from the 37 pages book (i've read the first chapter).
5 pages from a 45 pages book
3 pages from a 78 pages book
1 page from a 92 pages book

This was in the course of 40 minutes. If i keep the pace, slowly but surely, i'll finish my goal at the end of this year.

>I read books because I wan to be respected

>25 literature books
Meant "25 literary criticism books"

It's not about respect, but about productivity, and making the most out of your time. There's simply no reason for you to go and read the Illiad and spend days reading 400 pages when you could get the abridged version with pictures.


It was Ptolemy’s Almagest. There are certain pages in the Almagest which take me a half hour per page.

That’s normal. When you read primary texts that’s how it is sometimes

I figuratively can't read.
I read about 4 pages, then I take a break, and by break I mean I read 4 pages each day. Please help.

I assume OP is joking but I've actually seen people talk about how they've read 2-3 pages of a book per day like it's something that makes sense. Maybe he isn't joking because I've seen people here in Goodreads threads who may finish a book every other month or so. I don't know why they bother.

I read 748 pages today.

Stop reading 4 pages a time you attention deficient mother fucker then you'll no longer be habituated towards it. Go chapter by chapter.

only 30 but it's just 1pm here

It’s 8 20 am here. Good night

It’s complex non-fiction. That’s pretty much all I read. See

This copypasta topic keeps on getting people angry, it's brilliant OP. Keep it up.

I love it because it’s just me reading extremely hard literature at the appropriate pace: carefully. But no one here seems to do that.

10 pages of a complex mathematical proof should take you an hour depending on what you’re reading.